Seeds of Chaos – Cheat Codes (Console Commands)

How to Enable Console (Dev Mode)

You have to open the 00console.rpy file in Seeds of Chaos\renpy\common and change config.console = False to config.console = True

There’s actually a lot of built in cheats too. After you enable the console as mentioned earlier in the thread, open it up with Shift+O and put this in:

  • config.developer = True

Note: This is python code, so the capital letter matters when spelling True. This applies to enabling the console as well. The value should be set to True, no quotes, with a capital T.

This will enable several in-game UI tools that can be considered cheats (but be careful because some can actually break your save).

Console Commands (Cheats)

Note: “Actors” are NPCs, avatar is the label used for the player.

In addition to this, you have the following:

  • get_rnd_item(cost_low, cost_high, req_keyword=None)

Adds random item to avatar’s inventory (buy cost from cost_low to cost_high). Chooses from all non-random items in required price range. If a keyword is required (armour, weapon etc.) choose only items with that keyword.

  • give_item(uid)

Helper function to add an item to avatar’s inventory and notify

  • lose_rnd_item(cost_low, cost_high)

Tries to delete random item from avatar’s inventory, returns True if successful

  • add_exp(val)

Adds experience to avatar

  • change_treasury(val)

Adds to or substacts from castle treasury

  • change_morale(val)

Changes morale of the castle

  • change_personal_gold(val)

Adds to or substacts from personal gold of Rowan

  • change_relation(ac, val)

Changes relation with an actor (NPC)

  • change_corruption_actor(ac, val)

Changes corruption of an actor

  • add_effect(eff)

Adds the provided status effect to the player

  • heal_injuries()

Heals all negative effects

  • complete_research()

Completes current research normally (regardless of rp spent)

  • change_base_stat(stat_letter, val)

Change one of avatar’s stats (base). Accepted values are the first letter, second value is what it represents. So change_base_stat(‘s’, 10) would give you 10 strength.

's': 'strength'
'v': 'vitality'
'r': 'reflexes'
'i': 'intelligence'
'l': 'luck'
'c': 'corruption'
'g': 'guilt'
  • current_weapon()

Returns name of current weapon

  • change_research_bonus(val)

Changes research bonus from map resources

  • change_recruitment_bonus(bld_uid, val)

Changes recruitment bonus from map resources, for specific building

  • change_favor(actor_uid, val)

Changes favor points with given actor

  • change_prisoners(val)

Changes number of prisoners in the dungeon

  • change_mp(val)

Changes current MP.

  • add_spy_exp(spy_uid, val)

Adds experience to spy

  • capture_resource(map_uid, coords)

Captures map resource

  • possible_to_research()

Returns True if there are researches that can be researched right now

  • set_job_class(ac_uid, job_class)

Sets job class for an actor

  • get_actor_job(ac_uid)

Returns current actor’s job or None

  • get_actor_flag(ac_uid, flag_name)

This will look up actors by their uid and return the value of the specified flag

  • set_actor_flag(ac_uid, flag_name, val)

Sets the provided flag to a value for the specified actor

  • change_actor_num_flag(ac_uid, flag_name, val)

Changes numerical flag

  • activate_event(ev_name)

Sets the event “active” flag to True

  • deactivate_event(ev_name)

Sets the event flag “active” to False

  • choose_and_insert_next_event(trigger)

Do standard choosing process for “trigger” and insert first event in current event queue as next event

  • ev_happened(ev_name, count)

Returns True if ev_name happened before with run_count == count

  • ev_exhausted(ev_name)

Returns True if ev_name happened before with run_count >= max count

  • set_event_timer(ev_name, timer_name, timer_delay)

Sets a timer for ev_name, replacing old if there is one

  • get_event_timer(ev_name, timer_name)

Returns timer_name for ev_name, or None

  • get_event_flag(ev_name, flag_name)

Returns flag value, or None if there is no such flag

  • set_event_flag(ev_name, flag_name, val)

Sets flag to val for given event

  • glossary_add(entry_uid)

Adds entry in entry’s category and marks category as “new”

  • glossary_read(category)

Resets “new” flag on given glossary category

  • codex_add(entry_uid)

Adds entry in entry’s category and topic, and marks topic as “new”

  • codex_read(category, topic)

Resets “new” flag on given codex category/topic

  • change_actor_stress(ac_uid, val)

Changes job stress of given actor

Item / Equipment Codes

Item Categories

'weapon', 'armour', 'accessory', 'item', 'quest'

Equipment Slots

'head', 'chest', 'waist', 'hands', 'feet', 'main', 'off', 'finger', 'neck', 'other'

All Items in the Game

Format for item entry: uid: name, list of keywords, tier, stats effects, (buy value, sell value), description.

'iron_sword': 'Iron Sword', ['main', 'weapon', 'sword'], 1, {'s': 1}, (100, 50), 'Rowan's sword. While unremarkable, it has always served him well'

'robe': 'Robe', ['chest', 'armour', 'cloth'], 1, {'i': 2}, (50, 10), ''

'cloth_hat': 'Cloth Hat', ['head', 'armour', 'cloth'], 1, {'i': 1}, (30, 6), ''

'gloves': 'Gloves', ['hands', 'armour', 'cloth'], 1, {'i': 1}, (20, 4), ''

'shoes': 'Shoes', ['feet', 'armour'], 1, {'i': 1}, (20, 4), ''

'leather_helm': 'Leather Helm', ['head', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 1}, (40, 8), ''

'leather_gloves': 'Leather Gloves', ['hands', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 1}, (35, 7), ''

'leather_boots': 'Leather Boots', ['feet', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 1}, (35, 7), ''

'studded_helm': 'Studded Helm', ['head', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 2, 'r': -1}, (60, 12), ''

'studded_gloves': 'Studded Gloves', ['hands', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 2, 'r': -1}, (50, 10), ''

'iron_sallet': 'Iron Sallet', ['head', 'armour', 'plate', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 4, 'r': -3}, (150, 30), ''

'iron_mail_coif': 'Iron Mail Coif', ['head', 'armour', 'chain', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 3, 'r': -2}, (100, 20), ''

'iron_gauntlets': 'Iron Gauntlets', ['hands', 'armour', 'plate', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 3, 'r': -2}, (100, 20), ''

'iron_sabatons': 'Iron Sabatons', ['feet', 'armour', 'plate', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 3, 'r': -2}, (100, 20), ''

'leather_straps': 'Leather Straps', ['chest', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 1}, (0, 0), 'Rowan's old armour from his adventuring days'

'leather_jerkin': 'Leather Jerkin', ['chest', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 1, 'r': 1}, (75, 15), 'A simple leather chestpiece, offering a small amount of protection, without sacrificing movement'

'studded_coat': 'Studded Coat', ['chest', 'armour', 'leather'], 1, {'v': 2, 'r': -1}, (100, 20), 'A leather chestpiece riveted with metal studs to provide extra protection'

'iron_hauberk': 'Iron Hauberk', ['chest', 'armour', 'chain', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 3, 'r': -2}, (150, 30), 'A shirt of small iron links, sturdy enough to impede an arrow, or light weapon blow'

'iron_brigandine': 'Iron Brigandine', ['chest', 'armour', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 4, 'r': -3}, (200, 40), 'A leather chestpiece, lined with small oblong steel plates, riveted to the fabric'

'iron_plackart': 'Iron Plackart', ['chest', 'armour', 'plate', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 5, 'r': -4}, (250, 20), 'A chest piece of plate that covers half the torso, offering a great deal of protection without full weight of a breastplate'

'iron_breastplate': 'Iron Breastplate', ['chest', 'armour', 'plate', 'iron'], 1, {'v': 6, 'r': -5}, (300, 60), 'Two conjoined large plates, molded around the torso to offer maximum protection at the cost of a great deal of dexterity'

'iron_dagger': 'Iron Dagger', ['weapon', 'dagger', 'main'], 1, {'s': 1, 'r': 1}, (100, 70), 'A simple dagger made from iron; lightweight and razor sharp

'iron_longsword': 'Iron Longsword', ['weapon', 'sword', 'main'], 1, {'s': 2}, (200, 150), 'Standard issue for most knights of the Six Realms, unremarkable, but well made swords like these are found at every blacksmith's'

'iron_rapier': 'Iron Rapier', ['weapon', 'sword', 'main'], 1, {'s': 2, 'v': 1}, (300, 200), 'A slender, sharply pointed blade best suited for thrusting. The decorative pommel offers a small amount of protection.'

'balasts_brand': 'Balast's Brand', ['weapon', 'sword', 'magic', 'minor', 'main'], 2, {'s': 3, 'r': 2}, (750, 500), 'A number of these blades were forged by the priests of Balast for soldiers who took part in the fifth crusade.'

Discounted Balast's Brand for Cla-Min bribe
'balasts_brand_discounted': 'Balast's Brand', ['weapon', 'sword', 'magic', 'minor', 'main', 'non-random'], 2, {'s': 3, 'r': 2}, (300, 300), 'A number of these blades were forged by the priests of Balast for soldiers who took part in the fifth crusade.'

Gifted Balast's Brand for Cla-Min bribe
'balasts_brand_gifted': 'Balast's Brand', ['weapon', 'sword', 'magic', 'minor', 'main', 'non-random'], 2, {'s': 3, 'r': 2}, (750, 500), 'A number of these blades were forged by the priests of Balast for soldiers who took part in the fifth crusade. (Gifted by Cla-Min)'

'bastard_sword': 'Bastard Sword', ['weapon', 'sword', 'main'], 1, {'s': 3, 'r': -1}, (400, 300), 'The sword falls somewhere between a longsword and a greatsword. Sturdy, but heavy.'

'zweihander': 'Zweihander', ['weapon', 'sword', 'two-handed', 'main'], 1, {'s': 5, 'r': -3}, (600, 400), 'A two-handed sword popular with mercenaries. Heavy enough to break a bones beneath plate.'

'wooden_shield': 'Wooden Shield', ['armour', 'shield', 'off'], 1, {'v': 1}, (100, 75), 'A simple round shield made from non-splitting wood, reinforced using leather, with a metal rim'

'buckler': 'Buckler', ['armour', 'shield', 'off'], 1, {'v': 2}, (200, 150), 'A round, metal shield; useful for deflecting blows, but too small to be much use against missiles.'

'knights_shield': 'Knight\'s Shield', ['armour', 'shield', 'off'], 1, {'v': 3}, (350, 225), 'A triangular shield carried by most soldiers and knights in the realms. More often than not, they are decorated with a coat of arms or heraldry.'

'knights_helm': 'Knight\'s Helm', ['armour', 'head', 'plate'], 1, {'v': 3, 'r': -1}, (150, 35), 'A well crafted helm, offering a good deal of protection at the cost of some of the wearer\'s peripheral vision.'

'gauntlets_of_might': 'Gauntlets of Might', ['armour', 'hands', 'plate', 'magic', 'minor'], 2, {'v': 3, 's': 2, 'r': -2}, (250, 50), 'As well as affording excellent protection, the wearer also feels stronger upon donning the gloves.'

'garnet': 'Garnet', ['gemstone', 'item'], 1, {}, (100, 70), 'A precious gemstone that can be given as a gift or sold for a good price.'

'topaz': 'Topaz', ['gemstone', 'item'], 1, {}, (200, 125), 'A precious gemstone that can be given as a gift or sold for a good price.'

'emerald': 'Emerald', ['gemstone', 'item'], 1, {}, (350, 250), 'A precious gemstone that can be given as a gift or sold for a good price.'

'ruby': 'Ruby', ['gemstone', 'item'], 1, {}, (500, 350), 'A precious gemstone that can be given as a gift or sold for a good price.'

'diamond': 'Diamond', ['gemstone', 'item'], 1, {}, (1000, 750), 'A precious gemstone that can be given as a gift or sold for a good price.'

'selanis_ring': 'Selani's Ring', ['finger', 'accessory', 'ring', 'magic', 'minor', 'non-random'], 1, {'l': 2}, (100, 50), 'A simple elven made band of silver. It has always brought her luck.'

'monster_brain': 'Monster's Brain', ['ingredient', 'item', 'organ', 'non-random'], 1, {}, (200, 150), 'The brain of a monster, primary used for alchemical purposes.'

'monster_heart': 'Monster\'s Heart', ['ingredient', 'item', 'organ', 'non-random'], 1, {}, (300, 200), 'The heart of a monster, primary used for alchemical purposes.'

'monster_blood': 'Monster\'s Blood', ['ingredient', 'item', 'blood', 'non-random'], 1, {}, (100, 70), 'The blood of a monster, primary used for alchemical purposes.'

Gattsu_blade and shield are added just for testing (high prices so they not fit for get_rnd_item etc.)
'gattsu_blade': 'Gattsu Blade', ['main', 'weapon', 'sword', 'two-handed', 'non-random'], 3, {'s': 3, 'r': -2}, (1000000, 500000), 'Three times as heavy and thick as a normal sword. Immesely powerful, but difficult to wield'

'shield': 'Shield', ['off', 'shield', 'armour', 'non-random'], 2, {'v': 2}, (1000000, 500000), 'Item description'
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 230 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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