Table of Contents
Cheat Codes Guide
This post contains a list of cheat codes for Age of Mythology: Retold game. If you’ve discovered a cheat you’d like to add to the page, or have a correction, please comment.
Resource Cheats
- DEVASD: Gives you 10,000 of all resources, faster work speed, more population limit, unlimited god power uses, creates 3 UFOs, removes fog of war, and makes scout units move faster. Using it again resets scout speed.
- ATM OF EREBUS: 1,000 Gold
- JUNK FOOD NIGHT: 1,000 Food
- MOUNT OLYMPUS: 1,000 Favor
- ENGINEERED GRAIN: Makes herd animals grow instantly
- STONKS: Adds 10,000 Food, Wood, Gold and Favor
Unit Cheats
- FOOTY: Creates a football and a Mountain Giant to kick it
- PIECE CARTS?: Creates Osiris god
- KRO NO!: Creates Kronos god/titan
- BIG PROMO: Creates Prometheus god/titan
- MOTHER NATURE: Creates Gaia god/titan
- I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1!: Creates 100 monkeys at your Town Center
- WUV WOO: Creates a Flying Purple Hippo at your Town Center
- TINES OF POWER: Creates a Forkboy at your Town Center
- O CANADA: Creates a Lazer Bear at your Town Center
- BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK: Creates Bella the Superdog
- TITANOMACHY: Creates a Titan
- ISIS HEAR MY PLEA: Creates heroes from the Fall of the Trident campaign
- ATLANTIS REBORN: Creates heroes from The New Atlantis campaign
- SET ASCENDANT: See all animals on the map
- TINFOIL HAT: Randomly changes ownership of all units on the map
- WRATH OF CYCLONE: Turns all non-Nature units into Titans
- MR.MONDAY: Gives Titan AI a big advantage
God Power Cheats
- GREEK TO ME: Get four random Greek God Powers
- N.D. NILE: Get four random Egyptian God Powers
- OF NORSE NOT!: Get four random Norse God Powers
- HOTLANTIS: Get four random Atlantean God Powers
- DIVINE INTERVENTION: Adds one use to all current god powers
- PANDORAS BOX: Get four random god powers from any group
- ZENOS PARADOX: Get four random god powers from any group
- WRATH OF THE GODS: Get unlimited uses of Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado
- GOATUNHEIM: Turns all units into goats
- FEAR THE FORAGE: Get power to make berry bushes walk
- BAWK BAWK BOOM: Get power to make explosive chickens fall from sky
Other Cheats
- ZAP EM: Idle villagers get hit by lightning after 15 seconds
- METEOR ROULETTE: Hits a random unit with a meteor and shows you
- CLEAR SKIES: Shows entire map, use again to hide
- LAY OF THE LAND: Shows the map
- THRILL OF VICTORY: Wins the game instantly
- CHANNEL SURFING: Skips to next story scene
- L33T SUPA H4X0R: Makes everything 100 times faster
- LETS GO! NOW!: Makes game twice as fast
- CONSIDER THE INTERNET: Slows down the game
- RED TIDE: Makes water red and kills all fish
- IN DARKEST NIGHT: Changes lighting in four different ways
- RESET BUTTON: Removes all units and buildings except main bases
Thanks for reading the guide, I hope it was helpful to you!
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