In this quick tutorial, you can find the most common and useful cheat codes for the CULTIC game. This information is for those who just wanna cheat, but remember to do backup of your saves.
How to Enable Console
Firstly, you must activate debug mode before you can use any commands.
To accomplish that, write debug using the Tilde Key [~] or [F1], hit Enter, then click Ok.
Console Commands (Cheats)
- ghost
- kill
- killall
- noclip
- god
- nohud
- hud
- map
- difficulty [0/1/2/3/4]
How to Spawn Items / Enemies
spawn [Enemy_Name]
- axecultist
- stencultist
- pistolcultist
- shotguncultist
- civilian
give [Item_Name]
- hp
- ballisticarmor
- blastarmor
- ammo
- loadout
- pistol
- leveraction
- shotgun
- sten
- grenadelauncher
- tnt
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