Calamity Breaker Dragon (CC2 Levels 61-140)
Ву Errand.
Bubbles appear in 1, 2, or 3 sectors, depending on the dragon’s HP. The circle in each bubble indicates how many people need to stand inside. No more, no less.
- Each person picks a role before the fight starts:
- Sun 1 (or Sun Move)
- Sun 2 (or Sun Stay)
- Moon 1
- Moon 2
- Star 1
- Star 2
- Standby in your sector. For example, Sun 1 and Sun 2 standby in Sun.
- Move in clockwise direction to solve the bubbles.
- Role 1 moves, Role 2 stays if only 1 person needs to move in your sector (which is 90% of the cases).
- Reset your position after each bubble.
- For double “3” bubbles, Role 1 moves clockwise and Role 2 moves counterclockwise.
- For “1” + “3”, ignore the clockwise rule and only 1 person moves.
- It is suggested to turn on the HP bar of your teammates so you know where they are.
DPS Requirement for 10 Chest:
153.1G / 210 sec = 729 M/sec = 146 M/sec x 5 or 182 M/sec x 4
DPS Requirement for Slaying:
13.5T / 210 sec = 64.3 G/sec = 12.9 G/sec x 5 or 16.1 G/sec x 4
Bubbles appear in 1, 2, or 3 sectors, depending on the dragon’s HP.

The circles indicate how many people need to stand inside. Exactly 3 people need to stand in this sector (Star); Moon 1 will move there in this case.

Reference Video:
Important: If you’re having trouble with some of the terms or mechanics, check out this guide. This is a fairly comprehensive guide, explaining almost all the basic and advanced mechanics of the game with detailed explanations and useful infographics.
Exiled Dragon (CC3 Levels 1-100)
Spread out, 1 person per sector. May ignore mechanics and not move (but the target gets debuff). Tank and taunt are needed as the auto attacks hurt. Healer barriers the cannon after 10 HP.
May need banner for the hard-hitting AOE early on.
- Spread out, 1 person per sector.
- You may ignore the single/double target cannon and don’t move (but the target gets debuff).
- Two cannons must not stack.
- First 10 HP: Healer uses restoration/group heal/purification (or just bring barrier).
- After 10 HP: Healer uses barrier for each cannon.
AOE Swipe:
- Only occurs after 10 HP.
- Move away or ignore it.
DPS Requirement for 10 Chest:
6T / 210 sec = 28.6 G/sec = 7.14 G/sec x 4 or 5.72 G/sec x 5
DPS Requirement for Slaying:
240T / 210 sec = 1.14 T/sec = 285.7 G/sec x 4 or 228.6 G/sec x 5
Reference Video:
IIRC, Tank or Sin can’t see the number next to you from the default view (unless you play in landscape).

Cannon strategy for group who want to try hard.
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