Pharaoh: A New Era – List of Housing Requirements

Housing Requirements Guide

I am trying to make a complete list from page 50 of the Prima Official Strategy Guide (1999) of the requirements for each level of housing.

Building Level Services NeededGoods Needed
Crude HutN/AN/A
Sturdy HutWellN/A
Meager ShantyWell, Market1 type of food
Common ShantyWell, Market, access to 1 god1 type of food
Rough CottageWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god1 type of food
Ordinary CottageWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 10 entertainment points1 type of food
Modest HomesteadWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 13 entertainment points1 type of food, pottery
Spacious HomesteadWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 16 entertainment points, Physician1 type of food, pottery
Modest ApartmentWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 20 entertainment points, Physician1 type of food, pottery, beer
Spacious ApartmentWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 25 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse1 type of food, pottery, beer
Common Residence (2×2)Water Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 30 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School1 type of food, pottery, beer
Spacious ResidenceWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 35 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist2 types of food, pottery, beer
Elegant ResidenceWater Supply, Market, access to 1 god, 40 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist2 types of food, pottery, beer, linen
Fancy ResidenceWater Supply, Market, access to 2 gods, 45 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist2 types of food, pottery, beer, linen
Common Manor (3×3)Water Supply, Market, access to 2 gods, 50 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist2 types of food, pottery, beer, linen, 1 type of luxury goods
Spacious ManorWater Supply, Market, access to 2 gods, 55 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist, Mortuary2 types of food, pottery, beer, linen, 1 type of luxury goods
Elegant ManorWater Supply, Market, access to 3 gods, 60 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist, Mortuary, Library2 types of food, pottery, beer, linen, 1 type of luxury goods
Stately ManorWater Supply, Market, access to 3 gods, 70 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist, Mortuary, Library2 types of food, pottery, beer, linen, 1 type of luxury goods
Modest Estate (4×4)Water Supply, Market, access to 3 gods, 80 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist, Mortuary, Library2 types of food, pottery, beer, linen, 2 types of luxury goods
Palatial EstateWater Supply, Market, access to 3 gods, 90 entertainment points, Physician, Courthouse, Scribal School, Dentist, Mortuary, Library3 types of food, pottery, beer, linen, 2 types of luxury goods

In addition to goods and services, you may need to improve the local desirability of a House to make it grow.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 359 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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