Console Commands to Cyberware Capacity
If you don’t want to bother with “cyberware capacity” you can use this command on cet console and can be free.
- Downlowd the Cyber Engine Tweaks (NexusMods)
- Use the following console commands:
For Legendary Cyberware Capacity Shard 1:
Game.AddToInventory("Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_Legendary", 1)
For Epic Cyberware Capacity Shard 1:
Game.AddToInventory("Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_Epic", 1)
For Rare Cyberware Capacity Shard 1:
Game.AddToInventory("Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_Rare", 1)
You can change this value if you want.
Example: (“Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_Rare”, 5)
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