Victoria 3 – How to Form the Scandinavian Nation

This guide will show you some useful tips to form the Scandinavian nation with start in Sweden.

Guide to Form the Scandinavian Nation

You need 11 states out of 15:

  • 5 Sweden
  • 3 Norway
  • 2 Denmark
  • 1 Iceland (DEN)
  • 1 Schleswig-Holstein (Schleswig, Holstein, Lübeck)
  • 3 Finland (RUS)

Unless you own Schleswig-Holstein, only Schleswig will become part of Scandinavia. Split states don’t count.

Finland may try to become independent at some point but without a stronger helping hand they are doomed like any wanna be free state.

If you can go for Schleswig-Holstein before Prussia takes care of Lübeck.

Day 1 war against Denmark gives you the advantage of your bigger forces. Others may or may not interfere. If so check possible sway actions.

Make big friends and get rid of your infamy.

Keep an eye on your population. You need hands to dig.

To form Scandinavia you’ll need more time than just a few quick wars – check your journal and society tech. But securing your position on European mainland asap makes your campaign much easier.

Let Denmark live apart from Denmark, and they will colonize for you, while you still have no idea what colonists even are – you can’t do everything at once. When the time of unification comes, you will reap what they have sown.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 114 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips and writer on Game Cheat Codes. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game series was and still is the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. And the third part of HOMM is his favorite! He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games / indie games. When not immersed in games, Egor plays guitar, enjoys cooking and fishing.

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