Beginners Guide to Bow Armor Builds
Ву Hex.
Note that these builds fit for each and everyone playstyle, not everyone should be going for “highest damage” if you do not know how to survive at all.
Build #1: Dodger
For the first build, I’ll be talking about being “immortal,” a build where you can dodge constantly, stay far away from the monster, and lastly have longer i-frames when you evade. If that’s not enough and you get hit, there’s a high chance for “Divine Blessing” to proc too.
About damage, we’ve got max “Weakness Exploit,” which gives affinity chances, aka crit chances on the enemy’s weak spot and especially on wounds. It might not be the highest damage out there, but survival rate is high!
TLDR: Spam dodge, tiny chance of dying, medium damage, use Corrupted Mantle.

Build #2: Burst
For the second build, I’ve gotten a bit of help from people about making the build so much better.
This build is about having a high damage output as we’ve got both “Weakness Exploit and Burst” at max level. Followed up with 1 level of Flayer causing a slightly higher chance of wounds to open up on monsters.
For stamina, we also have both “Constitution and Stamina Surge” at max, having the maximum stamina efficiency for a bow user.
TLDR: Big damage, dodge spammable but not guaranteed survival, use Corrupted Mantle.

Build #3: Frenzy
For the third build, this build is mostly about setting up buffs while in battle with the monster.
Overall this build has the highest chance of being the highest damage output as its crit chances are through the roof, either being at 90% or 110%!
It consists of maxed out skills like “Weakness Exploit, Burst, Coalescence and finally Anti-virus.” 2 out of the 4 skills except “Burst” and “Coalescence” give out affinity if set up properly. As we go deeper in this build, we’ve got 2 Gore armor pieces causing a debuff called “Frenzy” when you’re going against large monsters. Pairing this debuff with “Anti-virus” and “Coalescence,” you can get rid of the debuff just by hitting the monster constantly. Once cleansed, you would get a buff for “elemental damage” from Coalescence and “affinity” from “Anti-virus.”
The only difference in this build is not having “Stamina Surge,” so be wary of your stamina usage and also drink Dash Juice!
TLDR: Big big damage but no dodge spam, use Corrupted Mantle.

We mainly have ARTIAN aka relic weapon as the main weapon all around for each build.
To explain Artian, it’s an end-game only weapon where we could insert our desired chosen stats, such as elements, attack or even affinity + we get 3, 3-tier gem slots which helps out even more with damage! GAMBLE! But there’s a huge downside of this weapon: it’s very tedious to craft as farming the parts requires you to beat 8 ⭐ missions, mainly “Arkveld“. Even after getting the required parts, we have something called “reinforcement” aka needing more stones to unlock each substat, and these stones require monster parts (any monsters) to be refined down to stones at the oilwell.
Once you’ve gotten these parts and stones, craft your weapon by selecting 3 matching element parts, such as dragon etc., while selecting these parts, you have an option between attack or affinity, so you can either pick 3 attack, 3 affinity or 2 attack, 1 affinity. Basically a mix and match situation, so you need to think wisely about picking what you want as there’s no going back. BUT this is what this thread is for, to “save” your materials!
Generally speaking, to fit in each build, picking 2 affinity and 1 attack part is the best suit as the base weapon for Artian affinity is at 5% and picking 2 affinity parts bumps it up to 15%, and of course the attack part brings our attack score up by 5 points!
Now comes the stressful and annoying part: “Rerolling of substats”. Artian weapons have 5 substats that are locked behind materials, and the materials as mentioned require any monster parts to be refined to stones, with each substat costing “3000 points,” making us use 10 of the highest tier materials. BUT, let’s say you’re not happy with the stats you’ve gotten, you can dismantle the weapon and get all the stones back BUT not the weapon parts sadly…
Now let’s speak about the decent substats roll. As we’ve already gotten 10% affinity bonus and 5 attack points from the parts we chose, we can hope that the game is kind to us and gives us either 3 of a kind OR 4 of a kind. If you’re hella hella lucky, 5 of a kind. But having 5 of a kind isn’t the best at times too, so with that being said, generally we would love to get 3 ATTACK and 2 AFFINITY substats roll as it’ll bump our attack score by 15 points and an additional 10% affinity, totaling up to 20 attack points and 20% from substats.
Then we have the 3 gem slots. What to slot in there? Well for the first slot, we’ll slot in “Critical jewel III,” then “Spread jewel,” and lastly, a gem that suits the element you crafted BUT the gem must have BOTH element and “Crit element.” Example, if your bow is dragon element, the gem would be called “Dragon/Crit Elem.” To explain the gems: Critical jewel III gives us 34% increment in crit damage, “Spread jewel” helps us boost our damage with bow’s power and quick shots!! Last but not least, element gems help boost our element by 20% and an additional +60 points, then we have the additional skill from the jewel, “Crit elem.” With this skill, it makes our elements crit when we land critical hits!
TLDR: Pick 2 affinity and 1 attack part, reroll stats for 3 attack and 2 affinity, use Critical jewel, Spread jewel, and Elem/Crit Elem jewel.
Weapon on the right is just an example and personal weapon, just to show you what I meant by substats etc!

How to Build Artian Weapons
To build an Artian weapon, you start with THREE (3) production stats, which could be affinity or attack, and FIVE (5) reinforcement stats, which could be affinity, attack, and element. For simplicity, we’ll ignore investing in the element stat for reinforcement due to its inefficiency in the current meta. This means you can have a total of 8 stats to invest in. More useful data can be found on the Goblin.tips
For Artian weapons, there are different varieties of builds and playstyle preferences you can aim for. I’ll break these down:
2 Affinity / 6 Attack
This build provides just the right amount of affinity including corruption mantle, which provides 30% affinity to your build but has a drastic cooldown and cannot be used consistently.
0 Affinity / 8 Attack
This is a very niche build and very hard to min/max unless you’re lucky. If you happen to come across a weapon like this, you would have to include corruption mantle and agitator 4.
4 Affinity / 4 Attack
This is a generalist build route that is easier to build towards. You won’t be relying on corruption mantle. However, with this build you would only be at 80% affinity, or 95% affinity if you run agitator. Just know that if you are hitting wounds, you gain an extra 20% affinity because of weakness exploit, so this is something to consider when choosing this build.
Endgame Weapon: Artian Bows
The Artian crafting system allows you craft a custom weapon of any element with different stat arrangements. This may seem confusing at first, but let’s break it down.
How to craft a specific element for an Artian bow?
During the production you want to have x3 matching elements to get the most value out of crafting what you want. Crafting elements of 3 different elements will result in no-element, which is not good. Crafting a weapon with 2 mismatching elements will make the element with the majority less efficient. So, always craft with x3 matching elements with production stats
What stats can we expect to roll for an Artian bow?
Three stats that are possible to roll is flat attack (+5), element (+30), and affinity (+5%). There are total of 8 stats that you can expect on your bow. Three (3) stats can be pre-determined through the production process, five (5) stats are randomized through the reinforcement system.
What stats do we WANT on our Artian bow?
In order to proceed with the best odds of going for the best ideal bow, you want to begin crafting a bow with (3) attack crafting parts during the production process, then roll for (5) attack stats on the reinforcements lines. These are extremely difficult odds to achieve especially if you are aiming for multiple Artian bows for each element. Any deviation or weaker variant of the ideal Artian bow will only mean an extremely marginal damage loss, so don’t stress too much.
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