We love cheats, we love Black Mesa game. Do you love it too, as we do? If the answer is yes, then welcome to our Black Mesa guide. This quick tutorial contains all the cheat codes.
How to Enable Console
Before we start:
- Open the game > Go to Keyboard Settings
- Go to Advance > Enable Developers Console
Now, open the console by pressing the Tilde key [~] on your keyboard, then enter the following command:
- sv_cheats 1
Console Commands (Cheats)
- god – God Mode!
- impulse 101 – All Weapons & ammo.
- impulse 105 – Enemies can’t hear you.
- notarget – Enemies don’t attack you.
- chase_active 1 – 3rd person perspective.
- sv_gravity X – Change gravity.
- npc_kill – Kill them all!
How to Spawn Weapons / Items
If you want to get any weapon or item, just use the cheat command below:
- give [weapon / item name]
- Crowbar: weapon_crowbar
- Pistol: weapon_glock
- Revolver: weapon_357
- SMG: weapon_mp5
- Shotgun: weapon_shotgun
- Crossbow: weapon_crossbow
- RPG: weapon_rpg
- Tau Cannon: weapon_tau
- Gluon Gun: weapon_gluon
- Hivehand: weapon_hivehand
- Grenade: weapon_frag
- Satchel: weapon_satchel
- Tripmine: weapon_tripmine
- Snark: weapon_snark
- Pistol: item_ammo_glock
- Revolver: item_ammo_357
- SMG clip: item_ammo_mp5
- SMG grenade: item_grenade_mp5
- Shotgun: item_ammo_shotgun
- Crossbow: item_ammo_crossbow
- RPG: item_grenade_rpg
- Tau/Gluon: item_ammo_energy
- Grenade: item_weapon_frag
- Satchel: item_weapon_satchel
- Tripmine: item_weapon_tripmine
- Snark: item_weapon_snark
- Suit: item_suit
- Long Jump Module: item_longjump
- Medkit: item_healthkit
- Suit battery: item_battery
How to Spawn NPCs / Enemies
If you want to spawn any NPC or enemy, just use the cheat command below:
- npc_create [name]
Black Mesa NPCs:
- npc_human_scientist
- npc_human_scientist_female
- npc_human_scientist_eli
- npc_human_scientist_kleiner
- npc_human_security
- npc_zombie_scientist
- npc_zombie_scientist_torso
- npc_zombie_security
- npc_zombie_grunt
- npc_zombie_hev
Military and Black Ops:
- npc_human_grunt
- npc_human_medic
- npc_human_commander
- npc_human_grenadier
- npc_human_assassin
- npc_sniper
- npc_snark
- npc_headcrab
- npc_houndeye
- npc_bullsquid
- npc_ichthyosaur
- npc_alien_slave
- npc_alien_grunt
- npc_alien_grunt_unarmored
- npc_alien_controller
- npc_gargantua
- npc_tentacle
- npc_houndeye_suicide
- npc_alien_grunt_elite
- npc_xentree
- npc_xenturret
- npc_gonarch
- npc_protozoan
- npc_baby_headcrab
- npc_sentry_ceiling
- npc_sentry_ground
- npc_abrams
- npc_lav
- npc_apache
- npc_osprey
How to Change Map
If you want to change the map, just use the cheat command below:
- map [name]
List of Maps:
- d1_canals_01
- d1_canals_02
- d1_canals_end
- d1_tempanals_02
- d1_town_01
- d1_town_02
- d1_town_03
- d1_town_04
- d1_town_05
- d1_trainstation_01
- d1_trainstation_02
- d1_trainstation_03
- d1_trainstation_05
- d1_under_01
- d1_under_02
- d1_under_03
- d1_under_04
- d2_coast_01
- d2_coast_02
- d2_coast_03
- d2_coast_04
- d2_coast_04_dx60
- d2_coast_05
- d2_coast_06
- d2_coast_07
- d2_coast_08
- d2_prison_01
- d2_prison_02
- d2_prison_03
- d2_prison_04
- d2_prison_05
- d3_c17_03
- d3_c17_04
- d3_c17_05
- d3_c17_06a
- d3_c17_06b
- d3_c17_07
One Console Command to Get All Items
Open console and paste the following:
alias impulse_101 "give item_suit; give item_longjump; give weapon_crowbar; give weapon_glock; give weapon_357; give weapon_mp5; give weapon_shotgun; give weapon_crossbow; give weapon_rpg; give weapon_gluon; give weapon_tau; give weapon_hivehand; give weapon_frag; give weapon_satchel; give weapon_tripmine; give weapon_snark; give item_healthkit; give item_battery"
Then, type:
- impulse_101
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