Top Heroes – Lord’s Traits Guide

Quick Guide to Lord’s Traits

By SaRaB.

Before we dive into the explanation of the Lord’s traits, I want to give a big shout-out to Siffo and Bloodshade for their incredible assistance!

Lord’s Traits Categories

  • Harvest Lord’s Traits
  • Warlord’s Traits

Lord’s Hall

Both Traits are accessible in passive Trees, via The Lord’s Hall building that is available at Castle level 25.

Glory Medals

Glory Medal is an essential currency used to upgrade The Lord Hall providing Lord Points with every level gained. The only source to gain Glory Medals currently is through participating in Guild Arms Race event.

Lord’s Points

Lord’s point Is the core item to acquire and level up Lord’s Traits, and as mentioned above it can be gained by upgrading The Lord Hall.

Lord’s Traits selection

As we have two options here! One of the important things to know is what to pick so let’s break it down quickly! Before we dive in the details.

Harvest Lord! Why & When?

Harvest lord is the first option to pick for the majority of players for it provides them with nice construction buff, speeding up their Journy to Castle and Barracks level 40.

Additionally it is a safe options for the Free to play community, or Peace lovers early game! As they can have tools to support their fighters by constructing Dark&Light Towers for them on the map, without getting their hands dirty in a melee.

War Lord! Why & When & How to Reset?

Opposed to the Harvest Lord, War Lord is often chosen later on, mainly because it requires more Lord Points and is less useful for growth. It can be switched from Harvest Lord to War Lord by using the Lord Trait Reset Scroll, which can be purchased in the Daily Diamond Shop. There is also a free weekly reset. This switch is recommended as soon as the player upgrades to Castle level 40 or whenever they need more combat power.

War Lord however, by default is a great fit for players who are invested in PVP, and are regularly spending to stay on top, Making this pick the best of both in this scenario Early, and End game, actually the ultimate choice for end game with no doubt.

Harvest Lord’s Notable Traits

Increase Construction Speed.

Note: Up to 40%.

Load Capacity Increase.

Note: Loot more resources per successful attack or while gathering.

Gathering Reward Pack

Note: 10×5 for a total of 50 per day, (you can treat this as a silver chest).

Guild Arms World Map Points.

Note: Helps to score more points during the first stage (day) of Arms day.

Auto Gathering Facility.


  • Build an Auto gathering Facility on the world map, occupying a Tile to gather resources for a period of time.
  • You can Re-Call your troops after the Facility is built. A copy of the Queue used to build it will defend it vs Attacks costing you no losses if it is attacked.
  • If your Queue is defeated however the attacker will take part of your gathered resources.

Tower Of Light


  • Can be built on World Map, for a max of (2) when the traits are maxed, but only (1) is available as start.
  • These Towers boost all friendly Queues within their range Increasing the Damage dealt and Damage reduced by (15%) at Max Level.
  • These Towers effects do not stack, so if multiple are present where the battle is taking place, only the highest level tower’s boost will apply.
  • These towers can be reinforced and attacked, Taking (6) successful attacks to destroy a built tower.
  • They also have a duration to build, and another that cause them to disappear when it expires.
  • At Level 5 tower (Max), it takes (2) minuets to build it and (40) to expire on it is own.

Tower Of Darkness


  • Similar to Tower of light in how it is deployed, and the maximum count of towers (2).
  • These Towers debuff all none guild-mate players within their range reducing the Damage dealt and Damage reduced by (16%) at Max Level.
  • The effects for these towers do not stack too, but they do effect 3rd parties.
  • Effect on Third parties can be explained simply as follows:
  • Player from Guild (X) builds a Tower of darkness next to a player from Guild (Y),
  • Players from Guild (X and Z) Both will benefit from the tower when they attack the player from (Guild Y).
  • These towers can also be destroyed after (6) attacks.
  • Duration to build Maxed tower is (5) mins, and it takes (25) mins to expire.
  • Tower of Darkness has no effect on PVE mobs/bosses, but does effect the players. It is recommended to not build it next to world bosses such as (Slime King).

Tower Of Light – Enhanced.

Note: Adds another Tower, Max(2) and increases the attributes of the buff.

Tower Of Darkness – Enhanced.

Note: Adds another Tower, Max (2) and Strengthen the De-buff that affects None Guild-Mate Players within it’s range.

Super Rally.

Note: increase the capacity of soldiers that can participate in a rally.

Rally Horn.


  • Joining or initiating a rally team, Rally Horn increases the HP of allies’ heroes by up to 50%.
  • Each level of this trait adds 6%, with a maximum of 30% per player. However, if multiple players have it, it is possible to stack the effect to 50%.

War Lord’s Notable Traits

Increase attack during Castle Invasion by 15%.

Note: Boosts your heroes’ attack attributes by 15% while attacking castles in the open world.

Increase the speed of healing wounded soldiers by 30%.

Note: Allows for quicker recovery of troops wounded in battle (through the Hospital).

Increase League Soldier HP by 60%.

Note: Provides greater durability for League soldiers in battle.

Increase Horde Soldier HP by 60%.

Note: Provides greater durability for Horde soldiers in battle.

Increase Nature Soldier HP by 60%.

Note: Provides greater durability for Soldier soldiers in battle.

Increase League Soldiers’ Attack by 30%.

Note: Improves offensive strength of League troops.

Increase Horde Soldiers’ Attack by 30%.

Note: Improves offensive strength of Horde troops.

Increase Nature Soldiers’ Attack by 30%.

Note: Improves offensive strength of Nature troops.

Increase march size of the League heroes by +100 (10 troops per level, up to 100; max level 10).

Note: Expands the capacity of League heroes for larger troop deployments (Real important for overall power + Morale).

Increase march size of the Horde heroes by +100 (10 troops per level, up to 100; max level 10).

Note: Expands the capacity of Horde heroes for larger troop deployments (Real important for overall power + Morale).

Increase march size of the Nature heroes by +100 (10 troops per level, up to 100; max level 10).

Note: Expands the capacity of Nature heroes for larger troop deployments (Real important for overall power + Morale).

Increase march speed when assisting allies by 30% (Queue’s speed).

Note: Enhances responsiveness when supporting teammates in combat.

Increase Attack by 30% when assisting allies (Heroes’ Attack).

Note: Strengthens the impact of support heroes during collaborative efforts.

Increased HP by 30% when assisting allies (Heroes’ HP).

Note: Boosts the survivability of supporting heroes.

Consecutive battle limit up to (5).

Note: Expands the number of teams your Queue can fight in a single battle, this is useful when you want to bust through Reinforcements.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 235 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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