Stellaris – Tips for Ocean Paradise Start

Ocean Paradise Gameplay Tips

The most important thing you need to do to play ocean paradise successfully is to grab terrestrial sculpting and the hydrocentric ascension perk as fast as you possibly can.

You have two approaches to this:

  1. Spend 1 tradition point to open adaptability traditions for the agenda, then don’t progress the tree any further until later. The adaptability traditions are pretty rubbish and low synergy for your empire, but the agenda guarantees that you will get terrestrial sculpting in a good amount of time.
  2. The riskier approach, the hybrid expansion + discovery traditions opener. Expansion makes you more likely to draw the terrestrial sculpting tech, and discovery gives you extra research alternatives.

Other Gameplay Tips:

You start inside a nebula. This means you should prioritise using starbases for nebula refineries, NOT hydroponic bays, nebula refineries are more efficient and if you need food you can build hydroponic bays elsewhere later.

When you get your first ascension perk, don’t spend it until you research terrestrial sculpting – hydrocentric is your priority

Suggested civics: Technocracy, Meritocracy, Environmentalist (reasoning: technocracy and meritocracy give more science. Technocracy let’s you fish for scientists with New Worlds specialty to get terrestrial sculpting. Environmentalist starts the game with a ranger lodge building. Rangers are usually not great jobs, but they give low upkeep society research, which you need more than anything else start game. Reform out of it once it has done it’s job).

You don’t HAVE to use any of those civics by the way, you might just have an easier time early in the game if you do. Realistically anglers is the stronger pick for the long game.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 506 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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