Cruiser Build Tips
Depends on your other modifiers but yeah. If you have enough other sources of tracking missile cruisers also work against corvettes.
- Whirlwind Missiles give 30% tracking
- T4 sensors give +15%
- Targeting grid from titan gives 10%
Admiral traits of Artillerist, Bulwark Watcher and Master Gunner all give various degrees of tracking. Under One Rule Unwavering Aggressor gives 5-10% of tracking empire wide. Every kind of Precognitive combat computer you can get on a cruiser gives at least 10% tracking.
Remember Evasion only goes up to 90%, so if you have like 50-60% tracking which is really easy they are only evading 30-40% of hits.
Whirlwind Missiles + T4 sensors + precog artillery combat computer = 55% tracking so they only get 35% evasion and thats without an admiral, titan etc.
And thats assuming they are full 90% evasion corvettes, obviously at lower tech levels or poor designs they will be worse than 90%.
Battleship Build Tips
With battleships, you would want a long range one, some of the techs i about to mension you may not have, the first is the focused arc emitter, you want this as it goes straight for hull, which is great, and it’s long range, you need to fully research disruptors and the first arc emitter before you get it.
The second one is kinetic artillery, which is a mid- end game long range weapon, you first need to research the kinetic battery for it, and on the back put some medium weapons such as whirlwind missiles as they have long range and you get access to 3 A slots at the bottom.
As for armour, shields, and the A slots, I can’t really help as I do exclusively 50/50, where as most people have smarter ways of doing things.
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