Titan Gears Tips for New Players
Titan gears has been one of the most heated topics in TopWar since their release. Their huge impact in the game attracted all players’ attentions. Although it’s been a while since Titan gears have been introduced, it still seems that a lot of players are still very cautious when upgrading and some don’t even know where to start from. Their concern and hesitation are actually justified, Titan gears are so important and so limited leaving no room for mistakes.
Thus, I am here providing you with a step by step guide on how to start, recycle, boost, refine, activate/merge and inherit any Titan gear.
Starting with Titan Gears
Starting with titan gears is rather simple, you will need to follow the instructions below step by step and that should give you a good start with Titan Gears.
- In order to craft Titan gears, you will need to collect some Catalysts and use them when crafting a gear.
- Don’t forget to make sure that you have enough materials for crafting a gear.
- Make sure to craft from each gear types, as there are a total of six gears that can be equipped to every hero.
The most important part when starting is to aim for a full set of good enough gold gears for every hero. What this means is that we need every hero to be equipped with the followings before starting to boost, refine or recycle any gear.
- A Gold gear Assault Pistol with at least one DMG increase random attribute.
- A Gold gear Tactical Armor with at least one DEF increase random attribute.
- A Gold gear Optical Add On with at least one DMG increase random attribute.
- A Gold gear Raytheon Headsets with at least one DMG decrease random attribute.
- A Gold gear Portable GPS with at least one DMG increase random attribute.
- A Gold gear Power_Boots with at least one DMG decrease random attribute.
Please not that the random stat should belong to the same type of the army force you will be using it for (Check below for example on random attributes).
Recycling Titan Gears
In order to recycle a Titan gear, you will need to navigate to the recycling page from the Operator table located at the bottom of the screen.
The most important part in the recycling of Titan gears is not to sacrifice a good gear. So pay attention to the statistics that appear at the right side window as shown below.
Boosting Titan Gears
As we stated above, we do NOT start boosting unless we have a full set of good enough gears for all of our heroes. After we have a full set of good enough gold gears on all of our heroes, we start boosting our gears one by one 5 levels at a time. Do not level up a gear directly to 20 while you still have gears below level 15.
Refining Titan Gears
Refining a Titan gear is rather a bit complex and requires attention. There are many cases that leads us to take different decisions when refining. Below you may find some notes and cases where you need to pay extra attention so that you may grasp the full benefits of titan gears and their refining feature.
- The most important note in refining is that we do NOT do it unless we have successfully crafted at least three Titan gears of same type, in which all three gears must include at least one of the good random attributes we mentioned above (DMG increase, DMG decrease, DEF).
- Case 1 refinement: this is the first case and the very simplest one to do. We encounter this case directly at our first refinement in which we need to pay attention to the details so that we can proceed correctly.
In this case we refine one gear using another gear while both gears have only one good random attribute.
Although this case looks like simple, but someone might easily make a mistake while doing it. For example, in the above example we chosen the best Titan gear and we decided to refine it using another lesser good one. But someone might do the opposite (see below) which might look as if it both will result to same outcome.
However, the difference would be if the random attribute comes over the existing one which will lead to increase its percentage value. Thus, in the first correct way we would be increasing the DEF of navy from 1.62% as a worst case scenario. But if we follow the below common mistake, we would be increasing the percentage from 1.2% instead which even if it reaches 1.6% it means we reached same value of second gear this would be a total waste of a gear so please pay extra attention to it.
- Case 2 refinement: This is also similar to first case but instead of having only single attributes, we might have more than one attributes on one gear. For this case, if the gear that has multiple attributes and only one good attribute, we might treat it as if it’s a single attribute based gear. Unless the percentage value of the gear is not worth it, in which we keep this gear for the very last or even recycle it.
This means that if the gear that has multiple attributes but only one good attribute has a good percentage value, then we refine it.
In the above case, notice that we only care about the Army Decrease DMG taken attribute, thus refining the one with multiple attributes means that we might either replace any of the HP boost attributes or increase the percentage value of the DMG decrease.
- Case 3 refinement: we encounter this case when we have multiple attributes on both gears. Thus for this case we are left with no choice but to use a stabilizer as you can see below.
Please note that we always try to refine our gears with single attribute based gears to minimize the use of stabilizers.
Activating or Merging a Special Effect
Crafting Titan gears as we have talked until now will provide you gears with various random attributes, but it’s not the only thing that might be obtained from crafting. Crafting a Gold gear (legendary level gear) also comes with a probability of obtaining a rune in which we could use to activate a special effect on a legendary titan gear.
Runes come with various of types and effects. Each has a unique ability and some of them are only applicable for certain heroes.
Meanwhile, below you can see how to activate a Special effect on a legendary gear. But please remember, check the description and be sure that the special effect works with the hero you are using the gear on. The easiest choice is to activate either Tactical Awareness or Stealth Hologram as both are universal and work with all heroes. But they are extremely rare so you still need to read the description of others to confirm whether they work on the hero or not.
On the other hand, if the titan gear already has a special effect, the Activate button will turn into Merge button. Merging a special effect means to level up the special effect that already exists. And merging will also consume Runes but with higher quantity.
It is with a great importance to not start merging any special effect before activating special effects on all gears of all main heroes.
Inheriting a Special Effect
Inheriting a special effect is rather a simple thing to do, it has only two options and only done once the special effect is needed on another type force hero. This means that we need to take the special effect from one gear of a hero to another type hero’s gear without taking the random attribute away from first hero. In such cases we do the following:
- We click on the inherit button on the gear that we want to assign to it a special effect.
- We then choose the titan gear that holds the special effect we want to take.
- After we confirm the process there will be a cool down of 2 hours until this could be performed again.
- In case both titan gears used for inherit have already special effects, then the inherit will turn into a Swap. This means no special effects will be lost, they will only be swapped.
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