Can I Play My Old Maps in Stronghold:DE?
Yes, all maps from the original Stronghold can be played in Stronghold: Definitive Edition.
All you need to do is copy your maps from the original maps folder to the new Stronghold: Definitive Edition maps folder location:
- Browse to the original Stronghold maps folder. Default location is:
- \Documents\Stronghold\Maps
- Select and copy all the maps you wish to transfer.
- Browse to the new Stronghold: Definitive Editions maps folder. Default location is:
- C:\Users\{username}\AppData\LocalLow\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 1 Definitive Edition\Maps
- Alterntively click on the “Open Settings Folder” within the in-game “Game Options” to open the folder.
- Paste the maps into the new folder.
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