All KCD2 Console Commands (Cheats)
Please Note: Using console commands can potentially break your game experience in several ways (they might corrupt your save files, or could trigger unexpected bugs).
Only use these commands if you understand the risks!
How to Use Commands
How to access the console:
- First, you need to enable the developer console:
- Create a shortcut to the game executable
- Right-click the shortcut and select “Properties”
- In the “Target” field, add -devmode at the end (outside the quotation marks)
- Click “Apply” and “OK”
- Launch the game using this modified shortcut
- Open the console by pressing the tilde key (~) located below Esc on most keyboards
- Type your command and press Enter to execute it
Popular Commands
wh_cheat_addItem “ItemID” or “ItemName” | Add item. |
wh_cheat_money “Quantity” | Add money. |
#player.soul:AddBuff(‘4add60ab-9015-4e56-9f7a-cb19345d6d49’) | God Mode! |
#player.soul:AddBuff(‘BuffID‘) | Add buff. |
wh_cheat_set_wanted_level=0 | Remove wanted level. |
wh_rpg_getLocation | Get coordinates. |
playerGoto X Y Z | Go to XYZ coordinates. |
Teleport X Y X | Teleport to XYZ coordinates. |
wh_rpg_UnlockAllAchievements | Unlock all achievements. |
wh_horse_StealCurrentHorse | This lets you instantly steal a horse, simply mount a horse and enter this command. Be warned that this ownership can potentially mess up on save/load or switching regions. |
#player.soul:AddPerk(“ID”) | Adds the given perk to the player. Where ID is the id of the given perk. |
wh_horse_JumpHeight = 200 | This command increases horse jump height, The normal value is 1.6, but it seems like there’s a ceiling to how high you can jump that caps out around 200. |
wh_pl_LockPickingDOF = 200 | Default value of 1. Changing the value to 50 massively increases the time you have before a lockpick breaks while you’re picking a door or chest. Testing shows that the maximum value may be 200. |
wh_pl_LockPickingShakeOverride = 0 | Default Value is -1. Changing this value to 0 will stop the shaking when you’re trying to lockpick, making it much easier. |
#player.inventory:CreateItem(“ID”, Condition, Amount) | When using this command, make sure to put the ID in quotes – it needs to be the actual ID, not just the name. The Condition value must be a decimal number between 0 and 1, representing a percentage. For example, use 0.2 for 20% or 0.93 for 93%. |
#player.soul:AddPerk(‘PerkID‘) | Add a perk. |
#player.soul:AddSkillXP(‘skill‘, amount) | Add XP to any skill. |
#player.soul:AddStatXP(‘stat‘, amount) | Add XP to any stat. |
#player.soul:SetState(‘state‘,level) | Change health, stamina, exhaust, or hunger level (0- 100). |
player_revealFow | Turn off Fog of War. |
Misc Commands
#player.inventory:RemoveAllItems() | Empty player inventory |
#player.soul:SetState(‘hunger’,70) | State is one of the states listed on the player page in the Stats section States include:stamina, health, exhaust and hunger. Level is the value of that state. Example to set nourishment to 70 the command would be |
exec Text.txt | Runs a set of commands contained in the Text.txt filelocated in the games root directory. The file Text.txt can have any name. Each line should have a seperate command. To spawn multiple of the same item just place the command on multiple lines. |
wh_env_RainIntensityOverride = -1 | Value 1,0,-1 (confirmed). A value of 1 enables heavy rain, a value of -1 turns off rain. A Valuie between 0 and 1 sets the rain intensity. |
wh_env_WeatherUpdateEnabled = 1 | 1 is default value which allows the weather to change. Setting the value to 0 will disable weather changes. |
wh_horse_CameraCentering=0 | Keep camera from auto centering while on your horse |
wh_horse_JumpGravityMult = -0.1 | You can make your mount float by changing the gravity value to any number between -0.1 and -1. If you want your mount to have normal gravity again, just set the value to higher than 0. |
wh_horse_SpawnOnCall = 1 | Default value is 0. When set to 1 the horse will TP near the player no matter where the horse is. |
wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 | Enable bow cursor |
wh_pl_StoneThrowingLaunchXAngle = 85 | Default value for stone throwing angle |
wh_pl_StoneThrowingMaxDistance = 3.0 | Default value is 1.8, changing the value to 3.0 is more realistic. |
wh_pl_StoneThrowingMinDistance = 0.3 | Defaut value for min stone throwing distance |
wh_rpg_OneShotKill = 1 | This turns on one shot kills – meaning you can defeat enemies with a single hit. But be careful, because enemies can also defeat you with one hit. Make sure you focus on dodging attacks instead of trying to block them. |
wh_rpg_SkipFoodTimers = 1 | With a value of 1 fod does not spoil. Default value is 0. |
wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1 | Default value of 0 requires Schnapps to save your game. A value of 1 disables the Schnapps requirement |
wh_ui_ShowCompass = 1 | Default value of 1 will show the compass. A value of 0 turns off the compass. |
wh_ui_showHUD = 1 | Default value of 1will show the HUD. A value of 0 turns off the HUD. |
wh_w_aimbyprojectile=0 | Default value of 1 make the player aim using the shaft of the arrow/bolt; a value of =0 aims with the reticle/centre of the screen. |
Item IDs
There is a very huge number of items in the game, so we don’t publish the list in full. Below in the table you will find only a part of the IDs. The full list can be found on the Google Sheet.
Example of a command to add items:
wh_cheat_addItem "ItemID" or "ItemName"
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Adorned axe | c25fc705-c957-4c9a-a831-0f112e3b148d | kovaniPoklad_adornedAxe |
Apothecary guild knight shield | cb183f59-3a57-4f13-ba35-3ba456c1092e | shieldKite_cech_B |
Axe from Skalitz stub | 29287483-8f15-4f6e-b48f-062a5f81877b | axeWork02_broken_kunesh |
Bailiff’s mace | f65df177-966b-48e5-8cc6-26a4f95e41b0 | maceBailiff |
Baker guild knight shield | b797e1c2-c557-46ea-a47f-abce7b1bb030 | shieldKite_cech_F |
Balshan’s sword | d55db816-48fa-405f-9f22-fef473ec5542 | bratriZCimburka_balsanSword |
Balshanka | 82c48b4f-8ff9-40c0-8217-38dfef73de15 | bratriZCimburka_balsanHalberd |
Bardiche | 4bda3dd1-871c-452a-87fe-b783946435c2 | polearmBardiche |
Basilard | e37bdf86-4cc8-4805-b04c-3b05964b9484 | shortSwordBasilard |
Battle axe | 53612e76-76fd-4dca-84b6-7905b986dc3b | axeBattle01 |
Battle longsword | 23855649-1783-4e0d-95ad-d3478797b642 | longswordSturdy |
Bearded axe | bd74ce18-2623-48ba-a1a1-c9b09bbb2827 | axeBattle02 |
Bloody knife | 884d8895-7406-46a7-9e86-ac8c4a1f70c1 | zikmunduvTabor_stabProofDagger |
Broad longsword | 3858560f-cf48-436f-8815-4426003288fb | longswordBroad |
Broad sword | 9aa773b1-ede0-4ff5-bbd8-2595b36c8a1a | shortswordBroad |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Ash hunting bow | f54e6116-6c6c-4712-99a9-8a11e3416e2b | bow_c_b |
Ash longbow | 77262956-daee-4a0e-9035-517569f18ef4 | bow_d_a |
Cuman chief’s bow | feea3905-8f49-4098-83b5-7f5a572a45a8 | cuman_bow_a_a |
Cuman folded bow | ddf6c62b-75b6-47c7-b287-38269670815e | cuman_bow_a_b |
Decorated field crossbow | 56287624-0cbb-48ff-bf0a-d61144f1a3a8 | crossbowMediumFancy01 |
Decorated hunting crossbow | a6fc95eb-9cf2-4554-ad72-9a9c09aae177 | crossbowLightFancy01 |
Dogwood hunting bow | d2011311-2315-43a1-a953-76432df04329 | bow_c |
Dogwood village bow | db354284-2cf9-40a4-bcfc-e78d020204af | bow_b_a |
Elm hunting bow | c6367565-6518-4b7c-8ca1-2dfb0c7a2055 | bow_c_c |
Elm longbow | b4a0b9c9-bf92-4cce-ad43-f20f57c892b9 | bow_d |
Field crossbow | 48f25a62-e787-490e-83e9-9335bf303ef9 | crossbowMediumNormal01 |
Fine hand cannon | 842c178a-54b8-4c2b-8255-77d430165320 | hookgunFancy01 |
Footpad’s bow | 1c7c82d9-ba66-4702-8988-e018df1d6200 | prepadeni_banditBow |
Gnarly’s crossbow | 808f9b56-d847-4e04-ba12-5a434012c6ff | zbranePanaSemina_sukCrossbow |
Hand cannon | d9ccf323-7ca7-4d05-b8fb-213c748bb23e | hookgunNormal01 |
Hazel longbow | 5c23394a-3300-4570-a8b7-ef1c11519047 | bow_a |
Hazel longbow | 5e7bca7b-844f-4d95-a122-1ce537d7e8be | bow_a_empty |
Heavy crossbow | 588c12c6-f0fb-4b3e-847d-ce1df2739e73 | crossbowHeavyCheap01 |
Hunting bow from Hans Capon | 71eb8e1d-86a9-47a4-8d75-9f4a2d76e813 | zachranaPtacka_caponRewardBow |
Hunting crossbow | cb6ee20b-6eee-434c-af4c-8031502e2bec | crossbowLightNormal01 |
Master’s hunting bow | cd1fe169-bc3b-4c46-96d1-49d9109fbe5e | bow_e_a |
Master’s pistole | 2694bfef-be40-4fb2-901b-e010eaede3ec | handgunFancy01 |
Miners’ crossbow | 2ba148d1-d33b-4e88-837c-5cc1e12c32ff | havirskyTurnajMediumCrossbow |
Old field crossbow | b77f912a-042b-47ca-8f42-5fddbcad3763 | crossbowMediumCheap01 |
Old hunting crossbow | 7673efc2-0566-4dde-9e18-f96c7790ce2e | crossbowLightCheap01 |
Ornate Cuman bow | 0077dfa2-b9be-4ae3-ae59-2803ba49dfcb | cuman_bow_a |
Paoacher’s bow | dbe25684-b1e2-4310-8156-e2da9bb60c0d | poi_skrysStarehoPytlaka_poachersBow |
Pasha’s crossbow | 94de53e1-8874-4a64-9837-ae758cb62e8b | magickySip_pechCrossbow |
Pistole | ea78735d-b371-46d4-a039-bef0ebbb088e | handgonneNormal01 |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Arrow from Karel’s Head | 55e0731f-4658-485e-96cd-74bda87edcd0 | magickySip_magickaSipka |
Ball | f10ded12-a41c-40bf-a8ae-883d4e845059 | shot_ball |
Battle arrow | d2a18521-696e-42be-adf3-0b82ad84d8bc | battle_arrow |
Battle bolt | ec38d11f-63ca-4dac-b9f5-ce4ff648b59c | battle_bolt |
Battle shot | fb30c64e-2360-4ed7-b805-531b3424fe4d | battle_shot |
Better hunting arrow | 802507e9-d620-47b5-ae66-08fcc314e26a | arrow_enh_hunting |
Better piercing arrow | a5b31bbc-1e11-4831-835b-c06d5b13a7da | arrow_enh_piercing |
Better wounding arrow | 13ba7468-11a2-483d-8cb9-25ce36a2d228 | arrow_enh_cutting |
Black arrow | 1abe5629-ffc4-4693-9cd7-700ea75e3386 | poi_strelnice_blackArrow |
Common bolt | 8460003f-637f-4713-92c9-4954037c4b9c | bolt_normal |
Crude arrow | dfea5d01-b25c-414a-9ab4-6911a5f82118 | arrow_crude |
Crude bolt | bcdd6887-8c80-4bae-8aa6-567574a75867 | bolt_crude |
Enhanced hunting bolt | b738d184-4ae1-4d74-8fac-b8db1943b1d4 | bolt_enh_hunting |
Enhanced long-distance arrow | 7db6b854-e307-4a47-ba39-943190b2469e | arrow_enh_precise |
Enhanced piercing bolt | c82f1a8d-3617-42b7-98a9-36e96ff71294 | bolt_enh_piercing |
Enhanced wounding bolt | e6652736-4cb4-42e9-b012-050064405f37 | bolt_enh_cutting |
Fine bolt | 67c11981-a636-42d8-8bb2-84f5170825eb | bolt_fine |
Hunting arrow | 710e3706-8974-404b-b23a-6f51670ef1ed | arrow_hunting |
Hunting bolt | 40337bef-e965-4a60-abee-695e9a784fa4 | bolt_hunting |
Long-distance arrow | d5e6764d-18ba-44cb-8dd0-6640a17785a8 | arrow_precise |
Marksman’s bolt | 1ed55cb8-80bd-4190-981b-146dc916d434 | bolt_precise |
Marksman’s bolt | ad5bcf05-c082-4ead-be9c-2f16c6d3dde7 | posledniPomazani_bohutaOpBolt |
New testing arrow | 278d26d1-e9a7-4354-84f9-37d20cb72b45 | arrow_EXAMPLE |
Ordinary arrow | ad6f0f01-aec4-44d1-982c-1210eb01b74a | arrow_normal |
Piercing arrow | e5b3f681-3714-4623-97be-4015fa454797 | arrow_piercing |
Piercing bolt | 166b4c7b-5e17-48db-bf0d-02f24eacdcbf | bolt_piercing |
Scatter shot | b302ee9d-d64c-4dc2-b045-05cd7d238eb4 | shot_scatter |
Sharpshooter’s bolt | 081fc4a1-25e9-4492-8dc8-2d9d6668c07a | bolt_enh_precise |
Tournament arrow | c20b2a42-8d5c-48bc-ad24-a4a529207ca9 | arrow_tournament |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Bascinet with aventail | 2f21ce09-8b9b-487b-88fa-18d25620d44f | BascinetOpen10_m01_D2 |
Bascinet with aventail | 3b42d9a1-186b-4e40-b5c9-d5c20b566a76 | BascinetOpen09_m02_B1 |
Bascinet with aventail | 4326bea5-c4c2-4ea5-a7d7-6bc591a7009d | BascinetOpen10_m03_D2 |
Bascinet with aventail | 5a4b0838-0aec-4d13-9f12-3e6a406b5305 | BascinetOpen08_m02_B3 |
Bascinet with aventail | 8b2cb8f5-31e8-4ee3-b4bc-b50c06f7ff4c | BascinetOpen08_m01_B3 |
Bascinet with aventail | b6cdfe6c-0cab-4880-aece-3ab8ac68ac9c | BascinetOpen09_m01_B1 |
Bascinet with aventail | bac734ab-52ff-447b-8307-f1256ad60987 | BascinetOpen08_m03_B3 |
Bascinet with aventail | d5a61438-2747-4546-8b02-14771322e54d | BascinetOpen09_m03_B1 |
Bascinet with aventail | f3a35cc8-fcb8-4ded-b065-0488ff3b5f45 | BascinetOpen08_mDevil |
Bascinet with aventail | afe31429-33dd-40d2-8550-71cbc55e67e2 | BascinetOpen08_mKomar |
Bascinet with bretache | 7dc23682-02cd-43d9-bcc8-e805489ae1a0 | BascinetOpen03_m03_C4 |
Bascinet with bretache | 962a26c0-078e-430b-b806-c19fc52526da | BascinetOpen03_m01_C4 |
Bascinet with bretache | a0ff8ee9-9c48-4906-b25d-1ee2865f8c4e | BascinetOpen03_m02_C4 |
Beaked kettle hat | 3437c616-a14c-4ba2-a382-f4898765eeff | KettleHat04_m01_B4 |
Beaked kettle hat | 921a52ca-5fbe-4013-aa3b-745fa11077b8 | KettleHat04_m05_B4 |
Beaked kettle hat | 9c6aac7c-4797-4aa9-a297-939fd5e5a54e | KettleHat04_m02_B4 |
Beaked kettle hat | bfa58512-905d-4e15-94fd-4f850e0cf434 | KettleHat04_m04_B4 |
Beaked kettle hat | e825dd76-be87-4ff3-9fd4-a7751b5fba83 | KettleHat04_m03_B4 |
Bell-shaped bascinet | 2b5bb6d2-f2f9-4c09-afdd-12f59ca8b5c8 | BascinetOpen02_m03_C1 |
Bell-shaped bascinet | 965274e3-4b6e-49de-b49e-778aafbe1762 | BascinetOpen02_m01_C1 |
Bell-shaped bascinet | fb7ebf36-7aea-410d-800e-2482193d0982 | BascinetOpen02_m02_C1 |
Brunswick’s bucket helmet | 157697b8-f618-4856-aea2-3b3cba06c1d6 | BascinetVisorBrunswig_m01 |
Capon’s bascinet | e055b9a3-0390-4a6f-8367-a042c5ed3eac | BascinetVisorCapon_m01_duel |
Capon’s bascinet | e535ea2b-1d06-413a-92ea-c4d0047e95ba | BascinetVisorCapon_m01 |
Composite kettle hat | 2dc6bb39-979e-462d-9f65-0c9376c6426c | KettleHat02_m03_D2 |
Composite kettle hat | 81bfb39f-d6da-4299-9776-98a93360dcff | KettleHat02_m02_D2 |
Composite kettle hat | 81e27f41-709f-47c8-96b3-8f8c9619d2fa | KettleHat02_m01_D2 |
Composite kettle hat | e4222df1-647a-4652-9be9-9a7a72230182 | KettleHat02_m04_D2 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | 0b354bb1-3741-4a78-8a73-0d668f273044 | BascinetOpen06_m05_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | 1430e4db-40cd-4f0a-b99a-ad9b8d3d6c41 | BascinetOpen06_m07_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | 3577a2f1-b901-4b73-b72c-3c35ff75c53a | BascinetOpen06_m01_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | 5957228f-d819-4832-9bd6-e0b6f977c364 | BascinetOpen06_m03_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | 8116d7f0-5115-4141-b1a7-499bdf88f8ff | BascinetOpen06_m08_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | d363ef34-16eb-4cc5-811d-d7cd4d8beac0 | BascinetOpen06_m04_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | eca620de-a1c1-47bc-b8bf-41f76dfd5f88 | BascinetOpen06_m06_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a crest | f627fe5b-6af9-4f1b-884e-6128686835b6 | BascinetOpen06_m02_B3 |
Cuman helmet with a mask | 16eee683-2fc5-4425-98c5-15f61e363d9a | BascinetVisor06_m01_B4 |
Gnarly’s old helmet | 8381805b-dff0-4c7f-b67d-b928047ab75e | zbranePanaSemina_sukHelmet |
Grimey skullcap | 04de6c7a-5fd1-4a0e-83d7-18d3218a250a | SkullCap01_m02_D1 |
Grimey skullcap | 3b0a1c2e-c631-47d6-b5f4-ac798318e86d | SkullCap01_m01_D1 |
Grimey skullcap | c2e2bd80-d048-433a-9676-b4d26913b221 | SkullCap01_m03_D1 |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Abbot’s hood | 67704b46-4af7-49bd-bbf4-727214982da3 | HoodAbbot_m01 |
Beggar’s hood | 0540e326-562b-41c7-9c8a-20ecce2aa17c | Hood04_m02_E |
Beggar’s hood | 0fc10781-6c9b-436a-92a1-2e1d97efc8f2 | Hood04_m09_E |
Beggar’s hood | 2ccaa0b1-46df-4879-b88e-b779670ca4eb | Hood04_m04_E |
Beggar’s hood | 2cfb13ee-d15c-48d3-84e0-fed50436c49f | Hood04_m01_E |
Beggar’s hood | 347f3a13-d4d4-44ae-9ef6-270f6e15087b | Hood04_m03_E |
Beggar’s hood | 80f33a28-4368-4672-a3d3-5d3d39cb5f86 | Hood04_m10_E |
Beggar’s hood | 81804c8b-379a-474e-b6fc-a8cc79252ec8 | Hood04_m08_E |
Beggar’s hood | 992f2afc-ee61-4787-a359-8c6adbfa7c40 | Hood04_m05_E |
Beggar’s hood | c319f421-26ca-4e89-8356-98c4e54fe53e | Hood04_m07_E |
Beggar’s hood | fc214bc3-f5cb-402a-a2e6-ba27622d9eab | Hood04_m06_E |
Black hood | e6b10069-429b-47ec-be14-35f8c47e0a42 | HoodGodwin_mNoBags |
Black hood | e935c1d0-d962-4887-8468-ddc65314e41b | HoodGodwin_m01 |
Brocade hood | 046c9155-8127-4247-831b-f1f6123a303e | Hood03_m03_A |
Brocade hood | 051bd377-e133-48e6-a12c-3a77e90de633 | Hood03_m05_A |
Brocade hood | 1d469cea-cae2-4e98-8260-64cd752eb699 | Hood03_m02_A |
Brocade hood | 352cb5bf-a09c-41c9-b190-3c96f9cd6d49 | Hood03_m06_A |
Brocade hood | 3694c855-086f-4ce4-b402-a97ecce944f9 | Hood03_m09_A |
Brocade hood | 4f668daf-d70c-418c-8617-5c8522fd8bbf | Hood03_m08_A |
Brocade hood | 7aae14d0-e0da-489e-9424-22ec626965e1 | Hood03_m01_A |
Brocade hood | d08d1127-b749-47b5-9f53-7b466060b0f4 | Hood03_m10_A |
Brocade hood | ef6b9ce0-6350-44f9-9303-18386ef312c4 | Hood03_m07_A |
Brocade hood | f6cd8a45-3b9f-4fb9-87cf-71722127646b | Hood03_m04_A |
Brocade hood | af34b82d-7459-49f4-8fe4-8480f254ba5e | Hood03_mPisek_A |
Burgher’s hood | 26c8d85e-931b-43f3-8085-ba4e99e883b6 | Hood05_m02_B |
Burgher’s hood | 417d64bd-3df0-4d98-9df1-bda691f36fc8 | Hood05_m05_B |
Burgher’s hood | 461381dc-2805-48be-b238-f54b35386da5 | Hood05_m03_B |
Burgher’s hood | 7b0c9bba-19d9-463b-8831-b27431060ed1 | Hood05_m07_B |
Burgher’s hood | a2dabe71-e0a3-45cb-8f9f-7aca2f233c6b | Hood05_m04_B |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Bravante saddle | 0f929cb0-58c7-44a7-9df7-0b4339070bec | NobleSaddle01_m10 |
Bravante saddle | 1265d185-9915-4509-8536-bef531fb6164 | NobleSaddle01_m09 |
Bravante saddle | 2913fe30-7252-475d-96d7-5ee408fd38df | NobleSaddle01_m07 |
Bravante saddle | 3f19b164-cc5b-4444-b7ef-6a0da1fe960e | NobleSaddle01_m14 |
Bravante saddle | 63a38e69-225a-4d82-91ee-20018557d402 | NobleSaddle01_m02 |
Bravante saddle | 74e56615-5cfb-458b-bc73-95bab7d81ebe | NobleSaddle01_m08 |
Bravante saddle | 9112f383-0216-42e1-a017-bff80f2e8d7b | NobleSaddle01_m05 |
Bravante saddle | 92f84b58-ae79-4429-bed8-de43c09e402b | NobleSaddle01_m06 |
Bravante saddle | 93768d06-15a4-4d81-a69c-cc52f4329291 | NobleSaddle01_m12 |
Bravante saddle | a3d98538-60f4-4051-9704-bd57aa9b5f7f | NobleSaddle01_m04 |
Bravante saddle | ae7eb079-4570-4f9c-8002-5de375d4421c | NobleSaddle01_m01 |
Bravante saddle | cafb850b-23a4-4a59-a500-4cd27eb15799 | NobleSaddle01_m13 |
Bravante saddle | d761189b-9ac2-4fa0-bdc8-cb59d1845957 | NobleSaddle01_m03 |
Bravante saddle | e09d7e78-7524-469d-ad75-d0d48d5d2d85 | NobleSaddle01_m11 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | 236a25e6-232a-431f-9541-7b4bb3ac41b6 | NobleBridle01_m06 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | 23cf705b-f472-4fa8-a623-ed6ccf36e022 | NobleBridle01_m10 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | 38524c97-f740-4e37-b65a-ea332e3e4385 | NobleBridle01_m05 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | 3c865190-3414-4fd0-8a1c-3d8e018209d1 | NobleBridle01_m09 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | 68204d36-5d4d-412e-9b37-8bce360952f3 | NobleBridle01_m01 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | 8e9765b9-4cc8-4cbf-9013-873946960aab | NobleBridle01_m03 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | 95a500fb-89e3-45fc-a058-15335899b0bf | NobleBridle01_m07 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | a3d02b6b-e8ef-4727-8548-9bac4b627124 | NobleBridle01_m08 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | c3deaeec-4712-4e2b-bd95-20b3a8c2b549 | NobleBridle01_m02 |
Bridle of the Holy Roman Empire | c8542eac-f3ed-4799-8cb9-e60d3ed84c85 | NobleBridle01_m04 |
Bridle with plating | 21f1f549-1bbb-479c-8368-0ee986dc7636 | BasicBridle02_m07 |
Bridle with plating | 4ed20d32-2ae9-4eae-8b66-4f017eeb59ab | BasicBridle02_m03 |
Bridle with plating | 596212ea-ce9b-4b8c-af09-278ae2d834bb | BasicBridle02_m06 |
Bridle with plating | 6f04d4c1-d6bf-440b-a199-f6a081843558 | BasicBridle02_m10 |
Bridle with plating | 89001105-166c-4276-b92c-da1b6bb83805 | BasicBridle02_m05 |
Bridle with plating | 9c4be44a-ddcf-4829-9cf4-71f0161c5108 | BasicBridle02_m09 |
Bridle with plating | c2749a78-ed35-4df9-a7e9-0942bc8ccc9d | BasicBridle02_m02 |
Bridle with plating | c5d6da49-48b0-461c-b7ae-eb16b0599b15 | BasicBridle02_m08 |
Bridle with plating | e6ea8edc-0c8a-4e93-9ba2-0b2c67cfd336 | BasicBridle02_m04 |
Bridon saddle | 1ca6a63a-0522-42b1-a60a-e8295a0c03f1 | NobleSaddle02_m09 |
Bridon saddle | 34758735-e07e-40e0-9c04-9665106331c9 | NobleSaddle02_m15 |
Bridon saddle | 4fbe6287-9b35-4608-948c-ed5c487d726f | NobleSaddle02_m08 |
Bridon saddle | 51636329-c3b8-489f-ac74-a10993153063 | NobleSaddle02_m14 |
Bridon saddle | 6d712946-f8a0-4b51-b863-c21812413427 | NobleSaddle02_m07 |
Bridon saddle | a3ce6197-7b02-406e-9afd-e0da5828f506 | NobleSaddle02_m02 |
Bridon saddle | aa2c10e4-145c-49bb-9e9c-afcdc3468fc6 | NobleSaddle02_m13 |
Bridon saddle | ab02705b-9c90-43b9-97f5-35ef70ebb595 | NobleSaddle02_m06 |
Bridon saddle | be99e748-2fca-4363-a102-d0d83343e844 | NobleSaddle02_m04 |
Bridon saddle | c1238997-86be-4803-aa98-7b27eae9cd9c | NobleSaddle02_m05 |
Bridon saddle | c86b79b0-3214-478b-aac7-96ebe0be793b | NobleSaddle02_m10 |
Bridon saddle | d464f9be-c088-459c-aaf3-60beef6905b9 | NobleSaddle02_m11 |
Bridon saddle | db9eb8f0-ba77-48a8-a657-91eaa1018114 | NobleSaddle02_m03 |
Bridon saddle | ed154d31-b836-4c4c-a8c8-3b00c2f6b6b3 | NobleSaddle02_m01 |
Bridon saddle | fd74329c-eaba-4c72-a774-527b099dad3d | NobleSaddle02_m12 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | 11084379-c94c-4a8b-bfe8-5b6214b9c890 | NobleCaparison06_m07 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | 1dcc68e2-20d6-44da-bf31-fd5ccf16a1fd | NobleCaparison06_m01 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | 28855f6e-c16a-473d-b16f-43ce0b23b49b | NobleCaparison06_m05 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | 592428d2-6e56-406f-b917-899024ee4427 | NobleCaparison06_m03 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | 796890cb-0aa0-4aad-9cae-8c65c9eb752a | NobleCaparison06_m02 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | 9ebb6fb5-0c6e-4f4b-8ca9-c150666c56f9 | NobleCaparison06_m06 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | abf99866-6deb-4de1-a9ba-ee0443cb0db1 | NobleCaparison06_m09 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | ca154752-a639-4b06-9a19-2d6028352465 | NobleCaparison06_m08 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | d5e78740-a7f3-46f1-acde-b5a0976ebb52 | NobleCaparison06_m10 |
Caparison á la crupper decorated | fd94cd25-cf40-4a9d-b15a-a0df9e67f501 | NobleCaparison06_m04 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | 27467b6f-a8d8-498b-9297-b8eaba69e80c | Caparison04_m01 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | 644aeef7-5230-4912-a7d7-a021e5674df6 | Caparison04_m08 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | 676a72d3-c088-477b-9fd5-47c0c65d18fb | Caparison04_m06 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | 903e2f21-996c-487b-aa2c-ec31d246f937 | Caparison04_m05 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | 97c45588-7a43-432e-b364-913159035351 | Caparison04_m04 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | c0da574d-f21f-4d6f-916f-eeeca45d895b | Caparison04_m07 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | dea605c7-2f09-4d49-af83-6224d036bc21 | Caparison04_m03 |
Caparison á la crupper simple | f8307be9-ec64-4934-953b-cbea36aa4b2d | Caparison04_m02 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | 010dace9-e80f-49db-b744-968a2a05b3ed | Caparison03_m04 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | 26566627-402c-4d3f-adf8-2aa205194b0e | Caparison03_m03 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | 51f8ae21-65c9-424f-b0ef-3ab7453714a8 | Caparison03_m08 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | 665005e3-8f19-477e-a10c-6cb665ce1df9 | Caparison03_m01 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | 74c05b8b-6461-4e24-a344-99a48197c503 | Caparison03_m06 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | b50bc28e-7a5a-4ec7-92a6-454800f158e9 | Caparison03_m02 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | d0864235-80e2-4077-9586-8316c95a3bcb | Caparison03_m05 |
Caparison á la peytral simple | f5c64a03-c38c-4736-8805-28f743646ff9 | Caparison03_m07 |
Caparison decorated | 08cd152e-0a78-4119-930d-64762e3605b0 | NobleCaparison02_m07 |
Caparison decorated | 4d8c778d-144a-4bd5-9163-70d7ecd24338 | NobleCaparison02_m01 |
Caparison decorated | 51b5c2ca-be2b-4e8d-9022-17ab74a63523 | NobleCaparison02_m09 |
Caparison decorated | 538d406b-3706-4e12-8cc5-48078a1d52cc | NobleCaparison02_m04 |
Caparison decorated | 57ac2f43-bcb5-4b5c-a2b8-8a9be75bfb46 | NobleCaparison02_m05 |
Caparison decorated | 5f4e4f67-794c-467c-9a30-a8436b5cad5a | NobleCaparison02_m06 |
Caparison decorated | 670b8480-23f6-4f37-818b-80d4c1143d53 | NobleCaparison02_m10 |
Caparison decorated | 6896df33-18f7-42c0-ba5e-108a5ea07f38 | NobleCaparison02_m02 |
Caparison decorated | 6df3efcb-27f6-41fe-8ca4-5105c9a1a6d3 | NobleCaparison02_m12 |
Caparison decorated | 8631c168-3b26-4955-adc7-916753140f5b | NobleCaparison02_m11 |
Caparison decorated | a024c830-5e59-4677-9337-10cd088ec636 | NobleCaparison02_m08 |
Caparison decorated | a77065c6-7bae-41ba-8e34-9ad7242c2792 | NobleCaparison02_m03 |
Caparison decorated | bb97b80c-1f12-497b-9bba-66923c2b19e7 | NobleCaparison02_m13 |
Caparison decorated | e9b2dae4-fcf1-4ac7-8a0c-4b65af20e6fd | NobleCaparison02_m14 |
Caparison of the Lord of Semine | 2c972710-02d1-41e0-83cd-8de8f9bc7216 | Caparison03_mSemin |
Caparison of the Lord Ruthard | 1e0ac4a2-00f9-4d50-b80e-0e3033bf12ba | Caparison03_mRuthard |
Caparison of the Lord Ruthard | 96fd2a94-7570-473a-b4ba-7b64829247f7 | Caparison03_mRuthard02 |
Caparison of the Lords of Leipa | 5979f0c3-bf55-4bd5-9d91-f4dc08902257 | Caparison03_mLeipa02 |
Caparison of the Lords of Leipa | 972175ab-00fc-471b-ae1d-6d257a18ad58 | Caparison03_mLeipa01 |
Caparison of the Lords of Leipa | 9902f662-a748-4765-b78a-23b1fc91333f | Caparison03_mLeipa03 |
Caparison of the Lords of Leipa | a57afc93-b952-461b-8dfa-18ba1a446431 | Caparison03_mLeipa |
Caparison sewn in Leipa colours | 8c14ac92-cc83-45c1-82b1-6554183807a1 | NobleCaparison02_mLeipa02 |
Caparison sewn in Leipa colours | d18c67a0-e117-4530-86ea-514e67ce60fe | NobleCaparison02_mLeipa |
Cracow saddle | 13b7e805-3c51-4c0e-93f2-de54d2e46e5d | WarSaddle03_m05 |
Cracow saddle | 29935052-4849-447f-938e-3b84348cd6fe | WarSaddle03_m13 |
Cracow saddle | 4146da70-95fe-4776-9ce5-6bc54ebaa566 | WarSaddle03_m08 |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Belladonna | a314b580-bc97-4802-ae1f-8f4803e34503 | herb_belladona |
Chamomile | 7259b9bc-dfae-487e-a8bb-c1f500894e0c | herb_chamomile |
Comfrey | de134f81-cfbe-422d-9105-df3e0b3b59b5 | herb_comfrey |
Dandelion | a11cc7f6-b499-4003-aef1-938e87b30a2e | herb_dandelion |
Dried belladonna | 5ee103d4-0be6-4d5b-b5a1-4449a3ca5046 | herb_dried_belladona |
Dried chamomile | a7460fa7-fe8b-4606-ab35-44379e35fe77 | herb_dried_chamomile |
Dried comfrey | d6335bbe-807a-4b4b-919d-4a8b5e7cc751 | herb_dried_comfrey |
Dried dandellion | 5bf04beb-9527-4840-8cc1-229ed826e571 | herb_dried_dandelion |
Dried eyebright | 6073159c-6843-41f3-94a3-40e41617ea19 | herb_dried_eyewort |
Dried feverfew | 50d3be3d-eac7-4cb9-a2ef-8af0fc889199 | herb_dried_feverfew |
Dried henbane | c35230d7-008b-402d-8f17-4493dd78605e | herb_dried_nightshade |
Dried herb paris | 60827d19-7234-4004-b7ae-a88e7f17cfd9 | herb_dried_paris |
Dried marigold | a412425e-b683-4a95-993c-7239aada9358 | herb_dried_marigold |
Dried mint | fb7c15ed-89ef-418e-b091-dbd813a962d0 | herb_dried_mint |
Dried nettle | f6899d80-8ca4-4aa9-a7e0-20aa9e45f03a | herb_dried_urticaria |
Dried poppy | 9b750e23-86ff-4b8b-ac97-9498121800c1 | herb_dried_poppy |
Dried sage | 2bb1c148-8ee1-42bc-8a93-8c456a57eba5 | herb_dried_salvia |
Dried St. John’s wort | e075f9eb-4de6-4ade-9b22-7c9e5174054a | herb_dried_hypericum |
Dried thistle | 3ba9bd0b-3c6f-4442-8d6c-57ee5ced85eb | herb_dried_thistle |
Dried valerian | 0146b4e9-1698-4f02-a6c4-f50e2d659540 | herb_dried_valerian |
Dried wormwood | 666ccc75-e92b-44ce-98eb-f0fa9118c70c | herb_dried_wormwood |
Elderberry leaves | ad54c2eb-0c07-48d9-b933-f7b15727b294 | herb_elderberrry |
Eyebright | 0290b689-c01c-480f-b121-bed71ad1f5e0 | herb_eyewort |
Feverfew | a695d6b3-541d-4c46-93a3-a1955d5bd919 | herb_feverfew |
Ginger | 04dc56da-9f2e-4741-93a5-aa6ec3a7cece | herb_ginger |
Henbane | b5587dd4-f7d8-4378-9903-7626a227ca0f | herb_nightshade |
Herb Paris | 2ddf6256-0662-44c4-99fe-f713b6d900ea | herb_paris |
Marigold | bf7b7c2a-017b-4c7b-b9aa-0c4e29ce5913 | herb_marigold |
Mint | 7da04bba-0564-42da-bcf1-9a2fc5faf025 | herb_mint |
Nettle | 5e9b4fa1-aafa-4352-b5d6-58df2c263caa | herb_urticaria |
Poppy | 05bef17b-ddeb-426d-aa53-52ff6d4f521e | herb_poppy |
Sage | b9de1d84-a0c1-4b81-9f60-8d7fbb3cb9d4 | herb_salvia |
St. John’s Wort | 9b771c16-c0b1-438c-aeda-8c4d3ce28465 | herb_hypericum |
Thistle | a364b800-c1ca-4bd1-92cb-ae1689bfa7ea | herb_thistle |
Valerian | 27b8a61f-36e4-4101-9be5-1b814d43bd8f | herb_valerian |
Weeds | 3373a604-a2fd-4af0-a5e8-760e1a9893f9 | herb_weed |
Wormwood | 4d9e61aa-3f90-4e5d-b836-f9e158196438 | herb_wormwood |
Food & Potions
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Aesop | db3b9089-3985-44fb-a2f4-d662321b6d4a | potion_aesop_medium |
Ancient moonshine | 01d468fe-0fe8-4bb3-9bcc-e8abcbb9e9a4 | poi_pokladPodTroskami_oldSpirit |
Apple | 06787e37-2822-4180-9dda-6aa1a2d15707 | apple_half_eaten |
Apple | 2264f217-590e-4c0f-a4c6-f50c6532b9f6 | apple |
Aqua vitalis | ade54ad7-c400-4b19-a3fe-d34bd1fc3b30 | potion_aquaVitalis_medium |
Artemisia | 2a17517c-e5f3-4c9e-ad45-b9e4b171b452 | potion_artemisia_medium |
Aujezd beer | a19f631a-cde3-49fa-97c8-8dc7ef8eab03 | wedding_beer3 |
Bacon | 154a8471-b753-4f84-ac5f-d989c8532d02 | bacon |
Bacon | a30e5fae-634b-4a97-8a16-f06ad72a0b7f | bacon_vlasak |
Beef | 81c21fdc-3d62-4d1f-854f-eb364db1bcff | beef |
Beef kidneys | 3590f22a-3fcf-441a-9774-6c3f87f6d190 | cowKidney |
Beef tenderloin | 661cee65-b667-46d4-9cf8-8bd3dafe5fdd | beefTenderloin |
Beef tongue | 5ff91d0f-e525-4b37-9256-d8fea8be1c8d | cowTongue |
Beer | 52afd6fa-9377-457c-83a2-b5b39321a4dc | beer |
Beet | 7899825d-ed6f-4f00-b698-649ba652cf6d | beet |
Bitten apple | d2ffc509-509f-4db0-81b6-ad5311231e10 | apple_sedmTrpasliku |
Blue crayfish | 8f882709-5192-4c95-bf1f-d44fb8ffd214 | crayfishBlue |
Boar kidneys | 84fb8a3d-fa6d-4b01-a354-f0ac110a3536 | boarKidney |
Boar meat | ba4b74ad-f8f1-427e-905b-1bc8c27163e7 | boarMeat |
Boar rump | 490b5820-b717-4750-bca4-ae5e26eb7368 | boarRump |
Boar tenderloin | 78dca400-f504-42ff-a02b-700018f39993 | boarTenderloin |
Boletus edulis | 4dab452b-7f35-4cd9-942f-f59fd14c83fe | boletus |
Bowman’s brew | 980ce52a-866c-4212-a80a-dfc6b53f5c40 | potion_bowmanBrew_medium |
Bread | 86e4ff24-88db-4024-abe6-46545fa0fbd1 | bread |
Breadroll | ca873759-2d0d-4f2f-ba05-49b6c1872a9e | breadroll |
Buck’s blood | be58eb36-bd45-45d9-8a38-5bd07ceb4258 | potion_stamina_medium |
Cabbage | 8d6964b1-b645-4aa1-adcc-db22646f3722 | cabbage |
Carrot | b7ee311c-736b-4f7c-987b-8431ce3b5600 | carrot |
Chamomile brew | ca4bb7aa-12a9-45d5-a589-de2a2458fc4d | potion_chamomile_decoction_medium |
Cheap wine | 38df365c-a4bb-462b-80cc-eb92f16930fa | wineCheap |
Cheese | b2f8f5e3-8e5e-4600-a4bb-be17e2d4a058 | cheeseQuarter |
Chicken | 18ff9093-2cc4-4ab3-9f34-7cb0dd7cd30a | chicken |
Cinnamon | b2840078-612e-49de-b236-6de80a380d70 | driedCinnamonSpice |
Clove | 46a665ee-279e-4cbe-90f0-cec851d86543 | driedClovesSpice |
Cockerel | d4d378ef-0fb1-4030-880e-6b2fea8a394c | potion_insomnia_medium |
Cooked apple | 295c54f8-76a3-42fa-8fe1-8f1ecb63576b | appleCooked |
Cooked beef | 44593169-7482-4293-80bc-01c3144e4fa2 | beefCooked |
Cooked beef kidneys | 71940f4a-de33-4473-9006-c371f1a62ad5 | cowKidneyCooked |
Cooked beef tenderloin | 363b64a7-9005-45f2-9bea-4b5330159fe5 | beefTenderloinCooked |
Cooked beef tongue | 5c0981cd-1c99-4690-8e54-29dbfc315c1d | cowTongueCooked |
Cooked beet | 55537a99-41ba-4497-925c-a543ced248e3 | beetCooked |
Cooked blue crayfish | 26b67cb9-c283-49c3-ac2a-87a3ce38eb1f | crayfishBlueCooked |
Cooked boar kidneys | 5f9951e9-2b3d-4bfb-aaa7-0b5cada6d116 | boarKidneyCooked |
Cooked boar meat | db357169-2012-4c12-b82b-d021cd4c8d9f | boarMeatCooked |
Cooked boar rump | 20d7df96-9d99-4260-bb73-c5443aba5e63 | boarRumpCooked |
Cooked boar tenderloin | dede8ec9-3f0e-4c07-975f-320a7cc72452 | boarTenderloinCooked |
Cooked boletus | 81358847-cc24-4036-aa0f-99f180cd4ecc | boletusCooked |
Cooked cabbage | 5585da96-12c9-478d-a1a2-d5f206d9fe72 | cabbageCooked |
Cooked carrot | bc26419a-f9d5-40bb-98f0-05b6c527e85a | carrotCooked |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Adam’s chambers key | 3b25ebaa-4d67-457b-a3e4-a22b50beccce | budovaniLazni_ownersRoomKey |
Adult’s skull | 44ab51be-5e5d-446d-815a-4c46bc72d1dc | poi_matkaADite_mothersSkull |
Alchemist’s key | 0c057351-28f6-418a-95ab-66d0010dedbe | poi_ruinaRabstejnky_alchemistChestkey |
Alum | dd7c811d-4ad3-434b-bbad-58e50b5e1195 | eventKamenec |
Ambrose’s cross | 112b1baa-8fbc-4465-a68d-a64437edab52 | poustevnik_woodenCrossAmbrozWidow |
Anvil | f22b7bb9-fa73-4aa1-92e6-3943e2be7e69 | blacksmith_tongs |
Astrolabe | ff0e9782-252b-4cba-8931-62b0ff08bd21 | andelStraznyAstrolab |
Bag of Holy nails | 17033e0e-4164-42d8-9178-7b5aad65aa38 | magicShop_sackOfHolyNails |
Barnaby’s ring | 469034fe-952c-47a4-b6df-d7be3651f438 | taboryUCesty_barnabasSilverRing |
Barrel chest key | 45be2e1e-8f43-41e9-a2aa-e815d4e038de | traskavePoselstvi_gunpowderChestKey |
Basilisk egg | 81db3800-aded-4a25-8e6b-c53b7b056d30 | bazilisciVejce_basiliskEgg |
Bathhouse bedchamber key | 0067c708-9a85-4034-b9fb-94975eda6bf3 | budovaniLazni_bathmaidsRoomKey |
Beer tankard | ffcc5e56-e448-48e0-b33d-8210e9431478 | budovaniLazni_mug |
Blacksmith’s hammer | 0502824d-a654-4471-9978-c1624860dde1 | blacksmith_hammer |
Bloodied broken arrow | ff29ea1e-dcef-43bd-ab06-b454d7894ccd | lovVlku_brokenArrow |
Bloodied wedding dress | 7edcd587-f3ec-496b-87c4-0eee3b759acb | nemcuvPoklad_BloodyWeddingDressWoman |
Bloody stone | 68aa778b-9c3f-4c11-8c76-b68b617c58ab | korenarkaZachrana_killerStone |
Boar hide | e0a9faa2-46d4-4b4e-a619-9a56c1c29007 | skin_boar |
Bone comb | c23d1d05-6915-4bb0-8698-80089d49c352 | loot_comb |
Bone hair clip | 238d1cd1-5990-4065-b574-58653b9edaca | loot_hairBuckle_bone |
Bone rosary | 7b34c172-9e0c-4ab4-b4e2-8ccb8665e853 | loot_rosary_bone |
Bookpage with a rhyme | 25e52a3f-174f-4643-9884-3055ff3c2a8c | pocestny_bookPageRhyme |
Brabant’s chest key | 6899bb3d-1805-0681-c4f9-b0ec5b9a01fa | stealthMiseZaJindru_brabantsChestKey |
Brocade | 0ae9eb7d-d57f-4f4b-8949-8f37c39f553e | loot_brocade |
Broken arrow | 3b5be706-3cac-4223-a780-039867c65c4d | arrow_broken |
Broken bolt | a1bbf4df-3242-498e-9595-7879665c4ee8 | bolt_broken |
Broken pickaxe | 48a89050-6c16-48fe-beeb-1b00a82e1c80 | rutina_ruinedPickaxe |
Bull pen key | 45b0f7d3-95bd-454a-805a-6a8a1b58d8e2 | mysi_bullsBarn |
Buresh’s letter of safe conduct | 791fb136-8c52-4575-9c8a-a938bd24f9b9 | kralovskeStribro_safeConduct |
Candle | 643000ee-d9ad-4501-8e07-b8fb2dd9aaed | loot_candle |
Capon’s poaching kit | 5e97a0ba-5442-49b0-9c2d-55895d514b34 | pytlakPtacek_caponEvidence |
Cast silver | 676cabb4-cc25-4798-9175-dbd5904d071d | poi_zasypanyDobrodruh_stolenSilver |
Cellar door key | c1871a11-e31a-49f7-906e-9d4cd2ba5768 | staryMistr_hideoutBasement |
Cellar key | 8cea8859-e4a5-425c-9614-59d6af57afee | spizovaciOddil_keyToBeerDoor |
Cellar of the Saints tavern key | 0c8f2af6-6e37-45de-8782-1f083dc526ee | svatyAntonin_tavernSvatychCellarDoor |
Chemise | 3b7dd2f0-6a48-4fbd-807c-7f110110a7db | budovaniLazni_womensChemise |
Cherchtan’s key | dce2273d-64be-48ec-b9de-118cdc5c8863 | zikmunduvTabor_cherthanChestKey |
Chest key | ce9eb029-8f0d-498c-9565-6ba75d665b70 | taborOdboje_keyBandageChest |
Child’s skull | bd17a696-1f7b-46df-b717-1986cc64b757 | poi_matkaADite_childsSkull |
Christian’s letter of safe conduct | fffab57b-ccb8-452b-ab1d-5bb259c334cd | kralovskeStribro_kristiansSafeConduct |
Coinage tools | 5b300677-a3e2-4aab-b30b-54b25de03d39 | prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_mintersTools |
Commemorative ring | 93557378-21da-4664-aa52-a469e4834aa0 | bohutovaVlozka_commemorativeRing |
Copper jug | f9648337-4f47-470b-9967-2677e326fa18 | loot_copperJug |
Copper kettle | 919c26be-59eb-45e5-ba63-9938e9bc7719 | setkaniVRatbori_copperJug |
Copper plate | fececd0c-712b-43be-8ce2-0acd91f7d971 | loot_copperPlate |
Cracked skull | 58938d62-627d-44f2-bf3e-fb728370d9f8 | stareKosti_brokenSkull |
Csaba’s Key | f5da4bd9-9f62-4cd5-8117-d9cfec70bfb1 | prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_csabasStashKey |
Cutlery knife | 5e1f8bc7-a8c6-4763-bdd9-843d73fcdc16 | rutina_eatingKnife |
Dead child’s bone | d4184b39-49a3-48de-bf91-23a8d68eb2e3 | azZaHrob_childLittleBone |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Decree of Bailiff Thrush | d76c35d5-3fa4-4e54-b021-42522e492698 | letter_BergovRychtarTroskovice |
A collection of somewhat bawdy poems | 466c01ab-e0e7-49b4-b27b-74111231fc74 | vezniNaTroskach_scribeBook1 |
A strange poem | 22374f7d-8506-48ce-9830-400044342e2b | Poi_indianaJonesPoem |
A treatise on the beauty of the crossbow | a103d73c-c15a-4bd7-bd4b-57c3431dc643 | poi_duelOstrostrelcu_skillbook_crossbow |
About Saint Dorothy | e7129bb8-d5d4-46d6-afe1-d78d2ad9c458 | lorebook_legendOfSaintDorothy |
About the coat of arms of the House of Ruthard | e1afae05-60d6-4494-9b4d-0f4bd5a90527 | fairyStory_HouseOfRuthard |
About the most faithful friend I | d462bff3-16ca-4ecb-8277-ecee08b6abe5 | skillbook_houndmaster_lvl1_kcd2 |
About the most faithful friend II | b66c8bf6-1ee5-463a-8a04-05402c78e1d6 | skillbook_houndmaster_lvl2_kcd2 |
About the most faithful friend III | e3ccd536-6566-4474-824b-6a87a7ac1c89 | skillbook_houndmaster_lvl3_kcd2 |
About the most faithful friend IV | aaeb7d08-bc5e-4cc5-8a6f-70ccff2640d4 | skillbook_houndmaster_lvl4_kcd2 |
Aim and fire! I | c821bacc-7381-48bc-b496-2aaf89dd294d | skillbook_marksmanship_lvl1_kcd2 |
Aim and fire! II | 942286d1-bffb-4ce6-8988-c02f4e500dd7 | skillbook_marksmanship_lvl2_kcd2 |
Aim and fire! III | aa2446a0-dee9-4542-a677-16892ddf4657 | skillbook_marksmanship_lvl3_kcd2 |
Aim and fire! IV | 52706f30-e046-4459-b822-e825cbc1d575 | skillbook_marksmanship_lvl4_kcd2 |
Argonautica | 4db8cca1-984d-4680-855c-8e429bac8b22 | loreBook_Argonautica |
Atalanta, maiden to men equal | 7f34e014-4a60-46e6-9d60-5cbe691b9101 | lorebook_atalanta |
Bandit’s treasure map | 0b54dfe4-7c6b-41bd-b6f5-6f079c98a14d | map_u49_mapakpokladu_bandit |
Bane poison recipe | a955dc3d-1327-40d2-a9ea-bb2d06f576ec | recipe_banePotion |
Basics of gardening | 64d00084-c300-4e2c-85ce-eb9a4e81e064 | poi_rajskaZahrada_gardeningBook |
Basics of Philosophy | 4100b239-1aaa-4d02-bb5e-1bff01948ace | poi_tachovskyVodopad_philosophyBasics |
Bohuta’s map | 6f8f9e73-188e-4237-8d9b-10467f97b882 | sedmStatecnychDva_borutsMap |
Book of joke stories | 26e1eb20-cc30-4c79-9f7a-2759b328c42d | zachranaPtacka_rozasBook |
Book on the nobility of the bow | 125d09b0-5b1f-4408-a5c7-0a56d0394f11 | poi_duelOstrostrelcu_skillbook_bow |
Breviarium Minorum | 84408a4e-1255-4977-ab47-6173d7938574 | lorebook_breviariumMinor |
Breviarium Romanum | 830da116-3885-48c0-b080-cef6481be0ca | lorebook_breviariumRomanum |
Brunswick’s map I | 0f04ab4e-2b33-489d-8c4b-3f21a28c544b | map_bruncvik_01 |
Brunswick’s map II | 50838533-edc2-4be9-bb35-36c27559368a | map_bruncvik_02 |
Brunswick’s map III | d857eb43-206d-4a2d-bccf-10418f78ba6c | map_bruncvik_03 |
Brunswick’s map IV | 5fe3931b-0b18-46b3-9053-eecaf5aa3c27 | map_bruncvik_04 |
Buck’s blood recipe | 6039016f-464c-486e-8bb7-f4fe160dbe88 | recipe_staminaPotion |
Canzoniere | 4088957e-d7f7-4cd9-aff9-996745340a35 | lorebook_canzoniere |
Carpenter’s axe sketch | 13782e2d-2a40-4e5d-9384-5abf5111d565 | recipe_axework02 |
Caught thief’s map | a76e4c3b-a427-4afd-a27a-d4206f5c769c | poi_MapkaZlodeje_map |
Charles IV | a4bbfe01-e327-4063-87a0-3a64692641e7 | lorebook_onCharlesIV |
Chronicle of the Knights of the Cross | a465f1df-a15c-443a-859d-6007a0879c47 | poustevnik_oldOrderPaperAmbroz |
Cockerel recipe | b3ee8c6a-9f16-45aa-88cb-6d0a4698d96b | recipe_energyPotion |
Copies of the poems of Margrave Prokop | 3eeff16e-c667-414e-a6a6-9c015cf4e44f | utokNebakov_poetryProkopFlorian |
Darko’s map | bafd2e04-be8e-4c44-96bc-6294dd42fcc5 | taboryUCesty_darkosTreasureMap |
Decree of Markvart von Aulitz | 8ccaf2e3-7fa5-427a-86b4-3718b1400d45 | letter_glejtMarkvartForSilver |
Diary of Knight Conrad | d7c4ede5-9146-49ad-9bde-ba2cd631b808 | poustevnik_konradDiary |
Distorted parchment | 1e36c17d-5e2b-4ed1-aa76-0817a4ae192c | staryMistr_symbols_unread |
Dollmaker poison recipe | e281d7f6-afd9-46c5-8f73-8f1b7290437b | recipe_paralysisPotion |
Drowner’s map | 8ea0ebbc-fd34-49f2-a5e9-b1369e220d1c | poi_vodnik_treasureMap |
Effects of grasses and herbs | 2032aa14-9c43-4925-9f70-64a767da0104 | vezniNaTroskach_scribeBook2 |
Eldris’s notes on gunpowder | 6554936b-c550-4ee6-9b8f-ca61872fe7da | traskavePoselstvi_gunpowderRecords |
Excerpt from the horse registry | add56f71-8c58-4248-9120-1d310697bec6 | common_horseRegistryExcerpt |
Excerpt from the Legend of Christianus | 406fd171-acc1-4289-bf8d-cfc4b1ee54fe | lorebook_legendOfChristianus |
Excerpt from the wedding contract | 2921eada-ef5d-40b6-b3fa-ccae55933b30 | wedding_contract_2 |
Fable of the Fox and the Pitcher | 480838e2-d760-4d4b-856f-178b9f1acca7 | lorebook_foxAndJug |
Crafting Materials
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Ambrose’s broken sword | 88c08905-fb68-46e2-813e-4176d12cc493 | poustevnik_brokenSwordAmbroz |
Antlers | 3db25e6e-dfe2-4b06-a079-80e6064073c4 | special_attire |
Bezoar | c76db6a9-9f8c-487a-bb0b-48b16b47b75f | special_bezoar |
Black feathers | c5b24e5e-69f0-4ed9-bc74-96c3de9dc677 | special_featherBlack |
Boar’s tusk | a4f0f4c8-dc3f-4cb2-be89-f0f56fbb09fa | special_teethBoar |
Broken axe | 9a042027-bf77-450b-8a73-530b130362bd | kovaniPoklad_ruinedAxe |
Broken guild longsword | c8831b16-f218-4d77-93ab-8f2402508677 | kovaniSymbolSermirny_brokenGuildSword |
Cave mushroom | a40e513f-045e-421c-99c9-c10dae3d9fe1 | special_mushroomCave |
Charcoal | f879ac63-2ce2-4114-83a2-89643c1ed102 | special_charcoal |
Charcoal water | ec24c6c7-f5bd-4d27-aeef-9a5676686ff8 | kovaniVajdovaKletba_carbonWater |
Cheater’s noose | 2d5e420c-3678-4cc1-a7d1-6d585dbf2d1b | kovaniKatuvSleh_fakeGamblerNoose |
Cobweb | 33392df2-2b85-4875-998b-c313de495f57 | special_cobweb |
Coin sword pommel | 1fe0e850-e07d-45f0-ade0-26f030a63da4 | bsmt_pommelCoin |
Commemorative coin | 05f2b2cc-fd48-496e-ab0c-45160910dfde | kovaniAsiDoVezi_commemorativeCoin |
Copper | 8b7515e1-21fb-4c18-b3da-86fabb5025bd | bsmt_copper |
Cow skin | e5ac7c40-263d-4fba-8c00-343e9b112aef | special_cowSkin |
Decorated sword pommel | af9bcfd0-6cb5-4944-bd8f-a53d2253f51e | bsmt_pommelDecorated |
Deer skin | a1dda25f-3a35-4376-b198-4e5173c742a8 | special_deerSkin |
Eight-sided sword pommel | 4f7a7d02-b8cb-4bcc-9b3e-edc1992ee580 | bsmt_pommelEight |
Exotic wood | 87a568f2-79f7-415f-a690-9a04c4585455 | bsmt_woodExotic |
Fastening material | 4a6269c1-5c01-473d-ad69-e0a0c41643e7 | bsmt_hardware |
Fly agaric | abb6cc5a-3592-406f-82ab-edfb73e219be | special_mushroomAmanita |
Found horseshoe | 3f5426ab-1364-46f9-9b3c-c84e1654a441 | kovaniAsiDoVezi_foundHorseshoe |
Frankfurt’s steel | 3c1c0ae2-731e-40c1-a917-024fb3f000da | bsmt_steelNormal |
Frankincense | 347e61a6-d36e-4d1e-99ce-98c8ecbeee73 | special_olibanum |
Gall | 38ea59b9-ead9-4fb5-a62a-2051abd844a2 | special_bilin |
Holy nail | ddbdf313-f3be-47b5-9f6e-20c1124c69d2 | kovaniAsiDoVezi_holyNail |
Horn | 83ddc936-0659-44d0-a16e-0a3e187c5027 | special_horn |
Horned sword guard | 6bfe50b1-dafb-4bf7-a1d9-1f61feb3ac53 | bsmt_guardSpecial |
Iron | 92aa6120-028e-48ee-8ed1-1c5f91afaa26 | bsmt_ironGood |
Lard | b979154f-5b69-45dd-848d-b56a1d3e6e0e | special_lard |
Leached coal | 55be7c8b-7ef1-4e45-820d-d04a2497f016 | special_charcoalImproved |
Ordinary sword guard | d01f5606-5bba-42c1-9a48-b065e7a92ad7 | bsmt_guardSimple |
Pear sword pommel | 9023c10e-025c-4580-9b08-b0919e9f7346 | bsmt_pommelPear |
Pig skin | 493563fc-0d46-4ee7-a947-85d6c4063003 | special_pigSkin |
Raven feathers | 2bf46965-a851-4602-8282-cbefe7f24945 | special_featherRaven |
Red feathers | ce3b63c5-b749-423a-b189-d98d0e14f781 | special_featherRed |
Reinforced sword guard | 1c933935-d4b3-4884-8228-a4cde0c3a96d | bsmt_guardStrong |
Rooster tail feather | d2a23942-45c1-4d5a-bcbc-96a09611af75 | special_featherRooster |
Saltpetre | 8cf956d4-39d6-4e9d-9010-95f8f2772ad9 | special_saltpeter |
Scrap metal | 94d8f5f1-20a7-4840-98ad-1d198d381389 | bsmt_ironBad |
Steel | 54f297f8-62c0-41b5-9ab4-892c7475fc6a | bsmt_steelBad |
Straight sword guard | bc09cb07-fb9d-45be-8f55-d42b999c6341 | bsmt_guardStraight |
Suplhur | 0513eeae-05a8-4ca7-8719-443cb0d906d5 | special_sulfur |
Toledo’s steel | 4a4da84c-f12a-4bc8-94dc-a7d8d76788ea | bsmt_steelGood |
White feathers | 20774cbd-f9f8-48c8-99ab-632985b7ea56 | special_featherWhite |
Winning horseshoe | 651333f0-36d1-4321-975f-bc7833a773eb | kovaniKatuvSleh_winningHorseshoe |
Wolf fangs | 7b1c57a3-54fd-441f-8cad-21157bd1a85b | special_teethWolf |
Die Badges
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Bird king’s badge | b7e10a4a-08f8-4582-b71e-b562c72fe8da | BirdKingBadge |
Carpenter’s badge of advantage | f953cb01-8f55-4075-a16a-f1e3a4001a9e | FormationsDiceBadgePlumb |
Emperor’s golden badge | 24da7902-d6be-4410-b774-e8907fe71714 | ExtraValuebadgeGold |
Executioner’s badge of advantage | a16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9e4ffa181972 | FormationsDiceBadgeSilver |
Gold swap-out badge | 6692bde3-cd11-48e6-a796-06e6cda4a690 | RerollPipsbadgeGold |
Golden Badge of a warlord | a16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9f4ffa181983 | MultiplierDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of defence | b26e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9e4ffa181972 | NullDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of doppleganger | 1ee30641-d703-4556-80d9-db9ece7cbfd3 | DoubleTakeDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of goddess Fortuna | d55221a0-e40c-11ec-8fea-0242ac120002 | RerollDicebadgeGold |
Golden badge of headstart | b9d08c7e-94cf-48ea-a82e-6abdf8c48b33 | HeadStartDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of might | 6d2453f5-e251-4604-ae1e-863322604399 | ExtraDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of ressurection | b26e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9e4ffa181979 | AntibustDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of transmutation | f16e6c86-2970-4106-a21c-9f4ffa181983 | SetDiceDiceBadgeGold |
Golden wedding badge | bb8ecc03-acc5-4ae6-8459-163fb3f8af39 | MatrimoniumBadge |
Parson’s badge of advantage | d9d807a4-58d1-4504-a904-7c2c8d15c092 | FormationsDiceBadgeGold |
Silver badge of a warlord | 140fae91-d3dd-44e7-b51f-7b335644631c | MultiplierDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of defence | f654fdda-783a-4460-8c66-a6d2b5927820 | NullDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of doppleganger | a16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9f4ffa181982 | DoubleTakeDiceBadge |
Silver badge of goddess Fortuna | 8a88ac39-471b-4088-8826-5a47adf6c16c | RerollDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of headstart | 34a822bc-21b5-4b7f-9088-be794b94d4e3 | HeadStartDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of might | a16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9b4ffa181977 | ExtraDicebadgeSilver |
Silver badge of ressurection | 3acd1712-9ab9-44f1-a0c9-275e89f1b2c3 | AntiBustDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of transmutation | 57ddd40b-3fbd-4bb3-8556-0f9ee5247f40 | SetDiceDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver swap-out badge | 0e292c1d-5d8b-4030-9b47-9dfc0779b095 | RerollPipsBadgeSilver |
Tin badge of a warlord | f16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9f4ffa181983 | MultiplierDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of defence | b16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9e4ffa181972 | NullDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of goddess Fortuna | 3b1384f8-36bf-453b-8f17-66fb360a72f9 | RerollDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of headstart | a16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9f4ffa181972 | HeadStartDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of might | 6b6575d6-a553-43a3-9ad1-5ccc900e23ad | ExtraDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of ressurection | 859204c7-683e-4238-97d6-dafcd7aec3ed | AntibustDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of transmutation | a0a9d335-44c5-4664-af92-558cf97d8283 | SetDiceDiceBadgePlumb |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Aranka’s die | 6a479d81-e642-40b3-92ad-0e43793f8c66 | die_aranka |
Cautious cheater’s die | 23e4412b-10fe-49eb-aba0-734a121cef67 | die_Gamblerova_good |
Ci die | 6f0c9c31-474f-4254-9dd6-2ab54fb87060 | die_Ci |
Devil’s head die | 9a9d9c0d-2c94-475d-ab72-75b8ced9ac05 | dieDevil |
Die of misfortune | b41171bf-9332-44ce-96fa-7e64d6e5e92a | dieUnlucky |
Even die | 3844bfed-e66b-4e97-bea4-4bf84d90ae82 | dieEven |
Favourable die | bd819743-3e32-474e-8333-bebe92b16e98 | dieFavourable |
Fer die | b43b8e5b-4891-48ce-a39f-143956862c96 | die_e |
Greasy die | 93e67a15-6545-46d3-8820-87fd690e1f0d | zachranaPtacka_die_klobas |
Grimy die | 8ab8d048-2ca7-4bb4-a0d4-963555750bc9 | zachranaPtacka_die_mud |
Grozav’s lucky die | c57c2cb4-5d16-4fbe-a55c-db20dd740efe | zikmunduvTabor_grozavGotchaDie |
Heavenly Kingdom die | 8895b262-ddfb-4392-a784-eee616798c96 | dieKingdomCome |
Holy trinity die | 4ede7cfe-e698-4917-a092-a01d8ac3646f | dieHolyTrinity |
Hugo’s die | 1b1345f6-75c0-4477-b6d7-b9d73ec9d9f0 | dieSkull |
King’s die | 5a9e23d3-e8dc-4eb7-9805-3bd2fa6d8351 | die_Kralova |
Lousy gambler’s die | 8ee58bb4-d928-4caf-9246-9a4706299543 | die_Gamblerova_bad |
Lu die | 75a0739e-fa75-4f99-be68-e1c3ba30d57e | die_Lu |
Lucky die | 1bd8d5d2-f57e-48c8-8f82-df7ae1ea90d3 | dieLucky |
Mathematician’s die | 11834cfd-bd67-41d8-8fe7-503f5076fa1d | die_Matematikova |
Molar die | dccf7f80-e965-4666-957c-dbf975381fff | dieTeeth_a |
Odd die | 4c465f33-a20e-4428-b2f5-09cfc6c4f6d7 | dieOdd |
Ordinary die | 65ccc0cd-de18-4305-9d64-42bb3c6d8d30 | dieNormal |
Painted die | fd2e7345-5584-49d1-a0f9-e69c51d2bdf0 | dieBlue |
Pie die | ba357fbc-ba9b-46d1-a743-b31842cd9fd4 | die_Kolacova |
Premolar die | 55cc9e0d-63b4-491f-a74c-098654f58e61 | dieTeeth_b |
Sad Greaser’s die | 1f610871-6df4-4c86-a5a2-4df8dc6500df | zachranaPtacka_die_sad_sergeant |
Saint Antiochus’ die | 329d2697-b6d2-452d-9ba9-09649a607740 | die_Antiocha |
Shrinking playing die | aa0b6bc8-e7f6-4777-b931-1ae81d7ef8da | dieBalanced |
St. Stephen’s die | b8c8b160-9c66-4484-ae36-e775b39e4191 | die_sarlatan |
Strip die | 4306e2d9-f09b-444a-b05d-79c55449ef46 | dieStripping |
Triple die | 85e24c29-d5b7-4792-89e4-19350e3e14ac | zachranaPtacka_die_trojak |
Ubalanced die | 06d3757e-2882-4d75-99f9-1008a4e9d2d1 | dieUnbalanced |
Unlucky die | 5ca4ea9d-a556-4051-a90e-ad645eb16b80 | dieAdversity |
Wagoner’s die | 1c1c88ca-61dd-4b64-965a-fd1e9a840364 | die_Vozkova |
Weighted die | f8e3162a-dff1-4099-a60f-05be4e40f7ca | prepadeni_dieBarn |
Wisdom tooth die | 3a6e12fe-a494-4a34-85a9-ebdf4f1d3a14 | dieTeeth_c |
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Armourer’s kit | 167eb312-0e9d-4c2f-8ce3-56c32f5a84cb | repairKit_armourSmall |
Bandage | 9fa3000e-3807-48a8-bed8-81427f0bda55 | bandage_classic |
Blacksmith’s kit | c707733a-c0a7-4f02-b684-9392b0b15b83 | repairKit_weaponSmall |
Cobbler’s kit | 85310d06-2845-46ee-be8f-295503b35035 | repairKit_cobblersSmall |
Else’s perfume | cd05700b-8edf-4af4-ae22-09b302a14ba9 | sesivaniTonici_elsePerfume |
Fixed bandage | 61f9f0db-1f71-4a5f-9970-7c1bb6e6dfb1 | bandage_buffedTest |
Gunsmith’s kit | 268622e0-27db-448d-93c1-f3f297184caf | repairKit_rifleSmall |
Henry’s Lion | 8bd23228-d7f0-404a-81bd-20653463b240 | perfume_shortStrong_best |
Henry’s Mintha | 455c02d2-d6f3-43bf-a2ba-b0449b206022 | perfume_longWeak_best |
Knight’s soap | 99733d2b-1e54-40a9-a15b-bb637f1feed5 | soap_kcd |
Lion | e6987d4a-9a9d-4a31-9753-fb73417a70ae | perfume_shortStrong_medium |
Marksman’s kit | 87912053-8c20-4bee-9bb2-dbc3961e94ea | repairKit_bowyerSmall |
Mintha | 5d27b4dd-f411-4813-9428-0e54bd417b75 | perfume_longWeak_medium |
Soap | ac9b3dea-a1e6-49df-880b-7976e7d5abec | soap |
Stinky perfume | 0d3f94ef-3c04-4f5c-9d7b-362c2c339ecc | perfumeStink |
Strong Lion | 45796d27-524d-43e8-9c0d-8e44890756e8 | perfume_shortStrong_high |
Strong Mintha | 5a7f1d9b-6053-4116-89e7-991ef4d9839b | perfume_longWeak_high |
Tailor’s kit | 9f7a0c0a-6458-4622-9cc5-2f4dd4898b50 | repairKit_tailorsSmall |
WARNING | 4f37a71d-5c25-41e2-944e-0ed80d527d48 | test_repairKit_weaponSmall2 |
WARNING | 660aebcf-2bf5-42c6-a5ff-6d17371d5308 | test_repairKit_weaponSmall |
WARNING | d0938bde-f547-4632-8086-46b57e4f50c7 | test_repairKit_armourSmall |
WARNING | dd5e68c7-f4f4-48cd-8bed-d8d74e7efe26 | test_repairKit_armourSmall2 |
Weak Lion | 753ff5b2-e5f9-4866-8ff0-67d272d9ee02 | perfume_shortStrong |
Weak Mintha | 8d171856-10a9-4588-b8d6-cec21a649b0c | perfume_longWeak |
Displayed Name | IDs | Name |
Aranka’s concoction | d7647722-61db-4250-bd1b-0091be96a16e | kocovnickaCest_horsePotion |
Aranka’s potion | 4c3e263a-3aaa-4453-9910-325c300c0ae2 | kocovnickaCest_sleepingPotion |
Bane | fed2dff1-eefe-41a7-93a9-1c2a3801774c | banePoison_medium |
Dollmaker | b86a7329-ac5b-4a85-b77f-b226b938310a | paralysisPoison_medium |
Henry’s Bane | de4fa13c-def3-4b1f-b4f9-eb8a21f0adb3 | banePoison_best |
Henry’s Dollmaker | c4109e90-e359-4803-b78e-20ce73be34e6 | paralysisPoison_best |
Henry’s Lullaby | c4755706-216b-447e-ba4e-a7e51a7c04d1 | sleepingPoison_best |
Lullaby | 299754d2-8e74-4f95-8919-b4cfc42d3285 | sleepingPoison_medium |
Strong Bane | 272357ec-8722-4b1d-9ee7-03f29ab465ef | banePoison_high |
Strong Dollmaker | 633bcf78-58fa-4cb0-a229-876c61d61389 | paralysisPoison_high |
Strong Lullaby | 6ef253ae-ec6d-4755-a194-9b763e361b42 | sleepingPoison_high |
Weak Bane | 42e54d97-6e63-4e50-a09d-325ef4dd2286 | banePoison |
Weak Dollmaker | 5c17d1d9-70ec-49d9-9b05-ae23247c045f | paralysisPoison |
Weak Lullaby | 31148cbb-8592-4b26-a1ae-8a9e07e309e6 | sleepingPoison |
Weak Lullaby | c46ab027-7f06-4935-a92d-ed103739eb2c | sleepingPoisonOpened |
Quick Slot Containers
In-Game Name | IDs | Name |
Hunter’s belt | 7da54a04-67c4-4767-8b60-ee9211cc465e | belt_2slot |
Hunter’s pouch | 0d40444a-c79e-4426-b71f-9574a856cef4 | Pouch_test_2slot |
Knight’s belt | 7da54a04-67c4-4767-8b50-ee9211cc465d | belt_3slot |
Knight’s pouch | 0d40444a-c79e-4416-b71f-9574a856cef3 | Pouch_test_3slot |
Noble’s belt | 7da54a04-67c4-4767-8b40-ee9211cc465c | belt_4slot |
Noble’s pouch | 0d40444a-c79e-4406-b71f-9574a856cef2 | Pouch_test_4slot |
Wanderer’s pouch | 0d40444a-c79e-4436-b71f-9574a856cef5 | Pouch_test_1slot |
The full list can be found on the Google Sheet.
Will using console commands disable achievements?
Yes, enabling the developer console with the -devmode
parameter typically disables achievement unlocks for that gaming session. If you want to earn achievements, restart the game without the developer mode enabled.
Can I break my save file by using console commands?
Yes, it’s possible. Some commands can put your character in unintended states or locations that might corrupt your save file. Always back up your saves before experimenting with console commands.
Why aren’t my commands working?
Make sure you’ve properly enabled developer mode by adding the -devmode
parameter to your game shortcut. Also, check that you’re typing the commands exactly as shown, including correct capitalization and spacing.
How do I remove the effects of a console command?
Many toggle commands (like god
or noclip
) can be turned off by entering the same command again. For other effects like added items or changed stats, you may need to manually reverse them with corresponding commands or reload a previous save.
Can I use console commands on consoles (PlayStation, Xbox)?
No, console commands are only available on the PC version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. Console versions do not support access to the developer console.
Will console commands work in multiplayer mode?
No, console commands are disabled in any multiplayer features to prevent cheating and maintain fair play.
What happens if I teleport to an area I haven’t unlocked yet?
This may trigger quest bugs or progression issues. The game expects you to enter certain areas only after specific story events, so teleporting can break scripted sequences.
Unconfirmed Commands
- wh_sys_TestSaveGame
- wh_horse_SpawnOnCall = 1
- wh_spawnItems (Command)
- wh_rpg_WeaponChangePriorityBoost = 25
- wh_rpg_WeaponChangePriorityBoostPeriod = 8
- wh_rpg_undiscoverAll (Command)
- wh_rpg_UnlockAchievement (Command)
- wh_rpg_UnlockAll = 0
- wh_rpg_UnlockAllAchievements (Command)
- wh_pl_DiceAIAllBadges = 0
- wh_pl_DiceAIHoldingDelay = 0.2
- wh_pl_DiceAIPlayerTurnDelay = 1
- wh_pl_DiceCameraHeight = 0.25
- wh_pl_DiceCameraHorizontal = 3
- wh_pl_DiceDebug = 0
- wh_pl_DiceGoldFormationsScore = 500
- wh_pl_DiceHighThrowCount = 3
- wh_pl_DiceIdleTimeout = 50
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitDown = 50
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitLeft = 30
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitRight = 30
- wh_pl_DiceLookAngleLimitUp = 10
- wh_pl_DicePlumbFormationsScore = 200
- wh_pl_DiceScoreForHighBark = 1200
- wh_pl_DiceScoreForLowBark = 200
- wh_pl_DiceSilverFormationsScore = 400
- wh_pl_DiceTargetScore = 2000
- wh_pl_DebugAlchemy = 0
- wh_pl_DebugFPC = 0
- wh_pl_DebugHoleDigging = 0
- wh_pl_DebugHudMask = 0
- wh_pl_DebugIKLimbs = 0
- wh_pl_DebugInteractor = 0
- wh_pl_DebugLockPicking = 0
- wh_pl_DebugMovementDirs = 0
- wh_pl_DebugPicking = 0
- wh_pl_DebugPickpocketing = 0
- wh_pl_DebugPitchYaw = 0
- wh_pl_DebugView = 0
- wh_pl_BellowsUseCountToDistill = 2
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAlmostFinishedWorkpieceCompletition = 0.9
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilMovementGamepad = 1.5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilMovementMouse = 0.09
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesEfficiencyMax = 0.9
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesEfficiencyMin = 0.2
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesMax = 3
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilParticlesMin = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithAnvilRotation = 40
- wh_pl_BlacksmithBarkSupressCooldownAfterSinging = 0.5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithColdWorkpieceCount = 5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithColdWorkpieceTemperature = 650
- wh_pl_BlacksmithCompletionGainMultiplier = 1
- wh_pl_BlacksmithDebugDraw = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithDisableHeatLoss = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForcedSongId =
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeBag = 1
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeCoalMaxIntensity = 60
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeCoalMinIntensity = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeCoolingSpeed = -5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeExtraCoalMaxIntensity = 500
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeExtraCoalMinIntensity = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeHeatingSpeed = 50
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeLightMaxIntensity = 0.6
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeLightMinIntensity = 0.2
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeMovementGamepad = 0.8
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeMovementMouse = 5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeOtherHeatFactor = 0.1
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeOtherTemperatureFactor = 0.65
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgePowerFactor = 0.5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithForgeTemperatureLightFactor = 0.4
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHalfFinishedWorkpieceCompletition = 0.5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHardeningCoolingPower = 500
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHardeningHeatingPower = 100
- wh_pl_BlacksmithHardeningWorkpieceTemperature = 850
- wh_pl_BlacksmithIneffectiveStrokingCount = 3
- wh_pl_BlacksmithIneffectiveStrokingTolerance = 0.01
- wh_pl_BlacksmithInitialForgeTemperature = 200
- wh_pl_BlacksmithMaxForgeTemperature = 1800
- wh_pl_BlacksmithMinForgeTemperature = 200
- wh_pl_BlacksmithNormalHeatLossFactor = -0.016
- wh_pl_BlacksmithNormalTemperature = 30
- wh_pl_BlacksmithPerfectStroke = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithPotentialFadeOutTime = 53
- wh_pl_BlacksmithQualityLossMultiplier = 1
- wh_pl_BlacksmithReturnIngredientCoef = 0.5
- wh_pl_BlacksmithSelectedRecipe =
- wh_pl_BlacksmithSingingPause = 4
- wh_pl_BlacksmithStroke = 1
- wh_pl_BlacksmithStrokeMoveCount = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithStrokeMoveIntensityCoef = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithTimingMaxDuration = 3
- wh_pl_BlacksmithTimingMinCount = 2
- wh_pl_BlacksmithTimingTolerance = 0.28
- wh_pl_BlacksmithUseDistance = 1.8
- wh_pl_BlacksmithVoxelSize = 0.02
- wh_pl_BlacksmithWorkpieceCannotBreak = 0
- wh_pl_BlacksmithWorkpieceIntensityCoef = 1
- wh_pl_BlacksmithZoneTemperatureCap = -1
- wh_pl_ButcheringFaderLength = 1.5
- wh_horse_WhistleTeleportBackDistance = 30
- wh_horse_WhistleTeleportInFrontDistance = 100
- wh_horse_YeetMultiplier = 3
- wh_horse_DebugControls = 0
- wh_horse_DebugStaminaBuff = 0
- wh_horse_CallMaxDistance = 50
- wh_horse_CallMinDistance = 20
- wh_horse_AltControls = 0
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