Level Zero: Extraction – Useful Tips for Aliens

Beginner’s Tips and Tricks for Aliens

How to Attack Mercs as an Alien:

If you have a chance to hit, get up, hit twice, crouch and run away. You hit faster standing up. If possible, make sure that you sneak on their back and they don’t notice you so you can actually do this, else, while still crouched, attack just once. It dents at their health and may make them waste resources.

Eggs in front of doors. They might work, but don’t be afraid of using yourself as a bait. Your sweet alien cheeks definitely are more eye catching than the unborn that lie in wait in their periphery.

Mercs tend to be together, but you can still do your best to focus on one of the members, if you manage to take 1 of them down, spit poison and ranged attacks to finish him off. When 3 mercs go down to 2, it’s a much easier challenge, right? Well, imagine how punishing it’ll be for duos to lose their partner.

Don’t attack front to front without enough Energy to EMP + a few seconds of invisibility. After an EMP you can attack at least once or twice before they bring up another lantern or flare, so after the 2 hits remember to go invis and run, don’t get gunned down or you’ll be slowed to death.

Misc. Tips

  • Place eggs near light switches, a lot of mercs will run to the nearest one when their flashlights/flares fail and they don’t have other countermeasures ready, making for a nice and easy kill even on very well prepared mercs.
  • For Early Hunt. Dont eat eggs right at the start. After 2 min they will give you more energy. Dont brute force. Use the surrounding to your advantage. Like zombies, mines and turrets. Eggs grow over time. Use electric wires to quick charge.
  • If you wait 30 seconds before eating eggs then it will only take 2 of them to give you the first ability, and since mercs underestimate you heavily at the start, a few well placed eggs early on can lead to some nice unexpected kills.
  • Also, in areas with wandering turrets, the alien can stand in front of them to stop their pathing and prevent them from moving away, effectively pinning the mercs down until they can whittle away your full energy bar with lights.
  • Hitting a turret as alien will also cause it to temporarily shut down and might throw off the timing of the mercs, be careful though, too many hits and you might just break it yourself.
  • If you’re attacking the zone A(can’t remember maybe it was zone b)extract elevator, you should put eggs behind the counter, cause that’s where most mercs will go to crouch down in when the turret patrols by, triggering the egg forced them to stand up and may get the turret to severely injure or even down them entirely.

Loot Map (Level 0 / Level 1)

Click to enlarge…

I hope this was helpful to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 240 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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