This is a list of the Cheat Codes available to use in the LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga game.
Where to Enter Cheat Codes
These cheat codes can be entered in the “Enter Code” section of the Bar (Mos Eisley Cantina). Inputting a cheat code for a Character/Vehicle will unlock it for purchase. Inputting a cheat code for an Extra unlocks it automatically (you won’t have to pay studs for it).
Cheat Codes
Character Codes
- 4-LOM – DVY683
- Aayla Secura – ECU428
- Admiral Ackbar – ACK646
- Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) – HJI667
- Battle Droid – AUJ261
- Battle Droid (Commander) – KPF958
- Battle Droid (Geonosis) – NJK995
- Battle Droid (Security) – HWY633
- Beach Trooper – BHH538
- Ben Kenobi (Ghost) – BENGH8
- Bespin Guard – CDT859
- Bib Fortuna – MMN372
- Boba Fett – BOBA00
- Boba Fett (Boy) – GGF539
- Boss Nass – HHY697
- Bossk – HYR849
- Captain Tarpals – QRN714
- Clone – BDE289
- Clone (Episode III) – VCT533
- Clone (Episode III, Pilot) – XXD447
- Clone (Episode III, Swamp) – QYD793
- Clone (Episode III, Walker) – NBU753
- Count Dooku – DDD748
- Darth Maul – EUK421
- Death Star Trooper – NJK912
- Dengar – GAR945
- Dexter Jettster – JJU782
- Disguised Clone – CCH677
- Droideka – XCT333
- The Emperor – EMP666
- Ewok – EWK785
- Gamorrean Guard – NNM784
- General Grievous – PMN576
- Geonosian – HJY732
- Grand Moff Tarkin – VYY985
- Greedo – ZZR636
- Grievous’ Bodyguard – JHU423
- Han Solo (Hood) – KLA621
- IG-88 – GIJ989
- Imperial Guard – GUA850
- Imperial Officer – KLP412
- Imperial Shuttle Pilot – BKJ857
- Imperial Spy – YZFR1K
- Jango Fett – KLJ897
- Jawa – NVU859
- Ki-Adi Mundi – MUN486
- Kit Fisto – TFI888
- Lama Su – KLG412
- Lobot – BVH785
- Luke Skywalker (Hoth) – TTY463
- Luminara – LUM521
- Mace Windu (Episode 3) – JKD867
- Padme – VBJ322
- Palace Guard – PPP555
- Pit Droid – RTD428
- Plo Koon – PLK689
- Princess Leia (Prisoner) – QQY843
- R2-Q5 – EVILR2
- Rebel Pilot – BKL123
- Rebel Trooper – DHV940
- Rebel Trooper (Hoth) – GHR673
- Royal Guard – YUF634
- Sandtrooper – CBR954
- Shaak Ti – KIT766
- Skiff Guard – BYU785
- Snowtrooper – HVT573
- Stormtrooper – NBN431
- Super Battle Droid – HDD733
- Taun We – PRX482
- TIE Fighter Pilot – BBR334
- Tusken Raider – YYR778
- Ugnaught – CGF754
- Watto – PLL967
- Wookiee – BWK887
- Yoda (Ghost) – VVV429
- Zam Wesell – 584HJF
Vehicle Codes
- Clone Arcfighter – NNB674
- Droid Trifighter – AAB123
- Imperial Shuttle – HUT845
- Sebulba’s Pod – THY432
- TIE Bomber – HJH848
- TIE Fighter – DBH897
- TIE Fighter (Darth Vader) – BVNJ84
- TIE Interceptor – INT729
- Vulture Droid – BDC866
- Zam’s Speeder – UUU875
Extra Codes
- Bounty Hunter Rockets – BKJ462
- Character Studs – DHY782
- Dark Side – DRK328
- Deflect Bolts – BNL435
- Disarm Troopers – HJU848
- Disguise – BRJ437
- Exploding Blaster Bolts – EXP912
- Fast Build – KJU233
- Fast Force – BYY492
- Force Grapple Leap – CLZ738
- Force Pull – PUL966
- Infinite Torpedoes – NUJ866
- Invincibility – HS9K44
- Minikit Detector – FBM152
- Perfect Deflect – PER894
- Poo Money – PMN904
- Power Brick Detector – FBM834
- Regenerate Hearts – 528HBB
- Score x2 – HBF899
- Score x4 – DQY857
- Score x6 – NMP499
- Score x8 – XXY99G
- Score x10 – VXZ123
- Self Destruct – DRX444
- Stud Magnet – VXZ193
- Super Astromech – R2D222
- Super Blasters – HHD647
- Super Ewok Catapult – ERF893
- Super Gonk – SPRGNK
- Super Jedi Slam – SLM768
- Super Lightsabers – GHL978
- Super Slap – 294NMB
- Super Thermal Detonator – THE931
- Super Zapper – DFY111
- Tractor Beam – 53NKH3
- Vehicle Smart Bomb – SMA293
- Walkie Talkie Disable – JKJ589
Red Power Brick Extras
There are a total of 45 Extras available in this game. The first is unlocked automatically, and there are 8 more for purchase at the Bar. The other 36 you’ll have to unlock by collecting the Red Power Bricks in the Story levels. Below I’ve listed each Extra in the order they appear in the menu. I have also listed what they do, and how to unlock them.
Adaptive Difficulty
- How to unlock: Create a new game
- What it does: This Extra is always on by default. With Adaptive Difficulty on, you will lose different amounts of studs depending on how often you die. If you die a lot, you will only lose 1,000 studs. If you don’t die very often, you’ll lose 4,000 studs. With Adaptive Difficulty off, you’ll lose 2,000 studs every time you die, regardless of how often it is.
Extra Toggle
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: While playing certain levels in Free Play Mode, you will have a few extra characters available to play as.
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: While riding animals (such as a Bantha or Dewback), press the “special” button and the animal will poop!
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This will give all characters a fake nose and mustache
Daisy chains
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This turns the grappling wire into a chain of flowers
Chewbacca carrying C-3PO
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This simply makes Chewbacca look like he did in Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back, with 3PO’s parts on his back
Tow Death Star
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This turns all of the bombs you tow into mini Death Stars.
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This turns all characters into black silhouettes
Beep Beep
- How to unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Pressing the “attack” button in any vehicle without weapons will cause it to honk its horn!
Super Gonk
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Negotiations, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Gonk droids are normally very slow walkers. With this Extra active, they’ll be turned into speed demons and are now able to jump
Poo Money
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Invasion of Naboo, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: If you have this Extra active, hop on an animal and press the “special” button to make the animal poop studs! This only works if you also have the Fertilizer extra active.
Walkie talkie disable
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Escape from Naboo, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Press the “special” button while controlling a character with a walkie talkie (Battle Droid (Commander) or Imperial Spy) to use it. This will shut down all nearby droids temporarily!
Power Brick detector
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Mos Espa Pod Race, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: While playing a level, an arrow will be pointing towards the location of the Power Brick. This will not tell you how to collect it. It only shows you where it will appear.
Super slap
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Retake Theed Palace, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This doubles the power of melee attacks, causing them to do two hits of damage.
Force grapple leap
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Darth Maul, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This allows Jedi and Sith characters to use grapple points.
Stud Magnet
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Bounty Hunter Pursuit, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This increases the range at which you can pick up studs. This only really works on studs that have “settled” on the ground, not ones that are still bouncing.
Disarm troopers
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Discovery on Kamino, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This turns the weapons of all non-droid enemies into carrots, making them unable to shoot at you! Be careful, as this also affects you and your characters. If you want to play as a Clone Trooper but have this extra turned on, you will also have a carrot as a weapon.
Character studs
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Droid Factory, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: When enemies are defeated, they will drop a small amount of studs.
Perfect deflect
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Jedi Battle, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: With this turned on, any blaster bolts you deflect will be sent straight back to the attacker.
Exploding blaster bolts
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Gunship Cavalry, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This causes blaster bolts to explode when they hit something. This makes them capable of destroying silver objects, but they will sometimes still bounce off them. If you are controlling a vehicle, this extra enables you to destroy torpedo targets or things that you would normally need to tow a bomb into. I recommend keeping this turned off unless you have Invincibility, as the explosions will damage you too.
Force pull
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Count Dooku, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: When using the Force on a droid, you will pull it towards you, instantly destroying it.
Vehicle smart bomb
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Battle over Coruscant, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: While playing as a vehicle, hold down the “special” button. After a few seconds, all enemies on the screen will explode!
Super astromech
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Chancellor in Peril, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Zapping a droid will stun it, as well as up to four other nearby droids. If you have the “Super Zapper” Extra active, it will negate the effect of this Extra.
Super Jedi slam
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in General Grievous, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This increases the area of effect of the Jedi Slam, and causes it to pretty much instantly defeat everyone caught in it (except bosses).
Super thermal detonator
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Defense of Kashyyyk, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This increases the area of effect of thermal detonators.
Deflect bolts
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Ruin of the Jedi, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This causes blaster bolts to simply bounce off of you, even if you don’t have a lightsaber or are not actively deflecting. If you have “Perfect deflect” active, they’ll be sent back at the attacker.
Dark Side
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Darth Vader, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This gives all Jedi the Sith Force ability. It also turns your lightsaber red (this color change will override the color change of “Super Lightsabers”).
Super blasters
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Secret Plans, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This doubles the power of all blaster bolts, causing them to do two hits of damage. This also works for Boba Fett and 4-LOM, who will now do four hits of damage with their blasters.
Fast Force
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Through the Jundland Wastes, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This increases the speed at which you Force objects and enemies.
Super lightsabers
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Mos Eisley Spaceport, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This increases the power of lightsabers, causing them to do two hits of damage. It will also turn them purple (unless you also have Dark Side active).
Tractor beam
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Rescue the Princess, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: When playing as a vehicle, enemies that fly close to you will be slowly pulled towards you and then destroyed. While they are caught in the tractor beam, enemies are unable to attack you.
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Death Star Escape, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This makes you immune to damage from all sources.
Score x2
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Rebel Attack, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by two. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.
Self destruct
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Hoth Battle, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Press the “special” button while controlling any droid character and they will explode! This allows them to destroy silver objects. Pressing the “special” button to activate an Astromech or Protocol panel will not cause an explosion.
Fast build
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Escape from Echo Base, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This increases the speed at which you build LEGO pieces.
Score x4
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Falcon Flight, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by four. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.
Regenerate hearts
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Dagobah, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: If you have any hearts missing, you will slowly regenerate them.
Minikit detector
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Betrayal over Bespin, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Arrows will point you to the locations of Canisters in Story levels. This will not show you how to collect them, as the arrows only point to where the Canister will appear.
Score x6
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Cloud City Trap, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by six. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.
Super zapper
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Jabba’s Palace, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: This actually turns the zapper into a useful weapon. It will destroy all droids in one shot, and can even be used to temporarily stun non-droid enemies.
Bounty hunter rockets
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in The Great Pit of Carkoon, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Press the “tag” button as Boba or Jango Fett and you’ll launch a rocket, which will home in on enemies or silver objects.
Score x8
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Speeder Showdown, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by eight. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.
Super Ewok catapult
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in The Battle of Endor, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: The image for this is misleading, as this actually causes the slingshots used by Wicket and the Ewok to fire proton torpedoes. This makes them capable of destroying silver objects.
Infinite torpedoes
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Into the Death Star, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: While playing as a vehicle, you will always have the maximum amount of torpedoes that it can carry.
Score x10
- How to unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Jedi Destiny, then purchase at the Bar
- What it does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by ten. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.
100% Completion Bonus
After collecting all 160 Gold Bricks, return to the Courtyard outside the Cantina. You’ll notice a whole bunch of gold LEGO pieces.

You can build the LEGO pieces into a stud fountain. Once it is built, all Extras will be unlocked and purchased (if you haven’t unlocked and purchased them all already)!

At this point, studs will begin to fly out of the stud fountain. This is a great way to get studs if you still have things that you need to purchase from the Bar.

You can check out your percentage to the left of the Bar. Once you reach 100%, you will receive a special message!

A message will appear at the bottom of the screen alerting you that the Character Customizer now holds the key to Super Jedi Powers! What does this mean? It means that custom characters you create will have every ability in the game! This allows you to replay levels entirely as your custom characters, so have fun with it!

that will help me with all that l got game for that