Expert Tips
DO save often when trends hit their peak highs and lows so you can rewind any Backfired trades where you could have bought more if you waited or made more if you hadn’t.
DO NOT waste money on anything you don’t need at the EXACT MOMENT of usage. Early on, wear can cut into your profits if you get into the habit of over-purchasing and re-selling the unused items. It is a marginally small loss if you are making millions, but will hit like a brick with anything less.
DO Hire MANY Experts. I had 10 running constantly from the moment it became relevant when I had Expert Scouting unlocked. It may seem like a money sink at first, but just use the Hype tactics in combination with the Save/Reload on failed trades and you will have the first of 3 unlocks in no time. Think I had mine in about a year/half after I increased to 20 Experts.
Always trade the highest amount (Maximum Allotment) that you’re allowed to. Trading larger amounts gives you better returns. Only use small trades if you need to avoid going into debt. If you want a simple solution and don’t need the best possible profits, you can turn on the Auto-Sell and Pay Bills settings.
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