Welcome to Shadows over Loathing, the dark side of a world that is already black and white and a sequel to the critically acclaimed West of Loathing. Here you will find mobsters, monsters, and mysteries. At his antique store in Ocean City, your Uncle Murray has asked you to help, but when you get there, the elderly guy is nowhere to be found. When you come find some shady schemes (and a lot of wriggling eldritch tentacles) that pose a threat to the end of the world, your inquiry into his disappearance and the items he’s been gathering takes a turn.
Shadows Over Loathing – Longerfellow’s Padlock Combinations
Spoilers Ahead! Padlock Combinations There are two padlocks that uses both the same date (january 4th 1845), but uses two different formats. The first one is “maritime plus” (YY-DM-DM but […]