This guidance explains how to cheat using the console and the save files folder location.
How to Enable Console
On the Steam version of game, pressing the [~] Tilde key will bring up the console (on the Gamepass edition, it is not accessible).
Note: Using console commands can screw up your save, so use caution!
Console Commands (Cheats)
- HideHUD/ShowHUD – hides or shows HUD.
- UnlockAllJournalQuests – unlocks every entry in present quests in the Journal tab.
- UnlockAllJournalPeople – unlocks everyone in the People tab of the journal for the act.
- UnlockAllGlossaryMatches – unlocks every entry in the Glossary tab for the act.
- AdvanceTimeToHour – allows you to travel to a certain time of day.
Game Save File Location
Saves are located in:
- %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pentiment
Note: At regular periods, the game automatically saves on 8 separate slots.
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