This is a list of the Cheat Codes available to use in the LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 game.
Where to Enter Cheat Codes
These Cheat Codes can be entered in the top floor of Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment.

You should investigate the board upstairs.

Note: If you are looking for cheat codes for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, this is the place.
Cheat Codes
Gold Bricks Codes
- QE4VC7 – Gold Brick 1
- FY8H97 – Gold Brick 2
- 3MQT4P – Gold Brick 3
- PQPM7Z – Gold Brick 4
- ZY2CPA – Gold Brick 5
- 3GMTP6 – Gold Brick 6
- XY6VYZ – Gold Brick 7
- TUNC4W – Gold Brick 8
- EJ42Q6 – Gold Brick 9
- GFJCV9 – Gold Brick 10
- DZCY6G – Gold Brick 11
Extra Codes
- HZBVX7 – Silhouettes
- F88VUW – Ice Rink
- 4DMK2R – Disguise
- AUC8EH – Carrot Wands
- BMEU6X – Singing Mandrake
- HA79V8 – Character Token Detector
- ZEX7MV – Fall Rescue
- H27KGC – Character Studs
- 74YKR7 – Score x2
- J3WHNK – Score x4
- XK9ANE – Score x6
- HUFV2H – Score x8
- H8X69Y – Score x10
- 67FKWZ – Stud Magnet
- 89ML2W – Regenerate Hearts
- J9U6Z9 – Extra Hearts
- QQWC6B – Invincibility
- 7AD7HE – Red Brick Detector
- TTMC6D – Hogwarts Crest Detector
- 84QNQN – Gold Brick Detector
- T7PVVN – Christmas
- FA3GQA – Fast Magic
- Z9BFAD – Fast Dig
Spell Codes
- U6EE8X – Slugulus Eructo
- JK6QRM – Multicorfors
- 2UCA3M – Rictusempra
- MYN3NB – Entomorphis
- KWWQ44 – Tarantallegra
- 2M2XJ6 – Locomotor Mortis
- UW8LRH – Redactum Skullus
- 9GJ442 – Colovaria
- 6DNR6L – Calvorio
- QFB6NR – Anteoculatia
- H8FTHL – Herbifors
- ERA9DR – Glacius
- YEB9Q9 – Incarcerous
- ND2L7W – Flipendo
- YZNRF6 – Trip Jinx
- UWDJ4Y – Stupefy
- CD4JLX – Engorgio Skullus
- VE9VV7 – Accio
Red Parcel Extras
There are a total of 24 Extras available in this game. The first four can be purchased from Eeylops Owl Emporium. The other 20 you’ll have to unlock by collecting the Red Parcels hidden around Hogwarts.
Below I’ve listed each Extra in the order they appear in the menu. I have also listed what they do, and how to unlock them.
- How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This turns all characters into black silhouettes of themselves
Ice Rink
- How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This makes the floor super slippery, and it will take longer for you to change direction. This also applies to enemy characters
- How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This gives all characters fake glasses, noses and a moustache
Carrot Wands
- How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This turns all wants into carrots! They’ll still function properly, but now they’re edible!
Singing Mandrake
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Greenhouse 2, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This turns the Mandrake’s screeches into beautiful singing. You’ll still need to wear earmuffs to pick them up though
Character Token Detector
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Charms Dungeon, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Arrows will point to the final locations of Character Tokens. Keep in mind that this won’t tell you how to actually get the Character Tokens, just where they’ll appear
Fall Rescue
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Gryffindor Dorm, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: If you are going to fall off a ledge, you will be magically levitated back onto it
Character Studs
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Great Hall, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Defeated characters (and other enemies) will drop a small amount of studs
Score x2
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Clock Tower, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Multiplies the value of all collected studs by 2. This stacks with other stud multiplier Extras
Score x4
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Slytherin Dorm, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Multiplies the value of all collected studs by 4. This stacks with other stud multipler Extras
Score x6
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Computer Room, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Multiplies the value of all collected studs by 6. This stacks with other stud multiplier Extras
Score x8
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Boy’s Bathroom, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Multiplies the value of all collected studs by 8. This stacks with other stud multiplier Extras
Score x10
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Potions Dungeon, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Multiplies the value of all collected studs by 10. This stacks with other stud multiplier Extras
Stud Magnet
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Quidditch Grounds, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This increases the radius at which you can pick up studs, making collecting them easier
Regenerate Hearts
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Gear Basement, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: If you are missing any hearts, you will regenerate one heart every few seconds
Extra Hearts
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Dragon Basement, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This gives you 6 hearts instead of 4
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Dumbledore’s Office, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This makes you immune to damage from enemy attacks and other environmental hazards
Red Brick Detector
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Restricted Section, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Arrows will point to the final locations of Red Parcels. Keep in mind that this won’t tell you how to actually get the Red Parcels, just where they’ll appear
Hogwarts Crest Detector
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Ravenclaw Common Room, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Arrows will point to the final locations of Hogwarts Crest Pieces. Keep in mind that this won’t tell you how to actually get the Crest Pieces, just where they’ll appear
Gold Brick Detector
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Owlery, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Arrows will point to the final locations of Gold Bricks. Keep in mind that this won’t tell you how to actually get the Gold Bricks, just where they’ll appear
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Hufflepuff Dorm, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: Everyone will be wearing Santa hats!
Collect Ghost Studs
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Clock Tower Courtyard, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This allows you to collect the ghost studs that Nearly Headless Nick leaves behind. Each ghost stud is worth 1,000 studs
Fast Magic
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom 2, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This greatly increases the speed at which you perform spells. This doesn’t effect how fast they travel, it only affect how long it takes to interact with objects when you hold the “special” button. This also speeds up your building time.
Fast Dig
- How To Unlock: Collect the Red Parcel in Hogwarts Grounds, then purchase in Eeylops Owl Emporium
- What It Does: This greatly increases the speed at which you dig up buried objects
Minikit Models
After collecting all 24 Gold Bricks in a particular movie, you can head to the basement of the Leaky Cauldron and build a Minikit Model.
Completing the Minikit Model will give you another Gold Brick.
The Sorcerer’s Stone

The Chamber of Secrets

The Prisoner of Azkaban

The Goblet of Fire

Map of Diagon Alley
Below is map of Diagon Alley. It’s a pretty small area, so you shouldn’t need a map, but I thought I’d include it just in case. Click to enlarge…

Map of Hogwarts
Below is map of Hogwarts. Click to enlarge…

Joke Spells
There are a whole bunch of spells that you can purchase from Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment. All of these spells will appear in the red slot on your spell wheel (with the exception of Accio, which appears in the purple slot). The red slot will cycle through all available spells, so when you cast at a person, whatever icon was visible will be the spell cast.
Below I’ll list the name of the spell, along with what it does.
Slugulus Erecto
- What It Does: This causes the victim to vomit up slugs. Ron tried to curse Malfoy with this during Year 2.
- What It Does: This simply changes the color of the victim’s clothing
- What It Does: This causes the victim to break out into a laughing fit
- What It Does: This causes the victim to turn into a bug, sprouting mandibles and antenna on their head
- What It Does: This causes the victim to start dancing uncontrollably
Locomotor Mortis
- What It Does: This ties up the victim’s legs, forcing them to hop around
Redactum Skullus
- What It Does: This shrinks the victim’s head
- What It Does: This changes the color of the victim’s hair
- What It Does: This makes the victim bald
- What It Does: This makes the victim sprout antlers on their head
- What It Does: This makes the victim grow flowers on their head
- What It Does: This encases the victim in ice
- What It Does: This prevents the victim from moving by tying up their whole body
- What It Does: This will flip the victim around in the air
Trip Jinx
- What It Does: As you might guess, this causes the victim to trip over their own feet
- What It Does: This stuns the victim, leaving them unable to act
Engorgio Skullus
- What It Does: This causes the victim’s head to expand
- What It Does: This allows you to call potion ingredients to your hand from far away. If you cast this spell at someone, it will suspend them up in the air. Cast it at them again and they will start spinning around. Cast it at them again to launch them forward!
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