Wizardry Variants Daphne – Chapter 1 Bondmates Farming Route

Bondmates Farming Route Guide (Chapter 1)

Farming Route

  • Leap to Fresh Start.
  • Talk to Chris and Mudd at B1F.
  • Complete Chris’ Quest.
  • Repair the Harken and return to town.

Leap to Warped Scene (make sure to choose the correct path option leading to the true ending). For Albano’s Bond you need to redo the reconciliation with his uncle, you can leap to 2nd Major Harken.

I leveled the Albano bond fairly recently, so I’ll list my steps down:

  1. Wheel to Fresh Start to reset everything.
  2. Wheel to 2nd Major Harken (for some reason the Fluorescent Flowers quest was already active every time I went here).
  3. Kill Mimic.
  4. Get flowers.
  5. Turn in quest and watch reconciliation.
  6. Wheel to The King’s Rescue and go to Outskirts to meet Albano and get Bond.
  7. Back to 1.
  • Go to the Harken in B7F and return to town.
  • Take all of the bond quest in the guild (Donato, Beheading Bunny, Mel, Sir Jack).
  • Go to B1F and complete Donato’s Quest.
  • Repair the Harken in the abyss entrance and go to B3F.
  • Rescue Mudd in B3F.
  • Meet Boss Goblin in the Goblin Den in B3F and choose Slash at Them option.
  • Go back to Harken in B2F and return to town.
  • Go back to the Guild’s Tavern and talk to the Elf there.
  • Go back to Goblin Den and collect the translucent pebbles (check map below), you’ll get ambushed, defeat the goblins and choose Let It Go option.
  • Go back to Harken in B2F and go to B4F.
  • Get Donato’s Letter, rescue Mudd and complete the Bunny Quest in B4F.
  • Go back to Harken in B4F and go to B5F.
  • Revive Harry and Ira (choose Send her back to town option for Ira) and then rescue Mel in B5F (while rescuing Mel make sure to kill the enemies quickly and don’t let any of Mel’s party die).
  • You’ll be transported back to town, complete all the quests and talk to Ira at the church, choose Donate 500g option.
  • Go back to Goblin Den again and meet the Boss Goblin in front of the altar in the middle room, talk to It and choose Let It Go option.
  • Return to town and go to B5F and then to B6F to rescue Harry again (Make sure to bring potions)
  • Go to B7F to complete Sir Jack’s Quest and meet Harry again.
  • Make sure to complete Ira’s Bond, if the option to talk to her is not present, try going to the Abyss or Mausoleum/ Elemental Dens, and then return to the church again.
  • Repeat the loop!

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Optimized Route

Note: Thanks for the route to the CoffeeGamer.com beginners guide.

  1. Wheel to fresh start.
  2. Wheel to king‘s rescue.
  3. Accept all bondmate-related quests.
  4. Go to edge of town (Albano).
  5. Harken to B5F, revive Harry and Ira.
  6. Go back to the temple and pay for Ira the first time.
  7. Harken to B1F, kill goblins, talk to Mudd and do Chris‘s quest (Chris).
  8. Restore the old harken and harken to B3F, talk to Mudd, kill boss goblin the first time, harken back.
  9. Turn in Donato‘s quest (Donato), talk to elf in tavern, check temple.
  10. Return to B3F, enter goblin cave, pick up pebbles and fight boss, exit and reenter (boss goblin).
  11. Go to B4F, talk to Mudd (Mudd), kill rabbit 4 times (bunny).
  12. Take stairs to B5F, save grandchildren, turn in quest (Mel), check temple.
  13. Harken back to B5F, find Harry and give healing item, then harken to B8F.
  14. Restore all rocks, stairs to B7F, talk to Harry (Harry).
  15. If you haven’t, pay for Ira the second time once the game lets you and pick her up once you can (Ira).

The B8F detour isn’t strictly necessary, but it lets you pick up the respawning items on B8F and B7F. I do Ira first because it can take a long time before the second and third temple conversations unlock.

This is optimized for minimum walking distances and as little as possible wheel usage. Once you have a bondmate at level 5, just skip their steps. The more you skip, the more you will have to wait around for Ira though, but you can continue bondmate farming in act 2 while waiting for her. She will become unavailable once you finish act 2, but you can wheel back to before Return to the Capital to continue her quest. Just don’t wheel back to Fresh Start before you get her bond, otherwise her progress will reset and you will have to pick her up again.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 235 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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