Tired of searching through all the lists of cheats? Then this is the right for you! This is a simple, straightforward and easy to read guide to cheats for the System Shock 2 game. Have fun!
Table of Contents
How to Enable Console
In MFD’s Shoot Mode, hit the “:” key (“Shift+;”) to bring up the command line.
Warning: Older versions of the game may lock up if you enter the command line while in MFD’s Use Mode.
Console Commands
The commands are case-insensitive, which means they don’t distinguish between capital and lowercase letters.
Standard Commands
- psi_power # – Switches Psi Tier. # = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- cycle_weapon # – Cycles equippable weapons. #: -1 = back, 1 = forward.
- show_version – Displays version number.
- fire_weapon # – Fires Weapon. #: 0 = off, 1 = on.
- reload_gun – Reloads corresponding Weapon.
- quicksave – QuickSaves to current folder.
- quickload – QuickLoads from current folder.
- stop_email – Stops playing an Audio Log or Mail.
- frob_toggle – Switches between Cyber Interface modes.
- swap_guns – Switches between the primary and secondary Weapon.
- wpn_setting_toggle – Toggles Weapon settings.
- quickuse – Activates quick slot.
- quickbind – Binds quick slot.
- select_psipower – Brings up Psi Power selection MFD.
- shock_jump_player – Causes the player to jump.
- clear_teleport – Clears existing teleport marker.
- cycle_ammo – Cycles through available ammo.
- play_unread_log – Plays unread Audio Logs.
- look_cursor – Sets cursor to Query Mode.
- frob_object – Simple frob of the selected object.
- frob_object_inv – Simple frob of the selected object in inventory.
- toggle_compass – Toggles compass state.
- toggle_inv – Toggles inventory panel.
- msg_history – Toggles message history.
- toggle_mouse – Toggles mouse look and cursor modes.
- query # – Toggles Query Cursor. #: 0 = off, 1 = on.
- split # – Toggles Split Cursor. #: 0 = off, 1 = on.
- interface_use – Uses an item in the inventory.
- equip_weapon $$ – Equips a weapon from the inventory. $$ = Object Code (see last table).
- use_obj $$ – Uses object. $$ = Object Code (see last table).
Cheat Commands
Warning: Using summon_obj can cause issues with game triggers, potentially leading to game over.
- add_pool # – Adds # of Cybernetic Modules.
- psi_full – Maxes out Psi Points.
- ubermensch – Gives maximum Stats, Tech and Weapons Skills. Does not grant any Psi Tiers nor Powers.
- open_mfd 35 -Opens Stats Upgrades.
- open_mfd 36 – Opens Tech Upgrades.
- open_mfd 37 – Opens Weapons Upgrades.
- open_mfd 38 – Opens Psi Upgrades.
- open_mfd 20 – Opens O/S Upgrades. Usable up to four times.
- summon_obj $$ – Spawns an Object at your feet. $$ = Object Code
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