The Last Starship – Fighters (Ship Guide)


Fighters are small ships that can attach to the outer hull of a ship. Currently, fighters are only usable by hostile ships designed to carry them and seem unable to re-attach to the launching ship after a battle ends.

Players will encounter fighters while completing Combat contracts or in systems labeled as hostile. They are small and agile but generally do minor damage individually. Gatling guns appear to be the most efficient way to fight them off.

When you create a fighter using Debug, it will always be an enemy that attacks you. If you try to put fighters on your own ship through save file editing, they still won’t be friendly. The fighters will launch themselves when someone attacks their carrier ship. They’ll keep attacking that enemy until they destroy it. After that, they’ll turn around and start attacking your ship.

A fighter flying through space

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 230 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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