How to Enable Console
Start the AoW4 game, then use one of the following key combinations:
- Ctrl+Alt+C
- Ctrl+Shift+C
Once it’s open, enter the desired cheat code and hit Enter to activate it.
It is not available during games with more than one human player. The difficulty advantage for pantheon advancement is eliminated while using cheats.
Console Commands (Cheats)
allheroes | Adds all offmap heroes to the recruitment pool. |
barentz | Explores the entire map and toggles vision over it. |
coehoorn | Breaches the walls of the selected besieged city. |
cruijff | Toggles infinite move points. |
demonen | Adds -20 alignment. |
dokterwie | Increases the turn counter by 1. |
eendracht | Increases the Build the Beacons of Unity counter for Expansion Victory. |
eenheid | Fulfills the Occupy Provinces objective for Expansion Victory. |
engelen | Adds +20 alignment. |
freepop | Adds +1 population to the selected city. |
genhero | Generates a random offmap hero. |
gencrypthero | Generates a random hero in crypt. |
genprisonhero | Generates a random hero in prison. |
hauer | Levels up all heroes and units in the selected army. |
hein | Triggers victory. |
huygens | Unlocks empire development if not already unlocked and gain one level in each affinity. |
iamgod | Toggles auto-win in auto-combat |
ikbedoelalles | Toggles knowing all spells. |
improverelation | Advance to the next allegiance level with the selected free city. |
instantskills | Toggles instant research. |
leeuwenhoek | Finishes the current research. |
makeally | Forms an alliance with the selected city’s empire. |
makeangry | Adds -100 relations for 20 turns with the selected city’s empire. |
makecoop | Sets relation with the selected free city to Pact of Cooperation. |
makehappy | Adds +100 relations for 20 turns with the selected city’s empire. |
makeintegrated | Integrates the selected free city. |
makeloyal | Sets relation with the selected free city to Pact of Loyalty. |
makeneutral | Ends war with the selected city’s empire. |
makevassal | The selected city’s empire becomes a vassal. |
makewar | Starts a war with the selected city’s empire (war justification balance effects apply). |
martin | Toggles 999 hero cap. |
masterskills | Researches everything. |
oldenbarnevelt | Gives 100000 imperium. |
optimalprime | Toggles instant spell casting. |
philips | Toggles instant production. |
questmaster | Toggles quests. |
rallythelieges | Starts the next Rally of the Lieges. |
rembrandt | Gives 100000 gold and mana. |
ruijter | Adds one of each hero item. |
spaargaren | Unlocks empire development if not already unlocked. |
tasman | Explores the entire map. |
unexplore | Unexplores the entire map. |
verdoemenis | Increases the Build the Affinity Province Improvements counter for Magic Victory. |
voorhees | Toggles infinite skill points. |
warlord | Declares war on all factions. |
willem | Triggers defeat. |
demo | Activates masterskills, philips and rembrandt at the same time. |
flyingdutchman | Activates cruijff, barentz and rembrandt at the same time. |
defeat1 | Triggers defeat. |
defeat2 | Triggers defeat. |
defeat3 | Triggers defeat. |
defeat4 | Triggers defeat. |
defeat5 | Triggers defeat. |
victory1 | Triggers victory. |
victory2 | Triggers victory. |
victory3 | Triggers victory. |
victory4 | Triggers victory. |
medic | Heals the selected army. |
switch_tm | Switches between classing and simultaneous turns. |
Note: Even though Age of Wonders 4 may not be the most difficult strategy game ever created, using cheats can still significantly lessen the difficulty of combat.
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