Escape Simulator – The Cradle Map (Full Walkthrough)

Map Walkthrough + Hints for Each Puzzle

The following is a list of hints for each puzzle. They will be numbered from least to most revealing, so smaller numbers will provide minor hints if you just need some direction, while larger numbers will lead you directly to the answer.

The Family Crests Puzzle

Part 1 – Crests and Bookshelves

  • 1) There are 8 family crests scattered across the level, which corresponds with the 8 bookshelves in the hallway. Notice that they are set up in pairs. Log 27 notes that there are 4 real and 4 fake families.
  • 2) The 8 bookcases in the hallway are set up as pairs, in which one of them is a fake family, and the other is a real family. For example, the first set, which is marked with a single circle between the two markers above the shelves, is the lion and the crane.
  • 3) On each bookcase is a set of numbers, read from top to bottom. On the wall in the hallway is a poster detailing how to read these numbers. Log 27 hints as to what to do with these numbers.
  • 4) Place the real families’ crests on the grey circles next to the door with the magic circle. From left to right, then top down.
  • 5) The Lion is the first real family. This is because Log 27 states that the first family “adds up”, indicating that we should add up the numbers on each bookshelf. The numbers on the Lion bookshelf are independent of the numbers on the Crane bookshelf, do not add numbers from the Lion bookshelf with numbers from the Crane bookshelf.
  • 5) After adding up the numbers from the Lion and the Crane, you’ll notice that the sum of numbers on the Lion bookshelf is odd, while the sum of the numbers on the Crane bookshelf are even. Log 27 indicates that the real family “always ends up being odd”
  • 6) Add numbers on the Crane and Lion bookshelves, divide numbers on the Unicorn and Dragon bookshelves, subtract numbers on the Eagle and Goat bookshelves, multiply numbers on the Bear and Boar bookshelves
  • 7) The Lion, Dragon, Eagle, and Bear are the real families because their result are odd numbers, while the Crane, Unicorn, Goat, and Boar result in even numbers.

Part 2 – The 6-Number Lock

  • 1) You will need to put in the results from calculating the numbers on the bookshelves.
  • 2) The password is 893763. Lion = 89. Dragon = 3. Eagle = 7. Bear = 63.

The Colored Paintings Puzzle

  • 1) The four colored paintings correspond with 4 other colored objects that are found throughout the level.
  • 2) Note the markers on the floor in front of each painting.
  • 3) Log 31 states that the magic seal on the chest appeared after dragging things OUT of the room. So we are trying to do the reverse, dragging things back IN.
  • 4) There is 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, and 1 blue vase scattered across the level that corresponds with the red, green, yellow, and blue paintings. Note that the green vase is inaccessible until the Family Crests puzzle has been solved.
  • 5) Drag each vase onto the same colored marker, which reveals something on the painting.
  • 6) The number of handprints are the code to the lock.
  • 7) The order of the numbers is given by the drawers. Try moving stuff around in the drawer.
  • 8) In each drawer, a photocard with a color can be found. On a poster above the drawers, it gives the order in which the photocards should be read. Using these photocards, we know the order in which the numbers on the paintings should be inputted into the lock
  • 9) The password to the lock is 7314. Please note that you can not open the lock until all the vases have been dragged to their correct spot. You’ll know that they are in the right spot when the magic seal under the chest is gone.

The Candles

Part 1 – The Candle Graph

  • 1) Take a look at the painting in the kitchen. The key to the kitchen is obtained from the chest from the Colored Paintings Puzzle.
  • 2) The candle table indicates that 01 is A, while 20 is Two. What is A the first of?
  • 3) A is the 1st letter of the alphabet, while T is the 20th letter of the alphabet. Therefore, the answer to the third one is 17. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. In the row of 3 candles, light the 2nd candle. In the row of 10 candles, light the 8th candle. (This is because the numbers on the candle counter indicate that each row starts on 0)
  • 4) Using the knowledge obtained from the candle graph, apply the same logic to all of the cards on the dining table.

Part 2 – The Cupboards

  • 1) Check all the drawers in the kitchen, maybe you’ll find something.
  • 2) In the counter on the left hand wall when entering the kitchen, the top second left-most drawer contains a reference sheet to interpret the cupboards.
  • 3) Whenever a candles corresponding to a card on the dining table is lit, several cupboard doors move. Interpret these cupboards using the cupboard reference sheet.
  • 4) When the candles for Queen are lit, 5 left doors and 2 right doors open. The cupboard reference sheet indicates that left represents a 90 degree clockwise turn. The right represents a 90 degree counterclockwise turn. The sheet also hints that these degrees can be added together. So Queen would result in a 270 degrees clockwise turn.
  • 5) The degree given by the cupboards indicates how you should turn the corresponding chair in the dining room. Lighting the Queen candle gives you a degree of 270 clockwise, so you should rotate the chair 270 degrees clockwise from its ORIGINAL POSITION. All chairs started out facing inwards. Apply this logic to the remaining chairs.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 991 Articles
I turned my love for games from a hobby into a job back in 2005, since then working on various gaming / entertainment websites. But in 2016 I finally created my first website about video games – Gameplay Tips. And exactly 4 years later, Game Cheat Codes was created – my second website dedicated to legal game cheats. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices.

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