This guide contains a list of cheat codes for Commandos 3: Destination Berlin for PC. If you’ve discovered a cheat you’d like to add to the page, or have a correction, please comment.
How to Activate Cheats
During the game hold Ctrl and type SOYINCAPAZ or PYROFOREVER then use one of the cheat combinations below.
- Ctrl + I – God mode.
- Ctrl + V – Invisibility.
- Shift + X – Place commandos under pointer.
- Ctrl + – – Show the frame rate on-screen.
- Ctrl + Shift + N – Skip mission.
- Ctrl + Shift + X – Destroy all opponents.
Tips & Tricks
- You can climb to the top of poles to use wires with the Green Beret or Thief. Alternatively, you can shoot from the top of the pole with the sniper.
- You can hide behind open doors.
- You can throw objects through doorways and windows.
- You can climb out of a room through the window with the Green Beret or Thief.
- Vehicles will move faster if you keep the Shift key pressed.
- Always conserve ammo. This is pretty important as you have to pick ammo from enemy soldiers, which can be tough if they’re hard to get to.
- Quicksave OFTEN. You will be able to correct your mistakes and not have to restart the level just because you sounded the alarm due to a careless mistake. Just do this whenever you need to do something risky.
- To hit the dirt faster, press SPACEBAR and right-click immediately. Your Commando will slide to the ground. Same for standing up.
- Barrels are useful… especially in the first Normandy mission.
- Run only when necessary, as it attracts the attention of the enemy.
- If you need to set up ambushes, always position your men round corners. This gives you the element of surprise and the enemy won’t be able to see you.
- Try not to get shot. This is because your Commandos will automatically 1st aid kits, which is highly annoying.
- Metal boxes are always empty, so, don’t waste your time on them.
- Use the right weapon at the right time. Don’t waste a rifle bullet on a technician or an unarmed soldier. Make good use of the ammo given to you.
- When up against machine guns, don’t try to alarm the gunners. This is because they can swivel the guns pretty quickly and they hardly miss, unless you’re running.
- Always LOOK through windows and doors before you enter a room. It saves your arse from being blown off by a Nazi who just wanders in and spots you.
- Avoid standing in front of the bunkers in the “Storm the Beach” mission. Just because you don’t see a gunner doesn’t mean he isn’t there. So, watch yourself.
- Chokepoints are deadly if you get mobbed.
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