This post contains a list of cheat codes for ULTRAKILL game. If you’ve discovered a cheat you’d like to add to the page, or have a correction, please comment.
How to Enable Cheats
How can I activate the cheats? If you want to activate it but you don’t know how. The answer is Konami code!
- ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A (Keyboard only, not WASD)
After entering the code, a warning will appear.

Cheat Codes
Press the ~ [Tilde] key and than enter the following cheats for the desired effect.
- NOCLIP or FLIGHT – Fly mode without collision (use space and control for vertical movement).
- INFINITE WALL JUMPS – You know… Self-explanatory.
- BLIND ENEMIES – Enemies become blind.
- NO WEAPON COOLDOWN – Removes the cooldown time.
- DISABLE ENEMY SPAWNS – No more enemies, no more problems!
- TELEPORT MENU – Displays a menu containing all of the current mission’s checkpoints.
- GET THE SPAWNER ARM – Gives a new weapon, that spawn enemies!
- KEEP ENABLED – Locking the cheats even if you close the game (no need to re-enter the codes).
Never mind I got it
How do I get the g code and how do I enter the g code in UTRAKILL?