All HOI4 Console Commands (Cheats)
These commands can help you experiment with the game mechanics, get past difficult situations, or just have fun with alternate scenarios.
However, be aware that using console commands will disable achievements for that game session, and some commands might break your game experience or cause instability if used incorrectly.
How to Use Console Commands
Opening the Console:
- Make sure you’re playing in non-Ironman mode (achievements will be disabled)
- Press the tilde key (
) located under the Escape key on most keyboards- On some keyboards (especially non-US layouts), you might need to press
Shift + 2
orAlt Gr + ö
- UK keyboards may use the grave accent key (`)
- On some keyboards (especially non-US layouts), you might need to press
Command Syntax:
- Type the command in the console and press Enter.
- Many commands require parameters (like country tags, province IDs, etc.)
- Commands are not case-sensitive.
- Some commands can be toggled on/off by entering them again.
Resource and Production Commands
Command | Description | Example |
add_equipment [amount] [equipment_name] | Adds equipment to your stockpile | add_equipment 1000 infantry_equipment_1 |
add_latest_equipment [amount] [type] | Adds the latest version of that equipment | add_latest_equipment 500 infantry |
add_resource [resource] [amount] [state_id] | Adds specified resource to a state | add_resource steel 50 5 |
research_on_icon_click | Instantly completes research when clicking tech icons | research_on_icon_click |
instantconstruction | Instantly completes all construction | instantconstruction |
yesmen | AI always accepts diplomatic proposals | yesmen |
manpower [amount] | Adds manpower to your country | manpower 10000 |
xp [amount] [type] | Adds army, navy, or air experience | xp 100 army |
add_equipment_production [equipment] [amount] | Adds equipment to production queue | add_equipment_production infantry_equipment_1 10 |
add_fuel [amount] | Adds fuel to your country | add_fuel 1000 |
set_naval_cap_factor [amount] | Changes naval production capacity | set_naval_cap_factor 2 |
Political Commands
Command | Description | Example |
set_ruling_party [ideology] | Changes ruling party ideology | set_ruling_party fascism |
add_party_popularity [ideology] [amount] | Add popularity to a party | add_party_popularity democratic 25 |
set_party_popularity [ideology] [amount] | Set exact party popularity | set_party_popularity communism 75 |
add_political_power [amount] | Adds political power | add_political_power 150 |
event [event_id] | Triggers a specific event | event usa.25 |
focus.autocomplete | Auto-completes national focuses | focus.autocomplete |
focus.nochecks | Removes prerequisites for focuses | focus.nochecks |
stability [amount] | Sets stability percentage | stability 100 |
war_support [amount] | Sets war support percentage | war_support 85 |
add_ideas [idea_id] | Adds national spirit/idea to country | add_ideas GER_mefo_bills |
remove_ideas [idea_id] | Removes national spirit/idea from country | remove_ideas GER_mefo_bills |
Warfare and Military Commands
Command | Description | Example |
annex [country tag] | Annexes specified country | annex GER |
allowdiplo | Enables all diplomatic actions regardless of restrictions | allowdiplo |
instanttraining | Instantly trains units | instanttraining |
tp | Teleports selected units to target province | tp (then click on map) |
deleteallunits [country tag] | Deletes all units of specified country | deleteallunits ITA |
ai | Toggles AI for the player country | ai |
winwars | Win all wars you are currently in | winwars |
whitepeace [tag1] [tag2] | Forces white peace between countries | whitepeace GER SOV |
add_compliance [state_id] [amount] | Adds compliance to occupied state | add_compliance 5 50 |
add_resistance [state_id] [amount] | Adds resistance to occupied state | add_resistance 5 50 |
set_collaboration [tag1] [tag2] [amount] | Sets collaboration level between countries | set_collaboration GER FRA 50 |
set_supply_limit [amount] | Sets supply limit for the player | set_supply_limit 5 |
Country Commands
Command | Description | Example |
tag [country tag] | Switch to controlling another country | tag USA |
civilwar [ideology] [country tag] | Starts civil war with specified ideology | civilwar fascism FRA |
nocb | Removes justification requirement for war goals | nocb |
nofog | Removes fog of war (reveals map) | nofog |
gain_xp [leader_id] [amount] | Gives XP to a specific leader | gain_xp 123 100 |
observe | Switches to observer mode | observe |
Technical and Debug Commands
Command | Description | Example |
debug_achievements | Lists achievement IDs and descriptions | debug_achievements |
debug_tactics | Shows battle tactics debug info | debug_tactics |
debug_nuking | Shows nuclear weapon debug info | debug_nuking |
tdebug | Shows extra debug information | tdebug |
fow | Toggles fog of war | fow |
fps | Shows FPS counter | fps |
debug | Main debug mode | debug |
help | Shows available console commands | help |
debug_decision_categories | Shows decision category debug info | debug_decision_categories |
debug_decisions | Shows decision debug info | debug_decisions |
add_intel [tag] [amount] | Adds intel on target country | add_intel GER 80 |
Time Commands
Command | Description | Example |
set_date [YYYY.MM.DD] | Sets the game date | set_date 1942.6.22 |
setgamedate [YYYY.MM.DD] | Alternative date setter | setgamedate 1939.9.1 |
rate [number] | Sets game speed (1-5) | rate 5 |
pause | Pauses the game | pause |
Key Country Tags
These are the most commonly used country tags for the major powers:
Country | Tag |
Germany | GER |
Soviet Union | SOV |
United States | USA |
United Kingdom | ENG |
France | FRA |
Italy | ITA |
Japan | JAP |
China | CHI |
Communist China | PRC |
Poland | POL |
Canada | CAN |
Australia | AST |
British Raj (India) | RAJ |
State IDs
The game has over 800 states. Here are some important ones:
State | ID |
Berlin | 64 |
Moscow | 219 |
London | 126 |
Paris | 16 |
Washington DC | 361 |
Rome | 158 |
Tokyo | 526 |
Leningrad | 195 |
Stalingrad | 217 |
Warsaw | 86 |
Resource IDs
Resource | ID |
Oil | oil |
Rubber | rubber |
Steel | steel |
Aluminum | aluminium |
Tungsten | tungsten |
Chromium | chromium |
Why aren’t console commands working for me?
Make sure you’re playing in non-Ironman mode. Ironman disables the console completely. Also check if you’re using the correct key to open the console (~ or ` on most keyboards).
Will using console commands disable achievements?
Yes, using any console command will disable achievements for that game session.
How do I add multiple resources to my country?
You need to add them to specific states your country owns using the add_resource command followed by the resource type, amount, and state ID.
How can I make a country fascist/communist/democratic instantly?
Use set_ruling_party [ideology]
and set_party_popularity [ideology] 100
Can I undo a console command?
Most commands cannot be directly undone. Save your game before experimenting with commands.
How do I win a specific battle?
There’s no direct command for winning a single battle. You can use commands like instanttraining
to quickly deploy troops or tp
to teleport units.
How do I get more manpower?
Use the manpower [amount]
command to add more manpower to your pool.
Why does the game crash when I use certain commands?
Some commands, especially when used with incorrect parameters or in combination with other commands, can cause instability. Use commands one at a time and be careful with extreme values.
How do I fix broken supply after using teleport?
The supply
command can help refresh supply status, but sometimes you may need to reload a save.
Can I use console commands in multiplayer?
No, console commands only work in single-player mode.
Technical Tips
Different Location for Savefiles and Screenshots
It worked for me following these steps:
- Close Steam
- Inside the folder where hoi4.exe is located, create a text file and save as: userdir (Windows will create it as userdir.txt)
- In the userdir.txt write D:/Games/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV (the folder must be one you have access to). Save and close it
- Search in the game folder for the file launcher-settings.json
- Open it using “Open with” and select notepad
- On the line “gameDataPath”: write the new path where you want the save games folder like this: “gameDataPath”: “D:/Games/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV”,
- Save and close it
- Manually move the Paradox folder from its old location under Documents to its new location under D:/Games/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV
- Lastly, launch Steam, and launch the game HOI4
- Check that your savegames are present in games and DLCs are applied correctly, then close the game
- Check that there is no longer a Paradox Interactive folder under Documents
Note that the paths in userdir.txt and launcher-settings.json must be written using the forward slash ‘/’ and not the backslash ‘\’.
How to Manually Clear Cache
This is more reliable than doing it in launcher:
- Open File Explorer.
- Go to Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV.
- Move the mod, save games, Screenshots folders, as well as career profile files to somewhere else on the drive. (If these don’t exist or you don’t care, ignore this step).
- Delete everything in the Hearts of Iron IV folder.
- Put all the moved files and folders back in.
- Launch the game again.
Verify File Integrity
To verify your file integrity on Steam, right click the game in your Library, and go to Properties. In the Menu that pops up, select Local Files and there should be a button that you can select named Verify Integrity of Game Files.
Once you select that, let it verify all the files and you should be able to relaunch the game.
Common Document Issues
If you are having issues finding your game documents from Hearts of Iron, it may be one of a few issues.
One problem may be your One Drive. If you have One Drive enabled, your files may be going to the Cloud service, in which the game cannot read those documents. To make sure that your files aren’t going to the cloud, either turn off One Drive itself, or turn off the Sync function for the folders that you do not wish to be uploaded to the Cloud.
Another issue is the game not being able to read its own documents that it has made, the simple fix for that is to give Hearts of Iron Admin Privileges.
A third issue can be your documents being found as a virus. (This is most common with Avast). To fix this, you can either whitelist the program and files associated with Hearts of Iron within your antivirus, or disable it entirely (or change antivirus entirely which is recommended by some).
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