Side Character Routes
In the same order as they appear in the in-game list.
The Menko girl, she will be in the secret base by the park at morning and afternoon. For the rest of the day she’s at home, but you can’t go there until much later.
You can meet her immediately once you are free to move around on December 25th. Go to where the candy shop is, from there go up to the park and up again through the hole in the wall.
Enter the secret base and watch the meet up event. Now you have to defeat all 3 people in the base in Menko, once that’s done talk to her again. You can now start her route but you must wait for the next day to see her first event.
- Affection 20: Your character must at least be level 5, go to her, now beat all 3 of them again, after that click on her once more.
- Affection 40: Go to her, she will tell to meet with her again at dusk, so do other things until dusk and go to secret base again. Service is now possible, if she’s alone. You have to wait until the next day to progress further.
- Affection 60: Just play a round of Menko with her. Sex is now possible if she’s alone.
Okay, the Menko hunter storyline starts now. You can bring her affection up to 80 now but you need to complete this storyline before you can continue with her route. You will also meet one of the new girls during this storyline, but more on that later.
First defeat the 3 Menko hunters that show up around town. The 1st can be found at morning and afternoon in front of the apartments near the candy shop. The 2nd is at the shrine during dusk. The 3rd is at the levee during evening. Now wait until the next morning, then go to Akari. Her mother, Hikari, will show up and after this Akari won’t come to the secret base anymore, for now.
Do other things until the next day. During dusk the next day go to the restrooms in the park to find Akari on the bench. She will ask you to find and help her mom. The game tells you to find her in the late night but it’s actually during evening. So during evening go up the mountain to find Hikari with 3 other Menko hunters. You will enter another Menko battle, but only one this time. You’ll also earn your first affection points for Hikari.
The next day go to the park during morning or afternoon to find Akari and Hikari with the Menko hunter boss. This will take the rest of the current time period so I suggest going during morning. The following battle is scripted, so don’t worry about winning or losing. The next day you can finally continue with Akari’s route and start Hikari’s route.
- Affection 80: Go to her, she will tell to meet with her again at dusk, so do other things until dusk and go to secret base again. You have to wait until the next day to progress further after that.
- Affection 100: Just go to her.
The P.E. teacher, once you ran into her she will always be in her apartment. From the candy shop go right and then up, apartment 203, on the upper right. The door is open during morning, afternoon and dusk but will be locked during evening and late night, but that doesn’t mean you can’t visit her. In other words: Get the lockpicking skill. But it doesn’t always work.
You can meet her immediately once you are free to move around on December 25th. Until you run into her she will be jogging around town. During morning she will be in front of the condo building. During afternoon you’ll find her in front of the candy shop.
During dusk you’ll find her at the foot of the mountain. Either way, once you ran into her she will invite you to her apartment. Here you can do training with her, this won’t improve your stamina but you’ll get XP. The controls in the tutorial are unfortunately wrong, you need to hold left click for 4 dings, release, hold again, rinse and repeat, but watch your stamina. Your score will be converted 1:1 to XP.
- Affection 20: Do some training and after that just click on her.
- Affection 40: From here on you’ll need the lockpicking skill. Go to her apartment building at evening, open the lock, enjoy the scene and Kagami’s embarrassment. Sex is now possible. After this she will show you the door and you can’t get back in. Return the next morning and do some training.
- Affection 60: Okay, where to get a new sex toy for her? Well, believe it or not, go fishing at the river. Once you fished the toy, give it to her, it’s under items. Now do something else until it’s evening again. Pick the lock again and have fun.
- Affection 80: Unfortunately you’ll have to do something else until the next morning after getting her affection to 80 before we can progress with her. Okay, the next morning there’s a package on her table. You also might need to clean the room but this was already checked in my case. Anyway, click on the package.
- Affection 100: Okay, now you need an eye mask, you need the treasure hunter skill for that. I found one in Yui’s closet. And again you’ll have to do something else until the next morning after getting the mask and her affection to 100. The next morning go to her apartment again. The event will go until afternoon. After the event you will always be able to enter her apartment.
The fortune teller, she will be on the bridge on the main road during morning and afternoon. For the rest of the day she will be in her apartment but you can’t go there for now. Go to the main road, where the vegetables shop and the lottery are, from there go up.
The game will actually tell when you can meet her the first time, it’s from December 27th onwards. She wants your help to get more customers but it doesn’t go as planned and she will leave. You can’t do anything about it for now, so do something else for the rest of the day. She will be back the next morning but you need to find a way to help her before you can progress.
This will kinda be the affection 20 event, even though her affection is still below 20, unless you gave her gifts. Anyway, do something else until evening, now go to the shrine and up the road to find a man on the bench. Talk to him and tell him about Mizuki. The next morning go to Mizuki again.
- Affection 40: Now you need to find 3 new customers for her. The 1st is a girl in the candy shop during morning and afternoon, you need to watch Shizuku’s meet up event first. The 2nd is a woman at the mountain during dusk. The 3rd is a man on the bench by the park restrooms, you’ll find him during evening. The next morning go to Mizuki again. Service is now possible and you can go to her apartment, 101 on the lower left. She will be there for the rest of the day. It will be locked during evening and late night.
- Affection 60: Go to her on the bridge again, but she will be surrounded by customers, no chance of talking to her. Do something else until dusk, then go to her apartment. Sex is now possible.
- Affection 80: Go to her apartment the next day during afternoon. The event will go until dusk. She won’t leave her apartment anymore, so now you need to find 3 items, you need the treasure hunter skill for one of them. Get a cap up in a tree in the park, for some reason it’s only there during morning. Find sunglasses in Rio’s closet and finally a mask, you can get that from the lottery. Once you have all that go chat with her a bit, then click on her again after the chat.
- Affection 100: After getting her affection to 100 you need to do other things until the next morning, then go to her again. After the event you will always be able to enter her apartment.
The researcher, she will be camping on the rear part of the riverbank (which is called river beach for some reason), sitting by or in her tent. Unlike the other girls, you can visit her at any time of the day, but of course she will be sleeping during late night.
If you’re playing a new game (not NG+), which I assume for this guide, she won’t appear until you progressed a bit with Miyuki. So get Miyuki’s affection to 20, do the dishwashing minigame and get the event where Miyuki tells you to buy some ingredients. Now go to the river and then to the right, she should sit in her chair next to the tent. Watch the meet up event.
Okay, to get her events you’ll only have to give her dishes that you made and of course the right affection level. Now here comes the grind part, because getting everything you’ll need is a lot of work.
To cook you need ingredients, getting those costs money. You’ll also need more recipes to cook more dishes. From Miyuki we already have the recipe for curry. A good way to earn money is from the part time waiter job. That job is unlocked after Suzuka’s meet up event. So go to the main road, you should have enough money from Miyuki to buy 2 carrots, 2 onions and 2 potatoes.
Now go up, you’ll see the restaurant with a waiter standing in front of it. Talk to him to get the job. At first you’ll most likely make mistakes but once you’re getting good at this minigame you can easily make over 3.000 Yen per shift plus you’ll unlock more recipes. I’d suggest you play several shifts in a row to get the hang of it. Each shift will take several hours and send you to the next day time period, you can work 4 shifts per day, if you want.
Beside the ingredients you can buy at the shop on the main road you’ll also need rare ingredients. The next morning go to the mountain and up, there should be a weird guy with a plant pot instead of a head. There are 2 ways to get the rare ingredients, either do a hike up the mountain or ask him to collect some for you.
Hiking has the bonus of raising your maximum stamina, but it also costs a lot of stamina and will send you to the next day time period. Sending him costs money, but you can send him 3 times, the more you pay the more you get from him and it won’t progress time. The choice is yours.
After you’ve met Wild Green guy you can also find him in his apartment during evening, number 202 next to Kagami. So if you have enough money just visit him at evening and buy lots of ingredients.
And finally you’ll also need fish for some dishes, so get some bait from the candy shop and go fishing at the river and the levee and pray to the RNG gods to get the fishes you need.
Okay, once you have really everything you need go to any campfire place, like the one by Suzuka’s tent, and click on it to start the cooking minigame. I have actually no idea how this minigame works but I always succeeded. Just try to hit left mouse while the cursor is on the orange or yellow part and then just wait for time to run out.
Here are the good news, you don’t have to cook every single possible dish. You only need one dish per star level, so if you still don’t have everything for one of the 3 star dishes for example just select another 3 star recipe.
- Affection 20: Give her a 1 star dish. Now do something else until the next morning.
- Affection 40: Give her a 2 star dish. Service is now possible. Now do something else until the next morning.
- Affection 60: Give her a 3 star dish. Sex is now possible. Now do something else until the next morning. Go to her again and watch the event.
- Affection 80: Give her a 4 star dish. Now do something else until dusk, then go to her again. After the event talk to her again to unlock the hotspring behind her camping site. Now do something else until the next morning.
- Affection 100: Talk to her during evening, even though the game says dusk.
The candy shop girl, she will be in the candy shop during morning and afternoon, the rest of the day she will be at home. Her home is in the candy shop building, but you can’t access the other rooms for now.
For her events you’ll need Dwitter on Rio’s laptop, which can be accessed in Rio’s room from the very first day. As for Shizuku, you can meet her immediately once you are free to move around on December 25th. Go to the candy shop and watch the meet up event. Now get her mood to 50 and take a photo of her.
- Affection 20: The next morning don’t go to the candy shop but to Rio’s laptop and start Dwitter. If you’re alone in the room you can jerk off to Shizuku’s “message”. Now go to the candy shop and talk to her.
- Affection 40: Get her mood to 50, now do something else until the next morning, then check Dwitter again. If you’re alone in the room you can jerk off to Shizuku’s “message”. You can go to the Candy shop right now, but she will only remind of your “appointment”. The game says to go to the candy shop during evening but it’s actually during dusk, she will be standing at the alley next to the candy shop. Service is now possible, but you can’t really do anything when she’s in the shop.
- Affection 60: Get her mood to 50, now do something else until the next morning, then check Dwitter again. You can now access the “hidden folder” on Rio’s laptop to fap to posts of Shizuku and get some memory points. And you get access to the back door of the candy shop, it’s through the alley where Shizuku was waiting for you the day before, but for now you can’t enter the building at will. Go to the back door during evening. You can now ask her for sex when she’s in the shop.
- Affection 80: Get her mood to 50, now do something else until the next morning, then check Dwitter again. You can’t have sex at Shizuku’s home anymore, so you need to find a another place. You can go and talk to her but she doesn’t have any ideas either. Don’t worry, the guide comes to the rescue. Go to the park restrooms and use the middle urinal to relieve yourself. Okay, apparently a public restroom is a relaxing place. Who would have thought? Anyway, return home and use Rio’s laptop to tell Shizuku about your idea. After that you can go talk to her at the candy shop for a few extra lines, but it’s not necessary. During dusk she will wait for you in front of the park restrooms. After the event you will be able to enter through the back door of the candy shop whenever you want, and of course her back door too.
- Affection 100: As usual, get her mood to 50, now do something else until the next morning, then check Dwitter again. The love hotel is now unlocked. From the main road go up, then left and through the alley. You can enter and start her final event immediately. After the event check Dwitter once more. You can now invite any girl whose route you completed to the love hotel. Oh, and you can have sex with Shizuku at her home again.
The lonely housewife, she will be in her condo most of the time, but you need her invitation before you can enter there. And you can’t enter her condo on Saturday and Sunday. To get to the condo building go to the main road and then go up twice. You’ll need the nightwalker skill for two events.
For her to appear at all you need 2 things first. You must have met Kagami and you must unlock the love hotel by completing Shizuku’s route. Once that is done go to the condo building during morning to see her with her husband. If she’s not there right after you finished Shizuku’s route just try again the next morning. Anyway, click on them for the first short event.
Now do something else until the next morning, then go to the levee. Talk to her for the meet up event. She will be sitting at the levee until the affection 20 event happened.
- Affection 20: Get her mood to 50, then click on her again. You can now enter her condo during morning, afternoon and dusk.
- Affection 40: After getting her affection to 40 you need to do other things until the next morning, then go to her again. Service is now possible.
- Affection 60: After getting her affection to 60 you need to do other things until the next morning, then go to her at the levee. You will not get much from her besides a lot of sighing. Now do other things until late night and then go to the love hotel. You’ll find her husband with another woman, take a photo. The next morning go to the condo building and ring her doorbell. The event will go until evening. Sex is now possible.
- Affection 80: After getting her affection to 80 you need to do other things until dusk, even though the game says evening. Then go to her again. The event will go until evening. The next morning talk to her, then do other things until morning the next day. Now use Dwitter on Rio’s laptop. If you’re alone in the room you can jerk off to Kanae’s “message”. Now go to her.
- Affection 100: After getting her affection to 100 you need to do other things until the next morning, then check Dwitter again. Now do other things until late night and then go to the condo building, you will be able to enter. You can now enter her condo anytime, except on Saturday and Sunday.
The former Menko pro player and Akari’s mother. She will be in the same condo building as Kanae most of the time. In case you skipped Kanae: To get to the condo building go to the main road and then go up twice.
For her to appear you need to play Akari’s route through the Menko hunter storyline, which happens between Akari’s affection 60 and 80 events. You’ll meet her during that storyline but can’t start her route until the storyline is completed.
You will also need both fishing skills and some fishing bait for one of her events. Once all that is done go to the main road the next day, she will be standing in front of the vegetables and lottery stall. This will be the official meet up event, even though you already met her. And you should automatically have reached affection 20 with her so you can continue immediately.
- Affection 20: You can now enter her condo during morning, afternoon and dusk. During dusk you can also interact with Akari in the condo, but you can’t have sex with her here for now. Anyway, go to the condo building and ring her doorbell, after the event chat with her about hobbies 3 times. Now do other things until the next morning, even though the game says afternoon. But the event will go until afternoon.
- Affection 40: Go to her during afternoon, the event will go until dusk. Now do other things for the rest of the day and go to sleep to see another event. The next morning go to the condo building and ring her doorbell.
- Affection 60: Go to her during afternoon, the event will go until dusk. Service is now possible if Akari is not at home.
- Affection 80: Go to her during afternoon, the event will go until dusk. Sex is now possible if Akari is not at home.
- Affection 100: Have sex with her during afternoon, now do other things until the next day. The event should start automatically the next morning. You can now enter her condo whenever you want and can have sex with her or Akari in the condo anytime, even if they are in the same room.
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