MARVEL SNAP – Skaarmora: Faster than Ever Deck Build

Skaarmora Deck

I bring back a classic deck adapted to a new world. Some tools where lost and some where added.

The Main Gameplan

This Skaar deck has 2 ways to discount Hulk’s son, playing a regular Skaar gameplan by dropping 10+ power cards out, or buffing 2 5+ power cards to 10+ power with Namora, getting an instant 4 energy discount. The Skaar gameplan is more focused on now thanks to the addition of America Chavez and Hulkbuster, which can push cards into a range where they either discount Skaar or discount Skaar post-Namora.

The Buff Targets

Previously this deck played Nocturne, but her nerf to 4 power has pushed her out of the “buff into Skaar” range and now new options are required and thankfully we got a savior pretty fast. Speed is always at least 5 power in this deck and most games will be a 3/7 or higher, which makes him able to reach Skaar range even with a simple Hulkbuster buff. Gladiator is in the deck for similar reasons to Speed, abusing Chavez and Buster buffs, but since he can backfire hard you can play another 3/5+ here. Medusa is a Namora target at 2 and Hulkbuster can be used in one of the 1-drops to make them 5 power. Captain Marvel is an incredible target that can back up locations that would normally be lost due to Shang.

Power Slam

Skaar is a core part of the deck, getting discounted to very cheap thanks to Namora, sometimes even to 0/11. He can be played on 6 with a 4-drop or with Armor who is here to help against Shang Chi and against the destroy decks that have had a resurgence post Attuma buff. Cull and Crossbones are cards you will have to play around, think about where you are positioning your cards to be able to enable them. Nightcrawler makes Cull easy to play but with Chavez things can get a little trickier.

Playing a 5/16 into a 2/11 is pretty good it turns out. This deck has performed well for me consistently and I feel like it will get better in the future.

Card List

  • (1) America Chavez
  • (1) Nightcrawler
  • (2) Medusa
  • (2) Armor
  • (2) Hulkbuster
  • (3) Speed
  • (3) Gladiator
  • (4) Captain Marvel
  • (4) Crossbones
  • (4) Cull Obsidian
  • (5) Namora
  • (6) Skaar

Deck Code


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Thank you for reading!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 506 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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