If your just starting off this will get you off to a good start.
Tips for New Players
Look closely at the track of the quest you have in front of you. You can usually see what you will be doing later down the line and this is one of those games that only counts what you are doing when you have the quest.
So! If you see you have a quest down your track coming up that is about leveling up your Mercs, then dont level them up until you get there.
This is one of those mobile type games that makes you feel like you have infinite resources and can do everything and then your experience will suddenly feel like the opposite of that.
So be wary of your resources smutty friends and think a-head.
Examples of types of quest tracks that seems to be looping around so far:
- Level up mercenaries x times.
- Gain gems x amount.
- Open up crates (from dailies and battles) x amount.
- Find “shards”(cards to level up cards) x amount.
- Recruit (buy card packs with gems or tokens you get from ex. my code) x times.
- Spend the resource for leveling up cards x amount (big one to save on, since they get increasingly harder).
Then there is an event you get pretty early where you need to specifically find certain cards in drops or certain rarity.
And then lastly there are quests that are super-easy as they are always doable as winning battles and dropping out your cards etc.
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