Metaphor: ReFantazio – Trial of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy (Tower of Insolence) Guide

Trial of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy (Tower of Insolence)

By SwankyJeans.

This was the first trial I tried. I’m not sure if that was a good choice. The main challenge in this trial is that the dragon only takes damage from almighty attacks. You’ll need to use the merchant and/or prince character types to win. There are also other things to watch out for in this fight.


The main plan is to slowly win by managing turns and staying alive. Use Tetrakarn (from Magic Knight at level 20) to block damage and end the dragon’s turn. Use 1 Tycoon (with Fortune God’s Abacus) to deal damage. Use Shelter Formation (from General at level 9) to increase defense, but don’t let your defense (or any stat) go above +2 or the dragon will remove all your buffs.

With other characters, bring healing and status removal abilities. Use items (or similar skills) like Amnesty Talismans, Tinned Torpors, and Reset Talismans to manage turns. It’s very helpful to have protection against Slashing, Dark, and Strike damage, and to be immune to poison and hex effects.


  • Level: 70
  • HP: About 18000
  • Damage types: Slashing, Dark, Strike
  • Status effects: Poison, Hex

Useful Items

  • Amnesty Talismans: These remove all enemy stat increases. You can find them in Altabury Heights at the Snowflower Pharmacy.
  • Reset Talisman: This removes all stat decreases from your entire team. You can also find these in Altabury Heights at the Snowflower Pharmacy.
  • Tinned Torpor: This lowers an enemy’s attack by one level. You can get this in Port Brilehaven at the Black Cat’s Claw.
  • Robust Remedy: This cures poison. You can find it in Grand Trad at Comfort Concoctions.
  • Purified Teacake: This cures hex. You can get it in Grand Trad at St. Fermis Church.


The damage numbers are for characters at level 62/63 on Hard difficulty, in the back row, without defense buffs, while the dragon has a +3 attack boost. Each skill will do about 1/3 of your HP as base damage. Crits and defense debuffs make it even more dangerous.

  • Miasma Whorl: Limits max HP of all characters to 300. This affects reserve characters too and can’t be removed. Always used first.
  • Great Dragon’s Wrath: Increases the dragon’s attack by 3 levels. Always used when the dragon’s attack boost is less than +3. You can use Amnesty Talismans to remove this boost and Tinned Torpors to reduce attack by one level.
  • All Reset: Removes all stat boosts from your team. Always used when any team member has a stat at +3. You can use this to trade turns.
  • Dekunda: Removes all of the dragon’s debuffs. Always used if the dragon has a stat at -3.
  • Great Dragon Shriek: The dragon gets 7 extra turns. Very dangerous. It often happens after the dragon uses All Reset, Dekunda, and Great Dragon’s Wrath in one turn.
  • Distant Black Howl: Can give hex to all team members. Used randomly.
  • Roar: Lowers all stats of all team members by 2 levels. Used randomly. Reset Talismans can remove this debuff.
  • Loathsome Claw: Deals about 100 Almighty damage. High crit chance if you’re poisoned or hexed. Used randomly.
  • Purple Toxiclaw: Deals about 100 Slashing damage and can cause poison. Used randomly.
  • Toxin Breath: Deals about 100 Dark damage to all team members. Can do much more damage if you’re hexed. Used randomly.
  • Poison Tail: Deals about 100 Strike damage to all team members and can cause poison. Used randomly.

Suggested Team Setup

  • Main character: Use Prince. The Resist All ability makes you tough, and Hero’s Cry is helpful in emergencies. I added Medicall for group healing, Tetrakarn to block physical attacks, and Shelter Formation to increase party defense. I focused on magic, so Royal Slash wasn’t a strong attack option. If you have high strength, it could replace having a Tycoon. Choose equipment that boosts defense and prevents status effects.
  • Strohl: Strohl is good as a Tycoon for dealing damage. I only had Tycoon level 1, but levels 16 and 20 give good bonuses. If you kept Strohl as a warrior, the Samurai level 20 skill Sturdy Stance is useful. It halves damage taken but prevents dodging. Equip Fortune God’s Abacus to increase damage. The Venomward charm is good for resisting Poison and Hex, available from the gold beetle person in Port Brilehaven.
  • Hulkenberg: Hulkenberg works well if you kept her as a knight. At Magic Knight level 20, you get Tetrakarn, and at Paladin level 8, you get Knight’s Defense and Counter. Knight’s Defense isn’t used often but can make the dragon use All Reset. Focus on equipment that improves defense and prevents status effects.
  • Fourth character: Choose someone with good defense or useful abilities. The berserker type learns War Cry, which can replace Tinned Torpors when you want to lower the dragon’s defense too.

Note: Don’t use abilities or equipment that increase your defense at the start if you’re using Shelter Formation. The dragon will use Reset All and remove your boost the first time.

Battle Strategy

  • Use Shelter Formation often when your defense isn’t at +2. This keeps your defense high so you don’t lose a character in one turn. Be careful not to go to +3 or the dragon will use Reset All and you’ll be in danger.
  • Use skip turn a lot. Any character can use items, so let characters with special abilities have more turns.
  • Keep Hero’s Cry until someone is defeated or you’re near the end. Don’t use it early.
  • Remove hex and poison quickly to avoid big damage from Loathsome Claw. This attack always does extra damage when you have these status effects.
  • Do things in this order: heal low health (below 150), increase defense or remove debuffs, cure status effects, deal damage, use Tetrakarn, heal, use items or skills that change turn order, guard.


  • Experience: 12,075
  • A-Experience: 1553
  • Magic: 25,000
  • Money: 15,000

Item: Cardinal Dragon Raiment (Increases Strength by 5, Magic by 5, stops fire damage)

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 235 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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