In this guide, we will show you all the cheat codes in Into The Breach game. These cheats can give you money, reputation, special abilities and even immortality. Remember to save your progress before using the cheat codes just in case!
Table of Contents
How to Activate Console
To activate the developer console window on PC, simply press (~) tilde key. Then enter the command to get the desired effect.
Console Commands
- kill – Kill all enemies in the city.
- makeitso – Unlocks all normal pilots.
- win – Instantly win the current mission.
- rich – Gives you 1000 rep and 30 power cores. Rep disappears after completing an island.
- money [number] – Sets the amount of Corp. Reputation available.
- cores [number] – Sets the amount of Power Cores available.
- power [number] – Sets the amount of Power Grid available.
- event [name] – Add event.
- incident [name] – Add incident.
- invasion – Add invasion.
- anim [name] – Test animation.
- sanim [name] – Test animation (on board square).
- reload – Refresh scripts.
- day [number] – Set the current turn. Day 0 is the first turn, day 1 is the next turn. You can input negative numbers.
- rain [number] – Set rain. Number between 0-6.
- pod – Spawns a timepod.
- secret – Adds a secret FTL alien beacon to your current map.
- victory – Instantly complete the campaign.
- reward – Instantly gives you the perfect island completion reward.
- hide – Removes UI.
- store – Opens the store.
- unlock ach – Gives all achievements.
- human [pilot ID] – Unlocks specified pilot for player.
- pilot [pilot ID] – Gives the pilot specified.
- weapon [weapon ID] – Gives the weapons specified, if no weapon is specified a random weapon is given.
IDs / Debug Names
Time Travelers
- Pilot_Original
- Pilot_Repairman
- Pilot_Assassin
- Pilot_Genius
- Pilot_Hotshot
- Pilot_Warrior
- Pilot_Recycler
- Pilot_Youth
- Pilot_Leader
- Pilot_Soldier
- Pilot_Medic
- Pilot_Miner
- Pilot_Aquatic
Secret Pilots
- Pilot_Mantis
- Pilot_Zoltan
- Pilot_Rock
- Prime_Punchmech
- Prime_Lightning
- Prime_Lasermech
- Prime_ShieldBash
- Prime_Rockmech
- Prime_RightHook
- Prime_RocketPunch
- Prime_Shift
- Prime_Flamethrower
- Prime_Areablast
- Prime_Spear
- Prime_Leap
- Prime_SpinFist
- Prime_Sword
- Prime_Smash
- Brute_Tankmech
- Brute_Jetmech
- Brute_Mirrorshot
- Brute_PhaseShot
- Brute_Grapple
- Brute_Shrapnel
- Brute_Sniper
- Brute_Shockblast
- Brute_Beetle
- Brute_Unstable
- Brute_Heavyrocket
- Brute_Splitshot
- Brute_Bombrun
- Brute_Sonic
- Ranged_Artillerymech
- Ranged_Rockthrow
- Ranged_Defensestrike
- Ranged_Rocket
- Ranged_Ignite
- Ranged_ScatterShot
- Ranged_BackShot
- Ranged_Ice
- Ranged_SmokeBlast
- Ranged_Fireball
- Ranged_RainingVolley
- Ranged_Wide
- Ranged_Dual
- Science_Pullmech
- Science_Gravwell
- Science_Repulse
- Science_Swap
- Science_AcidShot
- Science_Confuse
- Science_SmokeDefense
- Science_Shield
- Science_FireBeam
- Science_FreezeBeam
- Science_LocalShield
- Science_PushBeam
Any Class
- Support_Boosters
- Support_Smoke
- Support_Refrigerate
- Support_Destruct
- Support_Force
- Support_SmokeDrop
- Support_Repair
- Support_Missiles
- Support_Wind
- Support_Blizzard
- DeploySkill_Tank
- DeploySkill_ShieldTank
- DeploySkill_SGenerator
- DeploySkill_AcidTank
- DeploySkill_PullTank
- DeploySkill_IceTank
- Vek_Beetle
- Vek_Hornet
- Vek_Scarab
- Passive_FlameImmune
- Passive_Electric
- Passive_Leech
- Passive_Defenses
- Passive_MassRepair
- Passive_AutoShields
- Passive_Burrows
- Passive_Psions
- Passive_Boosters
- Passive_Medical
- Passive_FriendlyFire
- Passive_ForceAmp
- Passive_Ammo
- Passive_CritDefense
- Passive_FastDecay
Tips & Tricks
- Choose the difficulty level easy and stay with it for your first timelines. Ignore the usual posers who are claiming to play only on hard since their first timeline.
- Before a fight you can modify and test your mechs. Use this test feature, if you are not sure about the effects of the weapons on enemies or buildings.
- There is no order for powering upgrades of a weapon.
- You can deactivate upgrades and use the power for other upgrades of the same mech.
- Check the enemies in the Threat Scanner before you choose an island. More info in the chapter Islands and Enemies.
- Flamethrower pushes targets and set tiles on fire. Only if the targets are already burning, there is an additional +2 damage.
- Go for the Perfect Island rewards. More info in the chapter Perfect Island Reward.
- The Ice mech doesn’t get frozen while it’s shielded.
- Frozen flying units are falling to the ground.
- You can point most attacks to an empty field, if you just want the side effect like a shield, move, fire or smoke.
- On a burning spawn point the spawning enemy is set on fire (exception: Burrower). The same applies to acid.
- A blocked enemy is not killed and and the spawn point stays there, until the enemy has spawned or the last round arrived.
- Before buying a second squad you should consider the impact on the Random Squad. More info in the chapter Buying Squads / Random Squad / Custom Squad.
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