In this quick tutorial, you can find the most common and useful cheat codes for the Gloomwood game. This information is for those who just wanna cheat, but remember to do backup of your saves.
How to Enable Console
Note: To switch something on or off, use the numbers 1 or 0, for example:
- cheats 1 – Turns cheats on.
- cheats 0 – Turns cheats off.
Console Commands (Cheats)
- help – Shows a bunch of commands you can use
- antialiasing – Changes the anti-aliasing sample amount
- bloom – Turns bloom on/off
- clear – Clears the console text
- crosshair – Turns the crosshair on/off
- difficulty – Changes the difficulty level
- 0 = Crescent Moon (Easy)
- 1 = Half Moon (Normal)
- 2 = Full Moon (Hard)
- 3 = Blood Moon (Expert)
- fog – Turns the fog on/off
- fov – Sets the field of view value
- ramerate – Sets the max fps cap
- ghost – Noclip and notarget combined into one command
- give [ID] – Puts an item of your choice into your inventory (unless its full)
- spawn [ID] – Spawns various things of your choice into the world
- god – Makes you invincible
- hud – Turns the hud on/off
- infinite – Honestly I don’t know
- level – Loads you into a level of your choice
- life – Sets your health to an amount of your choice (0 kills you, 100 fully heals you)
- lightflares – Turns light flares on/off
- list – Lists values from entities in the game
- savegame – Saves your game
- loadgame – Loads your game
- noclip – Grants you the power of flight
- notarget – Makes enemies ignore you
- place – Probably spawns entity markers, like patrol patterns or something
- quit – I’m pretty sure it’s obvious what this one does
- restart – Restarts the level you’re on
- thief – Makes you very hard to see (indicated by the light gem ring turning black) and able to open locked doors without having the key
- timescale – Alters the speed of the game (1 is normal speed, above 1 is faster speed)
- tooltips – Turns tooltips on/off
- version – Says the current version of the game
- kill – Kills the thing your crosshair is on (works on destructible objects too)
ID List
Weapon IDs
Note: Use give or spawn commands.
- weapon – Spawns all weapons
- weapon_canesword – Spawns the cane sword (item_canesword works too)
- weapon_revolver – Spawns a revolver (item_revolver works too)
- weapon_shotgun – Spawns a shotgun (item_shotgun works too)
- weapon_undertaker – Spawns the undertaker (item_undertaker works too)
- weapon_legtrap – Spawns a beartrap (item_legtrap works too)
- weapon_handlantern – Spawns a lantern (item_handlantern works too)
- weapon_lightgemring – Spawns a light gem ring (item_lightgemring works too)
Ammunition IDs
Note: Use give or spawn commands.
- item_revolverround – Spawns a revolver bullet
- item_revolverroundbox – Spawns a box of bullets
- item_revolverroundspent – Spawns a used revolver casing
- item_shotgunshell – Spawns a shotgun shell
- item_shotgunshellbox – Spawns a box of shells
- item_shotgunshellspent – Spawns a used shotgun shell
- item_undertaker_slug – Spawns an undertaker bolt
- item_undertaker_incendiary – Spawns an incendiary bolt
- item_undertaker_shock – Spawns a shock bolt
- item_undertaker_choke – Spawns a choke bolt
- item_cannonball – Spawns a cannon ball
Item IDs
Note: Use give or spawn commands.
- item – Tries to give you every item
- item_apple – Spawns an apple
- item_bottle – Spawns a bottle
- item_brooch_1 – Spawns a brooch
- item_button_presser – Spawns a button
- item_can_beans – Spawns a can of beans
- item_can_beans_empty – Spawns an empty can of beans
- item_can_fish – Spawns a can of fish
- item_can_fish_empty – Spawns an empty can of fish
- item_cheese – Spawns cheese
- item_coin – Spawns a coin (Singular coin gives you 9999 coins, spawning multiple gives you a random amount of coins for each one you spawned)
- pickup_coin – Spawns a coin (pick up for 2 coins)
- pickup_coinpouch – Spawns a coin pouch (pick up for 25 coins)
- item_gem_raw_large_1 – Spawns a large green gem
- item_gem_raw_small_1 – Spawns a small gem
- item_handlantern – Spawns a lantern
- item_handlantern_broken – Spawns a broken lantern
- item_lightgemring – Spawns the light gem ring
- item_medhypo – Spawns a healing syringe
- item_rifle_broken – Spawns a Huntsman’s rifle
- item_waxcylinder – Spawns a wax cylinder
- item_powderflask – Spawns a powderflask horn
- item_cannon_fuse – Spawns a fuse
- item_gunpowder – Spawns gunpowder (it doesn’t have physics)
- item_valve – Spawns a valve
- item_horn_ulmar – Spawns the horn of Ulmar
- item_bloodvial – Gives you a blood vial
- item_gem_blood_small – Spawns a small blood gem
- item_gem_blood_tiny – Spawns a tiny blood gem
- item_gem_white_large – Spawns a large gem
- item_journal – Gives you a second journal
- item_fishery_power_room_key – Gives yourself a fishery power room key
- item_giblet_citizen_man_head
- item_giblet_huntsman_arm_left
- item_giblet_huntsman_arm_right
- item_giblet_huntsman_head
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_left
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_right
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_right
- item_giblet_woodsman_arm_left
- item_giblet_woodsman_arm_right
- item_giblet_woodsman_head
- item_giblet_woodsman_leg_left
- item_giblet_woodsman_leg_right
- item_goatman_horn_left
- item_goatman_horn_right
Physics IDs
Note: Use give or spawn commands.
- physics_axe – Spawns a Woodsman’s axe
- physics_barrel_wood – Spawns a barrel
- physics_barrel_explosive – Spawns an explosive barrel
- physics_crate – Spawns a crate
- physics_crate_metal – Spawns a metal crate
- physics_crate_ammo_pistol – Spawns a bullet crate
- physics_crate_ammo_shotgun – Spawns a shell crate
- physics_crate_medical – Spawns a crate of vitalizing tonics
- physics_pickaxe – Spawns a pickaxe
- physics_sack – Spawns a sack
- physics_shovel – Spawns a shovel
- physics_book – Spawns a book
- physics_knife_wood – Spawns a knife
- physics_fork_wood – Spawns something, (indicated by the console saying that) but nothing actually appears
- physics_cup_wood – Spawns a cup
- physics_mug_wood – Spawns a mug
- physics_plate_wood – Spawns a plate
- physics_torch – Spawns a burning torch
- physics_hatchet – Spawns a hatchet (it’s what The Goatman throws at you)
Note: Use give or spawn commands.
- ai – Spawns all the ai in a stack
- ai_huntsman – Spawns an unarmed Huntsman
- ai_huntsman_armored – Spawns an unarmed armored Huntsman
- ai_huntsman_armored_rifle – Spawns an armed armored Huntsman
- ai_huntsman_armored_torch – Spawns a torch wielding armored Huntsman
- ai_huntsman_rifle – Spawns an armed Huntsman
- ai_huntsman_torch – Spawns a torch wielding Huntsman
- ai_woodsman – Spawns an unarmed Woodsman
- ai_woodsman_armored – Spawns an unarmed armored Woodsman
- ai_woodsman_armored_axe – Spawns an armed armored Woodsman
- ai_woodsman_armored_torch – Spawns a torch wielding armored Woodsman
- ai_woodsman_axe – Spawns Jack from The Shining
- ai_woodsman_torch – Spawns a torch wielding Woodsman
- ai_merchant – Spawns the merchant
- ai_crowman – Spawns Crow Crooks
- ai_batbarber – Spawns Bat Beasts
- ai_fishdog – Spawns aquatic dogs
- ai_goatman – Spawns The Goatman
- ai_rat – Rat
Other IDs
Note: Use give or spawn commands.
- corpse – Spawns a stack of every AI in the game and they all fall through the floor.
- corpse_woodsman – Spawns an unarmed Woodsman that falls through the floor.
- corpse_woodsman_armored – Spawns an unarmed armored Woodsman that falls through the floor.
- corpse_huntsman – Spawns an unarmed Huntsman that falls through the floor.
- corpse_huntsman_armored – Spawns an unarmed armored Huntsman that falls through the floor.
- corpse_batbarber – Spawns a Bat Beast that falls through the floor.
- corpse_goatman – Spawns a Goatman that falls through the floor.
- corpse_fishdog – Spawns an aquatic rottweiler that falls through the floor, while playing its death animation.
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