Old Market Simulator – Quick Guide to Products

Products List

Trade items in the market to make money. Here’s what you can buy and sell in the game.

Remember that prices can change during different events and seasons.

Product NameAmountBase PriceLicense RequiredDecaySeason Availability
Almond4020Nuts LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Apple1516Fruits License5 daysFall
Baby Shark120003 daysAll Seasons
Banana1440Southern Fruits License2 daysAll Seasons
Beers14110Alcohol LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Beet1525Staple Food License4 daysFall
Bread1255No License2 daysAll Seasons
Brie32120Luxury Foods License6 daysFall
Brown Fish1402 daysAll Seasons
Burger Meat30705 daysAll Seasons
Cabbage1280Winter Veggies License4 daysWinter
Candy Stick2015Snacks LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Carp12803 daysAll Seasons
Carrot1515No License Required5 daysSpring
Cashew6025Nuts LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Champagne10320Alcohol LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Cherry Jam2430Jams License15 daysSpring
Chestnut6510Nuts License10 daysFall
Chili Powder1085Spices LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Collard10100Winter Veggies License7 daysWinter
Cookie2075Snacks License7 daysAll Seasons
Corn1018Staple Food License5 daysSummer
Cranberry8012Fruits License7 daysFall
Cucumber3616Staple Food License4 daysSummer
Cumin1030Spices LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Eggplant1523Staple Food License5 daysFall
Egg1012No License Required3 daysAll Seasons
Fermented Sausage1030020 daysAll Seasons
Filet Mignon103502 daysAll Seasons
Gingerbread10140Snacks License7 daysWinter
Goat Milk12303 daysAll Seasons
Gooseberry1550Berries & Seeds License5 daysSummer
Green Apple2412Southern Fruits License4 daysAll Seasons
Green Fish12102 daysAll Seasons
Grey Fish11803 daysAll Seasons
Hay Bale1020Gardens & Fields LicenseNo decaySpring
Hazelnut8520Nuts LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Honey Jar2450Luxury Foods LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Leek1495Winter Veggies License5 daysWinter
Lettuce640Staple Food License3 daysSpring
Loganberry6040Berries & Seeds License5 daysSummer
Lollipop8012Snacks LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Meat18003 daysAll Seasons
Merlot Lettuce10120Winter Veggies License6 daysWinter
Milk12203 daysAll Seasons
Mint1075Spices LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Octopus14004 daysAll Seasons
Onion3012Staple Food License10 daysSpring
Orange Jam2425Jams License15 daysSummer
Orange Roughy15502 daysAll Seasons
Parmesans10150Luxury Foods License4 daysFall
Peach Juices1430Processed Food License10 daysSummer
Pie4200Snacks License4 daysAll Seasons
Plum Jams2428Jams License15 daysSummer
Potato2510No License Required5 daysFall
Pretzel975Snacks License8 daysAll Seasons
Pumpkin1022Gardens & Fields License7 daysFall
Rack64752 daysAll Seasons
Red Currant4025Berries & Seeds License5 daysSummer
Regular Fish1302 daysAll Seasons
Ribeye Steak64502 daysAll Seasons
Rose1045Gardens & Fields License4 daysSpring
Sausage30306 daysAll Seasons
Scallion2012Gardens & Fields License3 daysSpring
Shank42002 daysAll Seasons
Soda1420Processed Food LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Strawberry1535Fruits License3 daysSpring
Strawberry Chocolate7050Luxury Foods License5 daysSummer
Strawberry Jam2435Jams License15 daysSummer
Strip Steak53502 daysAll Seasons
Sunflower840Berries & Seeds LicenseNo decayFall
Swordfish115003 daysAll Seasons
Tomato Can4825Processed Food LicenseNo decayFall
Tomato3018Staple Food License3 daysSummer
Walnut1035Processed Food LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Watermelon1025Fruits License3 daysSummer
Wheat703Staple Food LicenseNo decaySpring
Whiskey8400Alcohol LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Wine10280Alcohol LicenseNo decayAll Seasons
Yellow Apple2415Southern Fruits License4 daysFall
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 359 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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