Monster Hunter Wilds – Hunting Horn (HH) Tips

Useful Tips for Hunting Horn (HH)

Ву CoJoe (Sinclair).

How to Apply Buffs

There are three “notes” you can play:

  • Light Attack = LA
  • Heavy Attack = HA
  • Light / Heavy Attack Together = LHA

Pressing these in specific orders will add ‘Melodies’ to the music bar in the top left. Pressing Weapon Special will ‘Perform’, playing whatever melodies you have queued, in the order that you queued them, and applying the related effect after each is played.

If you’re interrupted in the middle it will simply cut the performance where it was with whichever melodies had played than the remaining ones still in queue. You can resume it again to continue where you left off.

Hope Horn Melodies (changes with weapon):

LA+LA ‘Self-Improvement’

  • Buff: A movement speed and non-deflect.

LA+HA+LA ‘Attack Up (S)’

  • Buff: Damage boost.

LHA+HA+LA ‘Fire Resist (S)’

  • Buff: Fire Resist.

LHA+LHA+LHA ‘Sonic Waves’

  • Effect: Forces monsters to the surface and similar such things.

LA+HA+HA ‘Echo Wave (Blunt)’

  • Spammable. High damage, blunt. SPAM THIS.

LHA+HA+LHA+LA ‘Offset Melody’

This Melody needs more explaining since it functions different from the others. You don’t have to ‘Perform’ to use it — it’s ready as soon as you tap out the sequence. You must play it again after every use.

Hold Weapon Special + LHA to prime, release to fire.

There Are Two “Tiers” of Buffs

Yellow buff text means tier 1, purple means tier 2. To get them to tier 2 you can do two different things:

  • Play the buff twice (bad)
  • Play the buff, and press LHA ‘Encore’ as it ends. (good)
  • You can press ‘Encore’ after after one melody, to end the performance early and buff it to Tier 2, or do so at the very end to buff all of them. With this you can apply multiple Tier 2 buffs with one performance.

If you press LHA, you can can apply multiple tier 2 buffs with only one performance.

There Are Several Ways to Chain Notes

  • Melodies chain together. I.E. the last note from the previous can be the first note for the next. LA+LA followed by HA+LA will queue both ‘Self-Improvement’ and ‘Attack Up (S)’, with one less input.
  • Multi-note hits. Holding a directional Key (W, A, S, D) when pressing either HA or LHA gives the attack an extra swing, during which you can input an additional note to the music bar for free.
  • Hilt jabs. While an attack animation is ending, press ‘Move Backward’ + LA / HA / LHA to perform a quick hilt jab and queue that note to the music bar.

You Can Apply Buffs While Riding Your Seikret

Pull your horn out by pressing light attack while riding, then as you swing, press whichever note you want to play.

Keep tapping whichever following note you want until you’ve got all the notes you need, then press Special to perform to apply them all.

When Starting a Fight

On your Seikret, play this:

  • LHA+HA+LHA+LA+LA+HA+LA and LHA ‘Encore’ as it ends. This will give you three separate things:
  • LHA+HA+LHA+LA ‘Offset Melody’

This isn’t a buff; it’s HH’s parry move. You have to replay this sequence each time you want to use it again.

  • LA+LA ‘Self-Improvement’

Movement speed and no-deflect buff.

  • LA+HA+LA ‘Attack Up’

Damage buff.

Echo Bubbles

Dodge + Weapon Special to place. Yes, they stack. Yes, they’re strong. They’ll do different things depending on which horn you’re using bug generally speaking they apply a buff of some kind to allies inside it, and/or a debuff to monsters inside it.

Huge: When you attack a monster that is inside your echo bubble (s), your attacks will deal bonus damage, even if you miss. Try to position these on the monsters sides and face.

Blunt Damage Stunts Monsters Easier

If you can, go for the head. You deal blunt damage which means it’s easier for you to stun monsters than it is for most weapon types.

The Easiest Way to Get Your Offset Attack

The easiest way to get your offset attack is either playing notes during your echo bubble (you can input three) or during your wound attack (you can input five).

If neither are available, you can do this:

  • LHA (Hit HA as your extra note on the downswing, cheating notes is a very important mechanic), LHA, and then hold BACK on your joystick while pressing LA. This gets you all four notes without having to use bubble/wound in less inputs than just playing each note individually.
  • You can cheat notes on both the directional HA attack (press the second note of your choice when the horn swings around) and on the directional LHA attack (press the second note of your choice when the horn swings downwards).
  • You can play three notes when you drop an echo bubble with NO timing, so if you want all white notes, just spam LA as your guy does the little dance. Wound attacks are the same thing, but there IS a timing, and it’s 5 notes total.
  • The best source of damage after you have applied buffs is spamming LA+HA+HA over and over again while dropping echo bubbles on/near the monster. Be sure to encore for extra damage!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 235 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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