An summary of every Items / NPCs (IDs) and dev commands that is presently accessible in the Rising World game.
Console Commands (Cheats)
- item [ID] – spawns any items from the list below.
- spawnnpc [ID] – spawns any NPCs from the list below.
Note: Unfortunately there are no delete commands available right now.
ID List
How to use the spawn command? For example, item axe command will give you an axe.
- aluminiumingot
- aluminiumore
- aluminiumwire
- apple
- axe
- axesteel
- bandage
- bellpepper
- blueprint
- bottle
- canteen
- carrot
- carrotslices
- chili
- circuitboard
- coarsecloth
- combatknife
- compassmodern
- compassold
- cookie
- corncob
- cotton
- egg
- flashlight
- flashlightlarge
- goldingot
- goldore
- gingerroot
- hempfibers
- hoe
- hoesteel
- ironingot
- ironplate
- lettuce
- lettuceleaves
- lumber
- measuringtape
- medkit
- megaphone
- miningdrill
- oldshears
- oredetector
- paintbrush
- paintroller
- pear
- penlight
- pickaxe
- pickaxesteel
- potato
- pouch
- primitiveaxe
- primitiveknife
- primitiveknife2
- primitivespear
- pumpkin
- pumpkinseeds
- pumpkinslice
- rake
- rakewood
- ripepear
- rope
- rubberduck
- sapling
- scythe
- scythesteel
- sickle
- sicklesteel
- sledgehammer
- sledgehammersteel
- soccerball
- splint
- steak
- steakburned
- steakcooked
- steakdried
- stick
- stone
- sulfur
- tomato
- torch
- treelog
- tungsteningot
- tungstenore
- tungstenwire
- walkietalkie
- wateringcan
- watermelon
- watermelonslice
- waterskin
- wool
- yarn
- animalfeeder
- anvil
- barrierlight
- bedold1
- benchold
- birdhouse
- blueprinttable
- bonfire
- brazier
- bulkheadlamp1
- bulkheadlamp2
- cabinet1
- campfire
- candle
- chair
- chest1
- clock
- constructionbarrier
- crowdbarrier
- door1
- firelogs
- floodlight
- furnace
- furnacebig
- grandfatherclock
- jackolantern
- jackolantern2
- ladder
- lantern
- logbench
- mattress
- meatdryer
- piano
- primitivefurnace
- primitiveshelter
- primitiveworkbench
- sheltercanopy1
- sheltercanopy1b
- shootingtarget1
- shootingtarget2
- skewer
- snowman
- soccergoal
- spinningwheel
- strawbed
- streetlamp1
- table
- tentmodern
- tentsmall
- toro
- trashcan1
- trashcan2
- trough
- walltorch
- weathervane
- woodenbarrel
- woodenbarrelopen
- woodshelf1
- workbench
- workbenchmodern
- xmastree
- xmaswreath
- pig
- piglet
- cow
- bull
- calf
- sheep
- ram
- lamb
- sheepshorn
- ramshorn
- goat
- billygoat
- goatling
- chicken
- chick
- hare
- earthworm
- deer
- deerstag
- deercalf
- deerred
- fox
- arcticfox
- moose
- moosebull
- moosecalf
- wildsow
- wildboar
- wildpiglet
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