How to Tax People
When you setup a trading post and sell goods, the money earned is Regional Wealth you can see this on the top bar on the UI, toward the left.
This is the combined wealth of the people. Everything bought or sold at the traders, or built on plots of land such as Chicken Coup upgrades or Goat upgrades uses Regional Wealth.
When you build a Tax Collector, you can only earn tax income if there is regional wealth to take from the people. 0 regional wealth means 0 taxes. For the sake of the demo, you do not need to worry about the Church tithe. Influence cannot be spent.
Why collect taxes? You need to get Personal Wealth (shown in the top right corner of the screen) to pay the King. For this demo, you only need a small amount. Usually, it’s better to let people keep their money in their region and improve their houses. In this demo, you don’t need much Personal Wealth because you don’t have to pay for armies.
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