Idling Gears – Complex Gears Explanatory Guide

Complex Gears Explained


  • Load is how much you need in order to make things works.
  • Torque is the force you are generating to meet the load.

To reduce the load needed, put small on large, then connect a large from that small one to the device. The load needed will reduce at the cost of taking longer to turn the device.

For increasing Torque, you basically just upgrade the torque upgrade. im either not far enough in the game yet or am missing something to help further, and thats why my ascension is gonna take like 10 hours at this rate lmao.


The kind of setup will be:

  1. Large.
  2. Small on top.
  3. Large connected to that small.
  4. Repeat 2-3 as needed to build torque.
  5. Connect the large from your last step 3 to the device.

Bonus Tips

It’s worth mentioning – you can’t just add a compound gear and have it change an existing gear’s torque. You need to connect to the compound gear itself.

This is a video that briefly shows what I mean.

It’s actually a very clever mechanic, it took a little playing around to get used to it, but it’s fun.

Also, if you rely on lubing gears to keep things moving smoothly, the compound gears interfere with that process – you’ll need a lubing gear for each “circuit” separated by compound gears.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 106 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips and writer on Game Cheat Codes. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game series was and still is the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. And the third part of HOMM is his favorite! He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games / indie games. When not immersed in games, Egor plays guitar, enjoys cooking and fishing.

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