How to Get Forbidden Weapons (Bitsplit, RPEG-33, Persuader)
Step 1: Basic Saves
Warning: This method adds every weapon and armor game to your inventory. Use carefully!
If you don’t want to do all the steps, I can give you ready-made save files instead. Your save files are in this folder:
Make a backup of your saves before you change anything. I have two save files you can use:
- WeaponsOnly: Has only three special weapons. Starts in the Warrens, Cluster 13.
- IntroAllWeaponsAndGears: Has all weapons and gear from the August 2021 version. Starts at the very beginning of the game.
You can get these files here (Google Drive, 30 Kb).
To do this yourself, you need two tools:
- Steam Console: to download an older version of the game.
- UUU (Universal Unreal Engine Unlocker): to turn on the game’s developer console.
Step 2: Downloading
Save your game in an old area first. New areas might cause problems.
Open Steam console:
- Press Win+R
- Type steam://open/console
- Type this: download_depot 979690 979691 1974478407244271281

After it downloads, rename your game folder. Put the new old version in its spot.
Step 3: Cheating
Start your game and open your saved file. Run UUU and pick The Ascent process, then Inject. Press the ~ key to open the console in the game.

Type these two commands:
- EnableCheats 1
- NG_GiveAllItems 0 1

Look at your weapons to make sure they’re all there. The RPEG-33 from PS4 is called En Bomb in this version of game (old build).
Delete your old game folder. Rename your new game folder to what the old one was called. This lets Steam find the game.
You can now use the new secret weapons. This change should stay in your saved file, so you won’t need to do this again.
Exclusive Weapons:

I hope this was helpful to you!
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