Eagle Eye in CC2
By Nyatto.
Let’s Talk About Eagle Eye in CC2! Eagle Eye is arguably the strongest class for long fights in CC2. However, its true potential might not be immediately apparent, as it requires some scaling to shine. Once it hits its stride, Eagle Eye becomes a powerhouse.
Early Game
- Icy Retribution Domain.
- Swift Thinking.
- Focused Mind (Swap this out when you need an interrupt).
Passives (Top Priorities):
- Ice Phantom Bow (Permanent) – Top priority.
- Winter Archery (Permanent) – Top priority.
- Energized Arrow – For single-target damage / Leaf Storm – For AoE or burst situations.
- Quick Reload – For single-target scenarios / 6. Tactical Precedence – For AoE or burst situations.
- Resonance
- Single-Target Build: LRLLL.
- AoE/Burst Build: RRRRR.
- Talents: Virgor Circle (If you’re struggling with Energy) – Otherwise you go Crit / Deter / Crit DMG – it really depend on your build and stats.
Key Notes for AoE / Burst Talent:
The Persistent Phantom Bow talent causes the bow to become stationary and continue attacking independently of your core attack. This means:
- Haste becomes your main focus to increase the attack speed of the bow.
- However, there’s a trade-off: faster attacks deplete stacks more quickly than you can build them, leading to diminishing returns over time.
This makes the AoE/Burst setup highly effective for burst phases but causes it to fall off in extended fights due to scaling limitations. For this reason, it’s best utilized for quick AoE damage rather than prolonged engagements after you exit out of Early Game CC2 Eagle Eye.
End Game
The end-game setup is straightforward, but timing is critical. Only switch to this build when your Single-Target setup consistently out-damages your AoE build during waves of horror. Once that happens, you’re ready to optimize for maximum damage output!
- Follow the Single-Target skill setup.
- Focused Shooting: Talent sequence – LLRLL.
- Zealous Burden: By this stage, you should have approximately 300% Crit Damage. This is when Zealous Burden becomes invaluable, as its synergy with Relentless Pursuit significantly enhances your critical hits for even more damage.
- Voice of Bloodlust: Max this immediately – it’s a cornerstone of your late-game damage potential.
End-Game Stat Goals:
- Crit + Determination: 50–55%
- Accuracy: Maintain 100% True Accuracy at all times.
- Mastery: 40–50%
- Haste: 60%+
By hitting these stat benchmarks and transitioning to this build at the right time, you’ll unlock the full potential of your end-game Eagle Eye.
- Awakening – Demon Hound – Pure Malice.
- Pet Skills – Your Turn + Echo + Book of Answers ( If you’re bursting – replace Book of Answers with Sharpness of Claw).
- Gen 1 – Rock.
- Gen 2 – Husky.
- Preferred Stickers – Haste (Legendary %’s only) , Accuracy (Legendary %’s only) – otherwise you prioritize whatever stat you’re missing the most on your build numerical.
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