Items that can be received, purchased, or created in the game and placed on a player’s ship.
Air Reprocessor
The Air Reprocessor takes piped CO2 and converts it into oxygen when powered. It does not take CO2 out of the atmosphere. The oxygen output can be fed into an airduct or tank.
It stores 25 CO2 in ca. 9.3 s, if the output is blocked. If the output is unblocked, the air reprocessor produces 25 oxygen in ca. 8.5 s and delivers it through its output. It converts ca. 2.5 CO2 into ca. 2.5 oxygen per second, therefore its conversion ratio is 1:1.

An Airduct releases oxygen into the atmosphere of the internal section of the ship’s main deck and habitation deck when powered.
It uses 1 power per second during charging and while at rest, when in use it uses 9 power
Air Supply
On full capacity, it supplies 10 oxygen per second to the atmosphere. When the atmosphere is saturated, the airduct supplies just enough oxygen, to keep it that way, if possible. As one person needs ca. 4 oxygen per minute, ca. one airduct is needed for every 150 people aboard a starship.asd
Currently an airduct will use a little bit more oxygen then needed for maintaining a saturated atmosphere. Therefore, having more airducts (connected) than needed, introduces an oxygen leak, wasting a variable amount of it.

Batteries are bought from traders, and are connected to the power grid via Cables. Each battery stores up to 1000 power.

Canisters are like storage boxes that hold your ship’s resources. You can get the resources out in two ways:
- Connect pipes and loaders to pull out what you need
- Sometimes you attach the canister directly to machines (like the FTL Drive)
When you use up everything in a canister, it vanishes. If you have another canister with the same stuff, it will appear in its place automatically.
Important things to know:
- You can’t make new canisters
- You can’t refill empty ones
- For liquid resources, you need the canister to sell them to traders
CO2 Scrubber
The CO2 Scrubber takes CO2 from the atmosphere and outputs it into pipes when powered. The output can be fed into an air reprocessor or tank, it requires an output to function, otherwise it immediately becomes blocked.
At rest, while charging, and in use, it uses 1 power per second.
It stores 20 CO2, if the output is blocked. It scrubs ca. 6.5 CO2 per second from the atmosphere and delivers it through its output. As one person exhales ca. 3.87 CO2 per minute, ca. one CO2 scrubber is needed for every 100 people aboard a starship.

Docking Port
All ships come with a Docking Port. They cannot be bought but can be salvaged from Derelict Ships via Logistics Drones. More than one cannot be placed at a time, and they cannot be sold.
The Docking Bay is placed into the Hull of a Ship and is 2 x 4, with a 6 x 4 area of unobstructed space required for Shuttle docking, giving a total size of 8 x 8.

Doors are a 2 x 1 object and must be installed into a 4×1 area of Hull. They allow the creation of separate atmospheres on a Ship, like an airlock. However, when a door is opened, the two atmospheres mix. Doors and their vents can be manually opened or closed via the Doors panel.
Doors must be placed between walls, not on top of them.
Drone Bay
Drone Bays are required to use Logistics Drones. They require power as part of the Logistics System.
Each bay can support multiple logistics drones but can only fire or retrieve one at a time with a Crew Member.
A Drone Bay is placed into the Hull of a Ship and is 3 x 3, with a 3 x 3 area of unobstructed space required to fire drones, giving a total size of 6 x 6.
Drone bays use 1 power while charging, at rest and while used.

Energy Cell
Energy Cells are a special type of Canister which contains Power. They are unloaded using Generators. A full energy cell canister stores 1000 MWs.
An engine is a ship’s main propulsion system, while thrusters are needed for fine movement and maneuvers. The greater mass a ship has, the more engines are needed to provide movement.
Engines are 6 x 4, cannot be rotated and must be placed with the 3rd block inside the Hull. They require 6 unobstructed squares to the left of them.
Engines will load fuel while they are unpowered. Fuel capacity is 4, and they then continue to drain fuel at a rate of 1 per 5 seconds.
At rest, while powered, an engine uses 4 power per second.

FTL Drive
The FTL Drive allows a ship to travel between systems and sectors. FTL Drives require a pipe connection to a fuel loader and a cable connection to a power source.

Fusion Reactor
Fusion reactors may be found on Derelict Ships when salvaging via Logistics Drones. They require Deuterium as a fuel source, which may be bought from traders.
The deuterium requires a loader to be transferred to the fusion reactor and can be stored in tanks
A fusion reactor requires 100 power to spin up but charges like other equipment. After spinning up, it begins to take in deuterium. Once powered, they remain powered if fueled.
Generators are equipment which can be salvaged from derelict ships via Logistics Drones. They are used to unload Energy Cells directly into the power grid, similarly to how Loaders are used to unload canisters.
Hyperspace Sensor
Hyperspace Sensors collect data during FTL jumps for the Open Contract: Analyse. More sensors allow for faster data collection.
They are placed into the Hull of a Ship and are 2 x 3, with a 6 x 3 area of unobstructed space required for the sensors to extend, giving a total size of 8 x 3.

Ice Grinder
The Ice Grinder grinds Ice into Waste Water to be processed into Water. It can process 15 Ice with no output before becoming blocked. 30 Ice is processed into 60 Waste Water.

Ladders are required by passengers to access the habitation deck of the ship.
Ladders are 2 x 2, with a 3 x 2 area of unobstructed space required to access the ladder, giving a total size of 3 x 2.

Loaders are used to transfer resources from a canister to a pipe. They are used to add resources to equipment and systems that require resources such as fuel, water, and other fluid resources.
Loaders are an item listed in orange bought from traders or salvaged by Logistics Drones.
The Loader can also be purchased in two variants: Fuel Loader and Oxygen Loader, which only accept Fuel and Oxygen respectively.
It delivers 20 units per second from any provided container to its output.

Logistics Drone
Logistic Drones are a red item bought from traders, usually costing 2,000 but sometimes having some small variation in price
They are needed to use Drone Bays, and are used to collect resources from battles and mining using the Gather Salvage and Gather Reagents commands located under the orders menu. They are also used to repair Hull damage.
Currently, Logistics Drones have no form of upkeep and a range of roughly 400 m.
- Fuel
- Energy Cell
- Bullets
- Cannon Shells
- Railgun Slugs
- Oxygen
- Water
- Space Suit
- Food
- FTL Charge
- Ore
- Scrap Metal
- Precious Ore
- Precious Metal
Mining Laser
Mining Lasers are required to mine Asteroids for Ore, which must be collected via Logistics Drones. They drain power on every shot.
A Mining Laser is placed into the Hull of a Ship and is 3 x 3, with a 6 x 3 area of unobstructed space required, giving a total size of 9 x 3.
Oxygen Maker
The Oxygen Maker takes piped water and converts it into oxygen when powered. The output oxygen can be fed into an airduct or tank.
It uses 1 power at rest and while charging, and 9 on spin up and during use.
It stores 24 water in ca. 10 s, if the output is blocked. If the output is unblocked, the oxygen maker produces 24 oxygen in ca. 10 s and delivers it through its output. It converts ca. 2 water into ca. 2 oxygen per second, therefore its conversion ratio is 1:1.
The reactor is the main power generator on a ship and is essential for all ships. Reactors require a pipe connection to a Fuel Loader and a cable connection to whatever devices they are intended to power.
A reactor does not change output power instantly. When the power demand of the ship rises (e.g. because the player just fired the engines), it takes some time for the reactor to spool up. During this time, the engines will be operating at reduced power. This momentary excess of power demand can be offset by connecting batteries to the power grid.
A Tank can be connected to the fuel piping between the reactor and the Loader. This saves cargo space because crew members will preemptively unload fuel canisters into the tank and also prevents the reactor from going offline as the crew members replace spent fuel canisters.

Sewage Pipe
A Sewage Pipe transfers sewage from the habitation deck to the main deck.
It must be constructed below the habitation deck to extract sewage. It can be connected via pipes to a waste treatment machine or a tank. Separate habitation decks require their own sewage pipe.
Its size is 1×1.
Currently it is not known, how much sewage may be stored on the habitation deck, without a sewage pipe. On maximum capacity, the sewage pipe delivers 20 sewage per second from the habitation deck to its output. As one person produces ca. 1.9 sewage per minute, ca. one sewage pipe is needed for every 625 people aboard a starship.
A Smelter is a piece of Logistics equipment used to smelt Ore and scrap metal into Ingots.
They use 1 power while charging, 1 at rest, and 19 while in use smelting.
The smelter’s recipe must be changed by clicking on it to change the resource being refined. When the recipe is changed, any resources present are removed from the smelter insert, but it still finishes what’s loaded, viewable in the Construction Menu
Tillium Ore
- Roughly 3 tillium ore becomes 1 refined tillium.
- A stack of 30 becomes 9. However, 2 stacks of 30 become 19
Scrap Metal
- Every 2 scrap metal becomes one metal ingot.
Precious Ore
- A stack of 20 becomes 6 precious metals. However, 2 stacks of 20 become 13. Roughly 3 precious ore becomes one precious metal.

Space Suit
Space Suits provide an atmosphere for crew to use in the event that a ship is deprived of an oxygen-rich, CO2-poor atmosphere.
At the start of the game, when the ship has no atmosphere, the crew is already wearing space suits. As the player builds the systems necessary for an atmosphere and the ship reaches a sufficient oxygen level, the crew automatically strips off their space suits and leaves them on the floor. If the player sets a space suit storage location, the crew will deposit their suits there instead.
The player can order the crew to put their space suits back on, but the crew will not take oxygen from the suit’s tanks unless the atmosphere can’t sustain them. Space suits with empty oxygen tanks can be refilled using a space suit pod connected to an oxygen supply.
Space suits can be purchased from Traders or Salvaged by Logistics Drones from wrecks.
Spacesuit Pod
Spacesuit Pods can refill the oxygen tank on a Space Suit when connected to an oxygen pipe. Once the atmosphere on a ship has been filled with oxygen, crew members will be able to remove their space suits. If the oxygen tank on the space suit is not full, a crew member will place the space suit onto a Spacesuit Pod for it to be filled.

Tanks provide storage for oxygen, CO2, water, fuel, sewage, waste water, and Deuterium. They can provide a stable supply of resources for equipment (e.g., fuel for reactors). Crew members will refill tanks from Canisters using set up Loaders when necessary.
The crew can repair damaged tanks.
When a tank is destroyed, all contents are lost and irrecoverable.
Huge Tank
Huge tanks can hold up to 22,500 units and stand on a 3×5 base. They can be looted from enemies or derelict ship.
Medium Tank
Medium tanks can hold up to 9,000 units and stand on a 2×3 base. They can be bought from Traders and looted from enemies or derelict ship.
Small Tank
Small tanks can hold up to 6,000 units and stand on a 2×2 base. They can be bought from traders and looted from enemies or derelict ship.
A tank delivers as many units per second as demanded. It also takes as many units per second as provided. Currently there are no known limits.
Thrusters are part of the Engines system. They allow fine maneuvering control. Despite producing directional thrust, they use power but no fuel.
The thrusters are placed into the Hull of a Ship and are 2 x 3, with a 2 x 3 area of unobstructed space required for propulsion, giving a total size of 4 x 3.
Currently, thrusters function even when placed on a piece of hull in the middle of the ship.

Waste Treatment Machine
The Waste Treatment Machine converts Sewage into Compost and Waste Water when powered. The waste water output can be connected to a Water Purifier or a tank.
It uses 1 power per second at rest and while charging. On spin up, during use, it uses 10 power, and 9 power while active.
It stores 30 sewage and produces 2 compost in ca. 14.5 s, if the output is blocked. If the output is unblocked, the waste treatment machine produces 27 waste water and 1 compost in ca. 10.8 s and delivers it through its outputs. It converts ca. 2 sewage into ca. 1.8 waste water and 0.2 compost per second, therefore its overall conversion ratio is 1:1.

Water Purifier
The Water Purifier takes waste water from sewage recycling or ice and purifies it.
It converts Waste Water, from Waste Treatment Machines and Ice Grinders, to Water when powered. The water output can be connected to an Oxygen Maker or a Tank.
It stores 18 waste water in ca. 7 s, if the output is blocked. If the output is unblocked, the water purifier produces 18 water in ca. 6.3 s and delivers it through its output. It converts ca. 2 waste water into ca. 2 water per second, therefore its conversion ratio is 1:1.

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