Which Weapons Can and Cannot Kill Different Hab Modules
Here’s a set of charts on which weapons can and cannot kill different hab modules based on their current armor score and the orbital velocity of a bombarding ship at 200 km. Alien habs have adamantine armor except for Site Alpha.
They are in order, Silicon, Composite, Nanotube, Adamantine, and Adamantine with hardened hab shelters.
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Some Quick Notes:
- Mk2 rails are not included because you generally go straight to mk3 rails.
- Mk1 coils are not included because they’re mostly worse than mk3 rails, especially for bombardment.
- Mk1-2 rails and coils are not included on heavy and spinal cannons since you’re unlikely to make any ships with only mk1-2 heavy/spinal rail weapons and mk3 rails outclass mk1-2 coil weapons for bombardment.
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